Join the “Good Tourism” community

December 20, 2021

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User registration for comments / newsletter subscription

You may be at this page if you want to access the com­ments sec­tion of a post. “GT” requires regis­tra­tion and sign in to make com­ment, read com­ments, and reply to com­ments. This is to cre­ate a ‘safe space’ for diverse opin­ions and good-faith debate.

Altern­at­ively, you may be here to sub­scribe to the “GT” news­let­ter. User regis­tra­tion on this web­site and news­let­ter sub­scrip­tion are one and the same. 

Help fight unfair auto­mated fil­ter­ing. Check your spam box in case your “GT” wel­come email ended up there. Make sure to tell your email ser­vice pro­viders that THAT was a grave mistake.

If ever you for­get your pass­word when you want to sign in, you will find a for­got­ten pass­word link just below the “Sign in” but­ton. You’ll be asked for the email address you registered with.

If you can read this para­graph, con­grat­u­la­tions. You have prob­ably suc­cess­fully registered, signed in, and sub­scribed to the news­let­ter. Now go back to that news or events post and refresh it to access the com­ments section.

Oh, the places you’ll go