Dorji Dhradhul

Dorji Dhradhul

Dorji Dhradhul

Dorji Dhradhul is the Dir­ect­or-Gen­er­al of the Depart­ment of Tour­ism, Bhutan and has served in that role since Janu­ary 2019.

Before lead­ing the Depart­ment, Dorji served as Dzong­da (Gov­ernor) of Gasa dis­trict for almost four years. He also worked in vari­ous capa­cit­ies in the fields of agri­cul­ture research, policy, and devel­op­ment, includ­ing as the found­ing Dir­ect­or of Bhutan’s Depart­ment of Agri­cul­ture Mar­ket­ing and the found­ing Regis­trar of Cooperatives.

Dorji has pub­lished a num­ber of art­icles on sub­jects of con­tem­por­ary rel­ev­ance in Bhutan’s news­pa­pers. And he has writ­ten a nov­el entitled Escapades: Awaken­ings.

High value, low volume tourism: Is Bhutan’s old normal the world’s new normal?

April 6, 2021
One Comment

Bhutanese boys in traditional attire. Image (c) Dorji Dhradhul.

While some places adopt Bhutan’s Gross Nation­al Hap­pi­ness, the King­dom’s tour­ism offi­cials would be happy for the world to emu­late its ‘high value, low volume’ tour­ism policy too. Dorji Dhradhul, dir­ect­or-gen­er­­al of the Tour­ism Coun­cil of Bhutan, dis­cusses it in this “Good Tour­ism” Insight. Lead­er­ship is all about decid­ing what to do and then doing […]

Read More High value, low volume tourism: Is Bhutan’s old normal the world’s new normal?