Johanna Nalau

Dr Johanna Nalau

Dr Johanna Nalau

Johanna Nalau is a Research Fel­low at Grif­fith Uni­ver­sity in Aus­tralia (Grif­fith Cli­mate Change Response Pro­gram (GCCRP) and Grif­fith Insti­tute for Tour­ism (GIFT)).

Dr Nalau is pas­sion­ate about broad­en­ing our under­stand­ing of how people make decisions about cli­mate change adapt­a­tion and what inform­a­tion is most effect­ive in that process.

And now for the weather: info-seeking & climate change adaptation in Pacific tourism

August 7, 2017

Climate change adaptation is increasingly important, especially in the Pacific

Cli­mate change adapt­a­tion is increas­ingly talked about in the travel & tour­ism trade media as vital to the sus­tain­ab­il­ity of the sec­tor, espe­cially in regions sus­cept­ible to extreme weath­er events and the worst-case scen­ari­os of sea level rise, such as Pacific Island nations. In this “GT” Insight, Dr Johanna Nalau, Research Fel­low at the Griffith […]

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