Vandana Vijay

Vandana Vijay on Himalayan tourism, sustainable community-based ecotourism

Vandana Vijay

Vandana Vijay is the Founder & CEO of Off­beat Tracks, India.

While volun­teer­ing in 2014, the micro­bi­o­lo­gist and then Face­book employ­ee real­ised that she loved work­ing with rur­al communities.

“I decided to start on a ven­ture of my own that com­bined travel with a pos­it­ive impact on rur­al lives.”

Vandana has also writ­ten for The “GT” Travel Blog.

Going off track to find the right path for Himalayan tourism

October 31, 2017

ladakhi women

Vandana Vijay’s Off­beat Tracks launched in 2016 to spread the concept of exper­i­en­tial travel and sus­tain­able com­munity-based eco­tour­ism in India, espe­cially among rur­al com­munit­ies in the Him­alay­as. In this “Good Tour­ism” Insight, Ms Vijay offers examples of how she trans­lates her travel & tour­ism philo­sophy into action. UPDATE, June 2021: Promp­ted by “GT”, Ms Vijay […]

Read More Going off track to find the right path for Himalayan tourism