Jaffee Yee

Jaffee Yee

Jaf­fee Yee

Jaf­fee Yee is an award-win­ning pub­lish­er and edit­or who has had a suc­cess­ful career span­ning more than 40 years work­ing with McGraw-Hill Book Com­pany and CBS Inter­na­tion­al Pub­lish­ing, New York, and later with com­pan­ies he foun­ded, includ­ing Myer Pub­lish­ing Lim­ited Hong Kong and Know­ledge Media Group Thailand.

In addi­tion to numer­ous pub­lic­a­tions, Mr Yee was Edit­or-in-Chief of Asi­an Jew­elry, Asia’s first jew­elry trade magazine launched in 1983, and Asi­an Lib­rar­ies, a schol­arly journ­al for Asia’s lib­rary and inform­a­tion pro­fes­sion­als launched in 1991.

Jaf­fee also edited The Mekong River: from Source to Sea, a map pub­lished by Odys­sey Hong Kong in 2011, fol­lowed by two oth­er con­sumer and busi­ness magazines, NiHao 你好 in 2013 and Mekong Busi­ness & Travel 湄公商旅 in 2014, as well as the cof­fee table book The BEST of MYANMAR in 2017.

Cur­rently an inde­pend­ent art, media, and travel con­sult­ant based in Chi­ang Rai, Thai­l­and, Jaf­fee serves as chair of PATA Chi­ang Rai Chapter, and as a mem­ber of the Mekong Tour­ism Advis­ory Group. He is also instru­ment­al in organ­ising an Inter­na­tion­al Buddhist Tour­ism Con­fer­ence (IBTC) to be held in Chi­ang Rai.

Buddhist travel & tourism trails offer post-pandemic potential in Mekong

August 2, 2022

Almsgiving in Luang Prabang, Laos. By Daniel Marchal (CC0) via Unsplash. https://unsplash.com/photos/f2d6hc6gVco

Not­ing that themed travel & tour­ism niches have been a grow­ing trend for at least two dec­ades, vet­er­an pub­lish­er Jaf­fee Yee has iden­ti­fied the poten­tial for the Mekong-region nations of South­east Asia to tap their rich Buddhist her­it­age to attract and dis­perse a large region­al and glob­al mar­ket.  Twenty years ago, to explain why he […]

Read More Buddhist travel & tourism trails offer post-pandemic potential in Mekong