Sophie Hartman

Sophie Hartman

Soph­ie Hartman

Soph­ie Hart­man is Spe­cial Advisor – Train­ing at Des­tin­a­tion Mekong.

She was pre­vi­ously a mem­ber of the co-ordin­a­tion team for the Asso­ci­ation of South­east Asi­an Social Enter­prises for Train­ing in Hos­pit­al­ity & Cater­ing (ASSET‑H&C), a region­al net­work of voca­tion­al train­ing centres that pro­mote the social and eco­nom­ic inclu­sion of vul­ner­able people in South­east Asia.

Soph­ie has also writ­ten for The “GT” Travel Blog.

Stronger together: Tourism training partnerships help prevent child exploitation

Stronger together preventing sectt sexual exploitation of travel and tourism through training

The sexu­al exploit­a­tion of chil­dren by those who use the ser­vices of the travel & tour­ism industry is a dif­fi­cult sub­ject to acknow­ledge let alone dis­cuss. This is why ECPAT Inter­na­tion­al, The Code, and ASSET‑H&C have partnered to give train­ers and edu­cat­ors use­ful tools to help pre­pare stu­dents to look out for and report signs […]

Read More Stronger together: Tourism training partnerships help prevent child exploitation

55 ways tourism can be friendlier to the environment: An ‘Eco-Guide’

Picture collage of students at ASSET-H&C member institutions

“Good Tour­ism” Insight Part­ner ASSET‑H&C has pub­lished the free Eco-Guide for Hos­pit­al­ity Busi­nesses and Schools, which lays out 55 tips for redu­cing tour­is­m’s neg­at­ive effects on the envir­on­ment. Soph­ie Hart­man, Nguyễn Thị Thu Thảo, and Võ Thị Quế Chi describe the why, the how, and a few of the what in this “GT” Insight.  [Scroll […]

Read More 55 ways tourism can be friendlier to the environment: An ‘Eco-Guide’

How can vocational education contribute to women’s empowerment in hospitality & tourism?

At EGBOK, the students, both men and women, undergo comprehensive classes on women’s empowerment and gender equality, going into various social and gender issues such as marriage, love, relationships, child rearing and financial matters. Image (c) 2017 Chris RJ Anderson Photography. Supplied by ASSET‑H&C.

Every­one work­ing in travel & tour­ism and the hos­pit­al­ity sec­tor should be appro­pri­ately val­ued, paid, and recog­nised. With fresh research in hand, Soph­ie Hart­man, Nguyễn Thị Thu Thảo, and Võ Thị Quế Chi from the Asso­ci­ation of South­east Asi­an Social Enter­prises for Train­ing in Hos­pit­al­ity & Cater­ing (ASSET‑H&C) explain how voca­tion­al edu­ca­tion and train­ing can […]

Read More How can vocational education contribute to women’s empowerment in hospitality & tourism?