Issoufou Adamou Hassane

Issoufou Adamou Hassane

Issoufou Adamou Hassane

Issoufou Adamou Has­sane is co-founder and Pres­id­ent of Tour­ism and Loc­al Devel­op­ment Niger (TOLD-Niger).

TOLD’s mis­sion is to alle­vi­ate poverty through the cre­ation of jobs and income-gen­er­at­ing activ­it­ies. TOLD-Niger inter­venes in five main areas: tour­ism, cul­ture, envir­on­ment, food sov­er­eignty, and pro­fes­sion­al training.

In addi­tion to his role as Pres­id­ent of TOLD-Niger, Mr Adamou Has­sane works as a tech­nic­al assist­ant volun­teer at the Niger Tour­ism Pro­mo­tion Agency (APTN) where, among oth­er achieve­ments, he eval­u­ated the tour­ist mar­ket in Niger on behalf of the Niger Her­it­age project.

Standing up for development, growth, natural & cultural heritage in Niger tourism

November 1, 2022

What's happening in Niger tourism?

Recog­nising the enorm­ous poten­tial and chal­lenges of Niger tour­ism, Issoufou Adamou Has­sane leads a NGO that he says is “lay­ing the found­a­tion” for tour­is­m’s reviv­al in the west Afric­an nation.  But they need resources and part­ners. “Good Tour­ism” Insight Part­ner the World Tour­ism Asso­ci­ation for Cul­ture & Her­it­age (WTACH) invited Mr Adamou Has­sane to contribute […]

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