“Good Tourism” guest authors
The “Good Tourism” Blog’s publisher is grateful to the following good people (in alphabetical order) for contributing their “GT” Insights. (Click on their names to find their contributions. Their jobs/positions were correct at the time they last contributed.)
A big thanks also to those who have contributed much shorter “GT” Insight Bites. These good people are not listed below — for no other reason than the administration involved! — unless they have also contributed a full “GT” Insight.
Here are the “GT” Insight guidelines.
“GT” guest authors ABC | DEF | GHI | JKL | MNO | PQRS | TUV | WXYZ
- Ayşegül Acar — Research assistant at Karabük University, Turkey, and doctoral student at Istanbul University, Turkey
- Issoufou Adamou Hassane — Co-founder and President, Tourism and Local Development Niger (TOLD-Niger), Niger
- Adenike Adebayo — Senior Lecturer, Department of Tourism and Events, Liverpool John Moores University, UK
- Tom Allen — Campaign manager, Wilderness Society Tasmania, Australia
- Beth Allgood — Founder and President of OneNature, USA
- Gavin Anderson — Managing Director of Nomadic Skies Expeditions; Partner in The Stonehouses, Scotland
- Kumar Anubhav — Founder of NotOnMap, India
- Wolfgang Georg Arlt — CEO at COTRI China Outbound Tourism Research Institute, Hamburg, Germany; Director of the Meaningful Tourism Center
- Neha Arora — Founder of Planet Abled, India
- Sophie Auckram — Research assistant at Massey University, New Zealand
- Greg Bakunzi — Founder of Amahoro Tours, Red Rocks Rwanda, and the not-for-profit Red Rocks Initiative for Sustainable Development, Rwanda, including the Red Rocks Intercultural Center
- Thomas Bauer — Adjunct Professor, School of Tourism and Hospitality, The University of the South Pacific, Fiji; Polar expeditions guide, Albatros Expeditions; Advisory board member, WTACH
- Shane K Beary — CEO, Track of the Tiger TRD, Thailand; Founder & Senior Consultant, Volunteers Without Borders Foundation
- Susanne Becken — Professor of Sustainable Tourism at Griffith University, Australia; Principal Science Investment Advisor (Visitor) for New Zealand’s Department of Conservation; Vice Chancellor Research Fellow at the University of Surrey, UK
- Sonia Beckwith — Co-founder, Live Ningaloo and Ningaloo Reef Holiday Homes, Western Australia, Australia
- Loretta Bellato — PhD candidate at the Centre for Urban Transitions, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
- Saverio Francesco Bertolucci — Business Development Specialist at VDB Luxury Properties, Spain
- Rohan Bhalla — Senior Research Fellow and a PhD candidate at the Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India
- Raoul V Bianchi — Reader in Political Economy, Department of Economics, Policy and International Business, Future Economies Research Centre, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
- Robin Boustead — Senior technical advisor to the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) and creator of the Great Himalaya Trail, Nepal
- Eline Brutyn — Project Manager at Westtoer, Belgium
- Hollis Burbank-Hammarlund — Founder & Director of Work for Wild Life International, USA
- Jim Butcher — lecturer, writer of books, blogger at Politics of Tourism, tweeter at @jimbutcher2, UK
- Justine Calais — Responsible Tourism Collective of Goa, India
- Andrew Chan — Founder & CEO, ACI HR Solutions, Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore
- Carol Chaplin — President & CEO, Lake Tahoe Visitors Authority and Tahoe Douglas Visitors Authority, USA
- Grant Charlesworth — Director, Australian Luxury Escapes
- Delly Chatibura — Academic, researcher, and lecturer, UK
- Joseph M Cheer — Professor, Center for Tourism Research at Wakayama University, Japan
- Lieve Claessen — Co-founder of Elundini Backpackers, South Africa
- Stroma Cole — Reader in tourism at the University of Westminster, London, UK; Director at Equality in Tourism
- Rieki Crins — Founder of the Learning Exchange Foundation, Netherlands, and the Bongde Institute of Hospitality and Tourism, Bhutan
“GT” guest authors ABC | DEF | GHI | JKL | MNO | PQRS | TUV | WXYZ
- Hannah Dalton — BSc (Hons) Tourism Management graduate from Canterbury Christ Church University, UK
- Ivana Damnjanović — Sustainable and transformational travel expert, educator, researcher, & experience designer; co-owner, Tchardak Brewery, Serbia
- Adyasha Das — Associate Professor at the Indian Institute of Tourism & Travel Management, Bhubaneswar, India
- Ron Davidson — Cultural geographer at California State University, Northridge, USA
- Jonathon Day — Associate Professor at Purdue University, Indiana, USA
- Christian de Boer — Co-founder of Refill NOT Landfill and Managing Director of the Jaya House RiverPark in Siem Reap, Cambodia — “GT” Pod #2
- Dorji Dhradhul — Director-General of the Department of Tourism, Bhutan
- Frédéric Dimanche — Director of the Ted Rogers School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada
- Ceri Dingle — Director of WORLDwrite, UK
- Sébastien Duffillot — Founding partner of the Elephant Conservation Center, Laos; Co-founder of ElefantAsia; President of Des Elephants et Des Hommes
- Kristin Dunne — Tumuaki (chief executive) for Tāpoi Te Moananui ā Toi | Tourism Bay of Plenty, Aotearoa (New Zealand)
- Larry Dwyer — Visiting Research Professor, Business School, University of Technology, Sydney; Adjunct Professor, Griffith Institute for Tourism (GIFT), Griffith University, Australia; Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia; Elected Fellow, International Academy for the Study of Tourism; Appointed ambassador for Planet Happiness
- Susan Eardly — Founder of Serene Vacations, Sri Lanka
- Jack Eden — CEO of Eden Villas, Sri Lanka
- Bjørn Z Ekelund — Founder of Human Factors AS, Norway
- Krisztina Eleftheriou-Hocsak — PhD candidate, European University of Cyprus
- Megan Epler Wood — Managing Director, Sustainable Tourism Asset Management Program (STAMP), Center for Sustainable Global Enterprise at the SC Johnson College of Business, Cornell University; Founder, EplerWood International (EWI), USA
- Paul Eshoo — Sustainable tourism adviser; Co-founder of the Living Irrawaddy Dolphin Project, Myanmar
- Phoebe Everingham — Researcher, University of Newcastle, Australia; Faculty member, Newcastle Business School, Australia; sustainable tourism executive, Go Circular, Newcastle, Australia
- Robert Fletcher — Associate Professor, Sociology of Development and Change, Wageningen University, the Netherlands
- Chris Flynn — President & CEO of the World Tourism Association for Culture & Heritage (WTACH)
- Stefania Fren — Master’s student at SKEMA Business School, France
“GT” guest authors ABC | DEF | GHI | JKL | MNO | PQRS | TUV | WXYZ
- Francecsa Gallone — Programme manager at a travel company; Master’s student, Leeds Beckett University, UK
- David Gillbanks — Publisher of The “Good Tourism” Blog (this website); freelance writer & consultant
- Ronda J Green — Chair of Wildlife Tourism Australia; Adjunct research fellow at Griffith University’s Environmental Futures Research Institute; Co-owner of Araucaria Ecotours
- Chris Greenwood — Senior Insight Manager at VisitScotland
- Mario Hardy — CEO of the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA)
- Credo Boris Harera — Artist, and art teacher with Red Rocks Initiative for Sustainable Development, Rwanda
- Neville Hargreaves — Vice President of Waste to Fuel, Velocys, UK
- Sophie Hartman — Special Advisor – Training, Destination Mekong
- K Michael Haywood — Professor Emeritus, School of Hospitality, Food and Tourism, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada
- Herb Hiller — Writer, The Climate Traveler, USA
- Bronwyn Hutchison — Independent researcher
- Emma Raissa Isheja — Community Guide, Red Rocks Initiative for Sustainable Development, Rwanda
“GT” guest authors ABC | DEF | GHI | JKL | MNO | PQRS | TUV | WXYZ
- Ed Jackiewicz — Professor of Geography and Environmental Studies at California State University, Northridge, USA
- Erika Jacobson — Founder & CEO of Edgewalkers, Australia
- Tazim Jamal — Professor of Recreation, Park & Tourism Sciences at Texas A&M University, USA
- Ariane Janér — Sustainable business consultant and a founder of the Global Ecotourism Network
- David Jarratt — Senior Lecturer in Tourism Management, School of Business, The University of Central Lancashire (UCLan), UK
- Stephanie M Jones — Founder & CEO of the Cultural Heritage Economic Alliance (CHEA) and the National Blacks in Travel and Tourism Collaborative, USA
- Tejas Joseph — Associate Director of Responsible Tourism, Evolve Back Resorts, India
- Noel Josephides — Chairman, the Travel Foundation
- Delhi Kalwan — Co-ordination team member, Association of Southeast Asian Social Enterprises for Training in Hospitality & Catering (ASSET‑H&C)
- Lauren Kharouni — Manager at LightBlue Environmental Consulting
- Zohreh Khosravi — Content strategist, Iran
- Nia Klatte — Regional Sustainability Coordinator, Khiri Travel & Executive Director, Khiri Reach
- Tanner C Knorr — President, Second Look Worldwide & Founder, Off Season Adventures
- Erdogan Koc — Professor of Services Marketing and Management at Bahcesehir University, Istanbul, Turkey
- Stasja Koot — Assistant Professor, Sociology of Development and Change, Wageningen University, the Netherlands; and senior research fellow with the Department of Geography, Environmental Management & Energy Studies, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
- Jada Lindblom — Community and economic development field specialist for the University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension and adjunct instructor at New York University’s Jonathan M. Tisch Center of Hospitality
- Geoffrey Lipman — President of the International Coalition of Tourism Partners; Professor and “chief disruption architect” at GreenEarth.travel; and co-founder of the SUNx Program — “GT” Pod #1
- Johanna Loehr — Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Griffith Institute for Tourism, Queensland, Australia
- Anabel Lopez Perez — Wildlife Biologist, Elephant Conservation Center, Laos
- Kelley Louise — Executive director & founder of Impact Travel Alliance, USA
- Ben Lynam — Head of Communications at the Travel Foundation
- Keith Lyons — Award-winning writer from New Zealand
“GT” guest authors ABC | DEF | GHI | JKL | MNO | PQRS | TUV | WXYZ
- Edwin Magio — PhD Research Student, School of Events, Tourism, and Hospitality Management, Leeds Beckett University, UK
- Bronwen Maher — Consultant, ECPAT International; Communications advisor, Centre for Excellence in Child & Family Welfare, Melbourne, Australia
- Josie Major — Research & Development Intern, GOOD Travel, New Zealand
- Scott McCabe — Professor of Marketing, Birmingham Business School, UK; Professor of Marketing and Tourism, University of Eastern Finland; and Co-Editor in Chief, Annals of Tourism Research
- Kelley A McClinchey — Lecturer, Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada
- James McGregor — Chief Sustainability Innovator, Founder and CEO, Blue Tribe Company
- Eva Mossberg — Special Advisor to GLP Films; Strategic Partnership & Program Manager, RISE Travel Institute; and founder & CEO of Experiential Expeditions, USA
- Api Movono — Senior lecturer at Massey University, New Zealand
- Meghan L Muldoon — Assistant Professor, School of Community Resources & Development, Hainan University — Arizona State University Joint International Tourism College, China
- Thomas Müller — Founder of rainmaker.travel, Germany, Namibia, and South Africa
- Sheillah Munsabe — Network & Certifications Coordinator, Wildlife Friendly Enterprise Network (WFEN), Rwanda
- James Nadiope — Founder & CEO of Africa Sustainable Tourism Care Foundation & Founder of Justice Tourism Foundation
- A Lajwanti Naidu — Assistant Director for Capacity Building, Andhra Pradesh Tourism Authority, India
- Johanna Nalau — Research Fellow at Griffith University in Australia (Griffith Climate Change Response Program (GCCRP) and Griffith Institute for Tourism (GIFT))
- Alastair Naughton — Writer for the adventure and eco-luxury travel sector at Adventure Travel Copy, Scotland
- Nguyễn Thị Thu Thảo — Co-ordination team member, Association of Southeast Asian Social Enterprises for Training in Hospitality & Catering (ASSET‑H&C)
- Nico Nicholas — Co-founder & CEO, Trees4Travel
- Willem Niemeijer — Founder, Khiri Travel and Founder & CEO, YAANA Ventures
- Steve Noakes — Chair, Binna Burra Lodge, Australia; Founder, Pacific Asia Tourism; Chair, Ecolodges Indonesia
- Shamiso Nyajeka — Head of Department — Tourism Management, Kirirom Institute of Technology, Cambodia
- Doreen Nyamweya — Tourism Officer in Nyamira County, Kenya
- Tim O’Donoghue — Founder & Executive Director, Riverwind Foundation, managing organisation for the Jackson Hole & Yellowstone Sustainable Destination Program, Wyoming, USA; Principal, Riverwind LLC; Regional Coordinator, The Long Run
- Ricardo Oliveira — Co-owner & philosopher-in-chief, We Hate Tourism Tours, Lisbon & Porto, Portugal
- Shola Osinaike — Principal lecturer, and Director of Tourism, Hospitality, and Events at Canterbury Christ Church University, UK
“GT” guest authors ABC | DEF | GHI | JKL | MNO | PQRS | TUV | WXYZ
- Aadyaa Pandey — Impact & Sustainability Manager, Royal Mountain Travel, Nepal
- Raki Phillips — CEO, Ras Al Khaimah Tourism Development Authority
- Kevin Phun — Founder & Director at The Centre for Responsible Tourism Singapore
- Katherine Polak — Head of Stray Animal Care, FOUR PAWS International
- Richard Powazynski — Masters student in the International Tourism Management programme at the Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences, Germany; Co-founder of Woodies NFT
- Robert Powell — Co-founder & Communications Manager, Tourism in Need
- Pankaj Pradhananga — Director, Four Season Travel & Tours, Nepal
- Aayusha Prasain — CEO, Community Homestay Network, Nepal
- Stephen Pratt — Professor and Deputy Head, School of Business & Management, University of the South Pacific, Fiji
- Ricardo Nicolas Progano — Lecturer, Center for Tourism Research, Wakayama University, Japan
- Marco Ramazzotti — Master’s candidate (global tourism development) at Aalborg University, Denmark
- Anna Richardot — Graduate student in Events and Tourism at SKEMA Business School, France
- Peter Richards — Sustainable tourism specialist; Project Manager at EU-funded SWITCH-Asia TOURLINK project
- John Roberts — Group Director of Sustainability & Conservation at Minor Hotels, including Anantara Golden Triangle Elephant Camp & Resort; Director of Elephants at Golden Triangle Asian Elephant Foundation; member of the IUCN SSC Asian Elephant Specialist Group; and co-Chair of the Asian Captive Elephant Working Group
- Paul Rogers — Co-Founder & Director, Planet Happiness
- Bernie Rosenbloom — Co-Founder, WeAreLao, Laos
- Malcolm Roughead — Chief Executive, VisitScotland
- Daniel Rye — Senior Manager of Business Development at Canopy Power; Founder of Rynergy
- Yesaya Sandang — Lecturer at the Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies at Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Indonesia
- Sudipta K Sarkar — Senior lecturer in tourism management at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK
- Regina Scheyvens — Professor of Development Studies at Massey University, New Zealand
- Olaf Schlieper — Innovations Manager at German National Tourist Board
- Angelo Sciacca — Sustainable tourism consultant; Research Fellow in Circular Entrepreneurship at the University of Greenwich, England; PhD candidate at Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland
- Ken Scott — Founder, ScottAsia Communications, Thailand & UK; Co-founder, Worldwide Travel Alliance
- Noel Scott — Professor at Griffith University and Deputy Director of the Griffith Institute of Tourism, Australia — “The keys to managing growth and sustainable tourism governance” (Interview)
- Peter Semone — Chair of the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA); Team Leader, Strategist and Institutional Specialist at the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
- Nirmal Jivan Shah — Chief Executive, Nature Seychelles
- Richard Shepard — Founder, Trustee and Advisor to Sustainable Rural Development International
- Rachel Sherwood — Blogger at Low Season Go Season, England, and founder of Operation Recuperation, a COVID-19-related charity benefiting healthcare workers
- S Fatemeh Mostafavi Shirazi — Visiting scholar, Iran
- Karen Simmonds — Founder, Travel Matters, UK
- Duncan M Simpson — Writer at Simply Hostels and Light travels, UK
- Melanie Kay Smith — Researcher and consultant; Associate Professor and Programme Leader for BSc and MSc in Tourism Management at Budapest Metropolitan University, Hungary
- Peter Smith — Senior Lecturer in Tourism Management at the University of West London, UK
- Elisa Spampinato — Travel writer and community storyteller; Founder & CEO at TravellerStoryteller.com
- Jodie Spencer — Intern at ECPAT International
- Hayley Stainton — Tourism academic; travel writer; and founder, owner, and CEO of Tourism Teacher
- Dominic Standish — Author of Venice in Environmental Peril? Myth and Reality, Italy; Lecturer at University of Iowa, USA
- James Sutherland — International Communications Coordinator at Friends-International
“GT” guest authors ABC | DEF | GHI | JKL | MNO | PQRS | TUV | WXYZ
- Sonia Teruel — Founder of The RegenLab for Travel, Spain
- Karen Thomas — Lecturer and Director of the Tourism and Events Hub at Canterbury Christ Church University, England
- Ani Thompson — Regional Manager Rarotonga (Pacific Resort Rarotonga, Te Manava Luxury Villas & Spa, and Little Polynesian Resort) for Pacific Resort Hotel Group, Cook Islands
- Daniel Turner — Co-founder and director of ANIMONDIAL, UK
- Lauren Uğur — Professor for International Tourism Management, Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences, Germany; consultant and coach
- Helen Usher — Director of ANIMONDIAL, UK
- Vilhelmiina Vainikka — Post-doctoral research fellow, Tampere University, Finland
- Bert van Walbeek — Founder of The Winning Edge; consultant, author, and lecturer
- Marlène Vermeij — Co-ordination team member, Association of Southeast Asian Social Enterprises for Training in Hospitality & Catering (ASSET‑H&C)
- Vandana Vijay — CEO and Founder of Offbeat Tracks, India
- Bernardo M Villegas — Professor and Senior VP at the University of Asia and the Pacific (UA&P); Research Director of the Center for Research and Communication; and Visiting Professor at IESE
- Ameer Virani — Co-founder & Partnerships Manager, Tourism in Need
- Lucien von Schomberg — Lecturer in Creativity & Innovation at the University of Greenwich, UK
- Võ Thị Quế Chi — Co-ordination team member, Association of Southeast Asian Social Enterprises for Training in Hospitality & Catering (ASSET‑H&C)
“GT” guest authors ABC | DEF | GHI | JKL | MNO | PQRS | TUV | WXYZ
- Gabby Walters — Associate Professor in Tourism and Deputy Associate Dean (Researcher Development), The University of Queensland
- David Ward-Perkins — Senior Content Editor for CABI’s Tourism Cases; Senior Associate of TEAM Tourism Consulting
- Yana Wengel — Associate Professor, Hainan University — Arizona State University Joint International Tourism College, China
- Lucija Wićaz — Master’s student at Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany
- John Morris Williams — Laos-based hospitality industry professional; co-founder of travel portal WeAreLao
- Jaffee Yee — Independent art, media, and travel consultant based in Thailand
- Ian Yeoman — Tourism futurist, book author, journal editor, professor, Sunderland AFC fan
- Lourdes Zamanillo Tamborrel — PhD candidate with a Master of International Sustainable Tourism Management from Monash University
If you too would like to share your insights, experiences, and thoughts about what’s “good” in tourism (or how to mitigate the “bad”), The “Good Tourism” Blog invites you to contribute as a guest author. This is an ongoing, open invitation to sincere travel & tourism stakeholders who would like to share.