Good news in travel & tourism August-September 2023

September 30, 2023

Share 'Good news in travel & tourism August-September 2023' as you would a Rwandan feast
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This ‘Good news in travel & tour­ism’ wraps up two months of “Good Tour­ism” & “GT” Travel news, insights, and experiences.

Share it as you would a Rwandan feast.

It’s “GT”. And go! 

“Good Tourism” doesn’t judge. “GT” publishes.

Did you ever want to write a thought­ful piece about the state of the tour­ism industry; how we got here; how we can make it bet­ter (or avoid the worst)?

Has a lack of con­fid­ence in your writ­ing held you back? Well, please don’t let it. Your cor­res­pond­ent is here to help you. 

If you sub­mit a draft that com­plies with the simple “GT” Insight guidelines, I will per­son­ally copy edit your work and ensure that you are happy with it before I click ‘Pub­lish’.

It’s part of “GT’s” mis­sion to offer a plat­form for truly diverse perspectives: 

  • From estab­lished opin­ion lead­ers in aca­demia and industry, to young people with the gump­tion to express themselves; 
  • From elite glob­al organ­isa­tions, to the most mod­est of micro busi­nesses (like “GT”);
  • From the world’s ‘WEIRD’ (west­ern, edu­cated, indus­tri­al­ised, rich, and demo­crat­ic) nations to the ‘LDCs’ (least developed coun­tries) in the “Glob­al South”;
  • (From those who adore acronyms and cat­egor­ies, to those who des­pise them ;-))
  • From the centre and from the margins.

Just as “Good Tour­ism” nev­er defines ‘good tour­ism’, “GT” will nev­er judge any­one who would, in good faith, share their insights, ideas, expert­ise, exper­i­ence, and wisdom.

No, “GT” does­n’t judge. “GT” publishes.

Join the “GT” net­work. Con­tact “GT” »

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“GT” Insights: Informed perspectives on the industry

The “Good Tour­ism” Blog pub­lishes informed opin­ions on the issues facing the travel & tour­ism industry, everyone’s busi­ness. “GT” Insights are diverse per­spect­ives writ­ten by, for, and about our sec­tor. Here are the most recent:

Who can be a successful leader of an effective tourism association in 2023?

Lead­er­ship has nev­er been more chal­len­ging, accord­ing to K Michael Hay­wood.  Who can respond to mul­tiple (real and ima­gined) crises, bal­ance com­pet­ing stake­hold­er demands with­in a coher­ent vis­ion, and main­tain one’s own men­tal health while attend­ing to the feel­ings of others?

Who can be a suc­cess­ful lead­er of a highly effect­ive tour­ism asso­ci­ation in 2023?

What makes a successful leader of a highly effective tourism association in 2023? Smiley and frownies by Magic Creative (CC0) via Pixabay.
Smi­ley and frownies by Magic Cre­at­ive (CC0) via Pixabay.

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Indigenous tourism’s interest-action disparity reflects ‘say-do gap’

Indi­gen­ous tour­ism has enorm­ous poten­tial as trav­el­lers’ expect­a­tions evolve, accord­ing to Alastair Naughton. Per­haps the biggest chal­lenge now is turn­ing interest in indi­gen­ous tour­ism exper­i­ences into invest­ment and bookings.

Indi­gen­ous tourism’s interest-action dis­par­ity

Indigenous tourism’s interest-action disparity reflects sustainable tourism’s ‘say-do gap’. Image by Scott Umstattd (CC0) via Unsplash.
Woman walk­ing by a crum­bling wall in Anti­gua, Guatem­ala by Scott Umstattd (CC0) via Unsplash.

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Purposeful travel by design: Can tourism lead the way to a sustainable future?

Aay­usha Pra­sain lays out her vis­ion for pur­pose­ful travel and why the tour­ism industry should lead by example. It’s a “Good Tour­ism” Insight.

Pur­pose­ful travel by design: Can tour­ism lead the way to a sus­tain­able future?

Promoting travel with purpose: How the tourism industry can shape a sustainable future. A welcome at Barauli Community Homestay.
A wel­come at Barauli Com­munity Homestay. Image sup­plied by Com­munity Homestay Net­work.

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Heart, energy, force for good: Tourism and sustainable development in Rwanda

Emma Raissa Isheja is not only pas­sion­ate about her Nyak­i­n­ama vil­lage com­munity but is also keen to har­ness the heart and energy of its women and young people to advance sus­tain­able devel­op­ment in Rwanda. The volun­teer, tour guide, and elec­tric­al engin­eer­ing gradu­ate is a believ­er in tourism’s poten­tial to be a force for good.

Heart, energy, force for good: Tour­ism and sus­tain­able devel­op­ment in Rwanda

Heart, energy, force for good: Tourism and sustainable development in Rwanda. Pic by David Gillbanks
Dan­cers, sing­ers, and drum­mers from a loc­al women’s cooper­at­ive wel­come vis­it­ors to the Red Rocks Cul­tur­al Cen­ter in Nyak­i­n­ama vil­lage, Rwanda. Pic by Dav­id Gillbanks.

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Can tackling tourism income leakage unlock a more sustainable future?

‘Profit’, the much-maligned ‘P’ of sus­tain­ab­il­ity, is a strong incent­ive for people to save and invest for the future; seek out and con­serve what is of value; and rein­vest. Hoteli­er and entre­pren­eur Thomas Müller argues that tak­ing a close look at tour­ism income leak­age may prove … well, prof­it­able … wherever our industry is most problematic. 

Can tack­ling tour­ism income leak­age unlock a more sus­tain­able future?

Can tackling tourism income leakage unlock a more sustainable future for tourism? Image by Steve Buissinne (CC0) via Pixabay.
Image by Steve Buissinne (CC0) via Pixabay.

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Is gorilla-friendly conservation compatible with local communities and tourism?

It can be dif­fi­cult to find a bal­ance between spe­cies con­ser­va­tion and the needs and aspir­a­tions of our own spe­cies.  In this “Good Tour­ism” Insight, Sheil­lah Mun­sabe describes a gor­illa-friendly mod­el for con­ser­va­tion, respons­ible tour­ism, and improved com­munity livelihoods.

Is gor­illa-friendly con­ser­va­tion com­pat­ible with loc­al com­munit­ies and tour­ism?

Gorilla-friendly policy and practice played a part in the arrival of 'Jijuka' ('enlightenment'), who was named during Rwanda's 19th Kwita Izina in 2023 by Sol Campbell.
Meet Jijuka, a baby gor­illa named dur­ing Rwanda’s 19th Kwita Izina in 2023. Jijuka means ‘enlight­en­ment’. Find more pics of the baby gor­il­las named at the 19th Kwita Izina.

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Was this the European summer of terrible tourists? Give us a break, media!

“Hordes” and “swarms” of tour­ists “forced through a well-oiled fun­nel” to “crawl” through our cher­ished spaces, releg­at­ing them to “back­drops” for selfies. Is this the scape­goat­ing pro­pa­ganda of a para­noid author­it­ari­an state? No, it’s just media por­tray­als of ter­rible tour­ists. It’s a “GT” Insight by Jim Butcher.

Was this the European sum­mer of ter­rible tour­ists? Give us a break, media!

Was this the European summer of terrible tourists? Give us a break! Surrealist representation of a terrible tourist by DALL-E.
Sur­real­ist rep­res­ent­a­tion of a ter­rible tour­ist by DALL‑E 2.

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From creative child to professional artist: How travel & tourism changed my life

Travel in his nat­ive Rwanda is a source of artist­ic inspir­a­tion. Encoun­ters with tour­ists and teach­ing chil­dren are fuel for motiv­a­tion. It’s a “Good Tour­ism” Insight by pas­sion­ate paint­er Credo Bor­is Harera.

From cre­at­ive child to pro­fes­sion­al artist: How travel & tour­ism changed my life

From creative child to professional artist: How travel & tourism changed my life. Credo Boris Harera pic by David Gillbanks
Credo Bor­is Harera. Pic by Dav­id Gillbanks.

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“GT” Insight Bites: Diverse perspectives on important topics

A “GT” Insight Bites post is either a col­lec­tion of short opin­ion pieces that travel & tour­ism stake­hold­ers are wel­come to sub­mit at any time, or a com­pil­a­tion of short responses to an identic­al set of pro­pos­i­tions and/or ques­tions. Here are the most recent “GT” Insight Bites:

Hey, travel & tourism, are you ‘neocolonialist’?

Do your travel & tour­ism oper­a­tions or aca­dem­ic pur­suits con­trib­ute to a “con­tinu­ation or reim­pos­i­tion of imper­i­al­ist rule”? Are they part of your nation’s efforts to influ­ence a less developed land and exploit its resources? As a travel & tour­ism stake­hold­er, are you, as some would say, a neo­co­lo­ni­al­ist? Discuss. 

Hey, travel & tour­ism, are you ‘neo­co­lo­ni­al­ist’?

Tourism and neocolonialism. A surrealist representation of tourism as a neocolonialist enterprise by DALL-E-2
AI-gen­er­ated “sur­real­ist rep­res­ent­a­tion of tour­ism as a neo­co­lo­ni­al­ist enter­prise” by DALL‑E‑2.

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On tourism technology, progress, and local benefit-sharing

Write no more than 300 words on a travel & tour­ism top­ic that is import­ant to you. This is an open invit­a­tion to travel & tour­ism stake­hold­ers to con­trib­ute a “GT” Insight Bite. Simply con­tact “GT”.

On tour­ism tech­no­logy, pro­gress, and loc­al bene­fit-shar­ing

“GT” Insight Bites: On tourism technology, progress, and local benefit-sharing. Maasai warriors image by David Mark from Pixabay.
Maa­sai war­ri­ors by Dav­id Mark (CC0) via Pixabay.

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“GT” Travel Experiences: Informed inspiration for travellers

The “Good Tour­ism” Blog’s young sib­ling The “GT” Travel Blog pub­lishes informed inspir­a­tion and top tips for trav­el­lers from tour­ism insiders. Here are the most recent:

Postcards from Rwanda

At the invit­a­tion of Red Rocks Rwanda and Red Rocks Ini­ti­at­ive for Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment (“GT” Part­ners) and the Rwanda Devel­op­ment Board (RDB), your cor­res­pond­ent trav­elled to Rwanda; mainly to invite fresh per­spect­ives on tour­ism for The “Good Tour­ism” Blog — for “GT” Insights like Emma Raissa’s, Sheil­lah Mun­sabe’s, and Credo Bor­is’s above — and to write the occa­sion­al ‘post­card’ for “GT” Travel. 

Here are three (oth­ers may have been delayed in the mail 😉 ):

Postcard from Rwanda: First impressions

Postcard from Rwanda: A banana beer moment

Postcard from Rwanda: Ubumuntu

postcard from Rwanda ubumuntu

Share a “GT” Travel Experience or “GT” Travel Postcard

Are you a ‘tour­ism insider’ keen to share some of the exper­i­ences that got you inter­ested and keep you inter­ested in the travel & tour­ism industry?

Travel with "Good Tourism" and the "GT" Travel Blog for informed inspiration for travellers from tourism insiders.

Have you ever wanted to write a travel blog about a form­at­ive, mem­or­able, or recent inspir­ing travel exper­i­ence … and have it published?

You are invited to share your travel pas­sion with dis­cern­ing trav­el­lers, and join a list of oth­er dis­tin­guished “GT” Friends who have done just that.

It could be a “GT” Travel Exper­i­ence (500 – 1,000 words) or a “GT” Travel Post­card (your favour­ite photo from a trip accom­pan­ied by an exten­ded cap­tion of up to 300 words).

It does­n’t mat­ter if you think you can­’t write. I will per­son­ally copy-edit your draft and ensure that you are happy with it before I hit the ‘pub­lish’ button.

It’s all part of the “GT” Travel Exper­i­ence.

Join the “GT” net­workCon­tact “GT” »

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Good news from friends

Good news in travel & tour­ism from the won­der­ful organ­isa­tions that make “GT” pos­sible. Here is some of what happened recently in the “Good Tour­ism” network:

TPCC engages travel & tourism research community in open discussion on climate change, in preparation for first ‘Stocktake’

The inde­pend­ent, sci­ence-based Tour­ism Pan­el on Cli­mate Change (TPCC) had its first pub­lic open dis­cus­sion with more than 350 travel & tour­ism aca­dem­ic research­ers on July 6, the second day of the Sur­rey 2023 Con­fer­ence, “Back For Good”.

TPCC engages travel & tour­ism research com­munity in open dis­cus­sion on cli­mate change, in pre­par­a­tion for first ‘Stock­take’

TPCC tourism and climate change at Surrey 2023
L‑R Pro­fess­or Daniel Scott, Pro­fess­or Geof­frey Lip­man, Dr Debbie Hop­kins, Dr Johanna Loehr, Pro­fess­or Xavi­er Font

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Learn Rwandan cuisine at Red Rocks Cultural Campsite

If you’re a travel agent look­ing for a unique des­tin­a­tion to recom­mend to your cli­ents, or a tour oper­at­or search­ing for a new part­ner in Africa, con­sider Red Rocks Cul­tur­al Camp­site in Musan­ze, Rwanda.

Learn Rwandan cuisine at Red Rocks Cul­tur­al Camp­site

Learn Rwandan cuisine at Red Rocks Cultural Campsite

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50 full scholarships for Climate Friendly Travel Diploma

Are you a gradu­ate in travel & tour­ism who is flu­ent in Eng­lish? Are you from one of the 39 SIDS (Small Island Devel­op­ing States)? SUNx Malta is offer­ing 50 full schol­ar­ships for the 2023 intake of its two-year online Cli­mate Friendly Travel (CFT) Dip­loma. [This news was ori­gin­ally pub­lished August 18: The dead­line will have passed by now.]

50 full schol­ar­ships for Cli­mate Friendly Travel Dip­loma

Climate Friendly Travel Diploma: 50 full scholarships for students in SIDS and other developing states

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Rwanda names baby mountain gorillas, celebrates conservation & ecotourism

The world has met in Kinigi, Musan­ze at the foot­hills of Rwanda’s Vol­ca­noes Nation­al Park to name 23 baby moun­tain gor­il­las in a glob­al cel­eb­ra­tion of con­ser­va­tion and com­munity-led efforts to pro­tect their habitat. 

Rwanda names baby moun­tain gor­il­las, cel­eb­rates con­ser­va­tion & eco­tour­ism

19th Kwita Izina gorilla naming ceremony in Rwanda - Meet Mukundwa, Teta's son
Meet Mukund­wa, Teta’s son, who was named dur­ing Rwanda’s 19th Kwita Izina. Mukund­wa means ‘favoured’. Find more pics of the baby gor­il­las named at the 19th Kwita Izina.

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Emotions, storytelling, AI, & tech dominate culture & heritage tourism summit

Emo­tion­al con­nec­tion, empathy, and nar­rat­ive storytelling in an AI age of declin­ing atten­tion spans dom­in­ated debate at the inaug­ur­al Glob­al Lead­ers Sum­mit of the World Tour­ism Asso­ci­ation for Cul­ture and Her­it­age (WTACH).

Emo­tions, storytelling, AI, & tech dom­in­ate cul­ture & her­it­age tour­ism sum­mit

Culture and heritage tourism discussed at WTACH Global Leaders Summit in Valencia, Spain

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SUNx Malta launches 50 Climate Friendly Travel Chapters in world’s LDCs

Malta’s Min­is­ter for Tour­ism Hon. Clayton Bar­to­lo MP (pic­tured), Malta Tour­ism Author­ity (MTA) CEO Carlo Mic­allef, and Malta Tour­ism Obser­vat­ory MD Leslie Vella have launched 50 SUNx Chapters in the world’s least developed coun­tries (LDCs).

SUNx Malta launches 50 Cli­mate Friendly Travel Chapters in world’s LDCs

SUNx Malta launches 50 Climate Friendly Travel Chapters in world’s LDCs

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EXO Foundation’s first Sustainability Awards support tourism projects in Asia

The EXO Found­a­tion, a non-profit organ­isa­tion sup­port­ing sus­tain­able tour­ism ini­ti­at­ives, held its first Sus­tain­ab­il­ity Awards cere­mony yes­ter­day (Septem­ber 28) on Zoom. Prizes totalling US$40,000 in value were awar­ded to win­ners and runners-up.

EXO Foundation’s first Sus­tain­ab­il­ity Awards sup­port tour­ism pro­jects in Asia

EXO Foundation Sustainability Awards 2923

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Partner news tidbits

News tid­bits from “GT” Part­ners that appeared in recent edi­tions of the “GT” news­let­ter.

CABI’s calls for content 

“GT” Part­ner CABI’s Tour­ism Cases is seek­ing sub­mis­sions that “high­light both the uni­ver­sal and par­tic­u­lar char­ac­ter of tour­ism devel­op­ment in Cent­ral and East­ern Europe”. The dead­line is Octo­ber 25, 2023. More inform­a­tion for authors. (Vis­it Tour­ism Cases to browse the latest case stud­ies and sign up for free alerts.)

CABI logo

CABI is also seek­ing case stud­ies on “Small Islands Devel­op­ing States (SIDS) – Tour­ism in the past, cur­rent, and future”. The aim of this spe­cial edi­tion of Tour­ism Cases is to allow research­ers and prac­ti­tion­ers to explore unique issues per­tain­ing to tour­ism in SIDS. Expres­sions of interest by Octo­ber 15. More inform­a­tion for authors.

The “GT” Part­ner also seeks chapters for Inter­spe­cies rela­tions in tour­ism, leis­ure and sport: per­spect­ives from the Glob­al South. The dead­line for that is Septem­ber 30, 2023. More inform­a­tion for authors.

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The importance of good partnerships

To help you nav­ig­ate dire straits, take the tem­per­at­ure in an uncer­tain cli­mate, and keep your head when all about you are los­ing theirs, it’s wise to seek out part­ners who make you their pri­or­ity.

“GT” is a good part­ner. Veri­fy that with a “GT” Part­ner and then look at part­ner­ship oppor­tun­it­ies. There’s a pack­age for every­one — big or small; pub­lic or private; com­mer­cial or not-for-profit — because travel & tour­ism is everyone’s business. 

All “GT” Part­ners enjoy out­stand­ing value, includ­ing the oppor­tun­ity to con­trib­ute news to the “GT” news­let­ter and these wraps.

Your comments

If there are com­ments on any “GT” post, you will find them below the main con­tent of that post. You need to be signed in first. 

The “GT” Blog requires regis­tra­tion and sign in to make com­ment, read com­ments, and reply to com­ments. Why? Because “GT” is a ‘safe space’ for diverse per­spect­ives and friendly debate. 

You will NOT be banned for your off-the-wall opin­ions or your weird sense of humour (even if the capri­cious algorithms of our big tech over­lords pun­ish the publisher). 

How­ever, you WILL be banned for enga­ging in argu­mentum ad hom­inem. If you dis­agree with some­thing, always tackle the argu­ment not the indi­vidu­al mak­ing it.

Join the “Good Tour­ism” community »

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Friends indeed

“Friends indeed” are worthy travel & tour­ism industry fun­draisers and char­it­able causes that are asso­ci­ated with or sug­ges­ted by “GT” Part­ners and friends. Please help them if you can. Share the page with your net­works. And link to it from your website.

Stay healthy, smile, have a good time … And when you travel, remember:

It's not 'no'. It's 'know.' A "Good Tourism" travel tip; travel advice for good tourists & responsible travellers.
It’s not ‘no’. It’s ‘know.’ A “Good Tour­ism” travel tip; travel advice for tour­ists & respons­ible travellers.

It’s not ‘no’. It’s ‘know’.

Gotta go? Then go!
If you’ve time, go slow
If you don’t, try low
Do what you know is good

And know there is more to know

Featured image (top of post)

Share ‘Good news in travel & tour­ism August-Septem­ber 2023’ as you would a Rwandan feast pre­pared by loc­al chefs and their train­ees as part of a cook­ing com­pet­i­tion organ­ised by CC-JOBS and hos­ted at Red Rocks Cul­tur­al Camp­site. In this photo by Dav­id Gill­banks, a con­test­ant describes the deli­cious dishes con­tained with­in the tra­di­tion­al clay cook­ing pots she stands behind.

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Donations, diversity, disclosure

To help your cor­res­pond­ent keep his energy-effi­cient lights on, please con­sider a private one-off gift or ongo­ing dona­tion. THANK YOU to those who have! 

You are a tour­ism stake­hold­er — yes, YOU! — so what’s your view? Do you dis­agree with any­thing you have read on “GT”? Join the con­ver­sa­tion. Com­ment below or share your “Good Tour­ism” Insights. Diversity of thought is wel­come on The “Good Tour­ism” Blog. And your ori­gin­al con­tent sup­ports an inde­pend­ent publisher.

Part­ner with “GT”. You know you want to. Here are some testi­mo­ni­als.

Note: It is “GT’s” policy to fully dis­close Part­ner or sponsored con­tent. If an item asso­ci­ated with a “GT” Part­ner is not dis­closed as such, then it eithermet the “GT” Insight guidelines(includ­ing “not a sales pitch”) or it was a simple oversight.

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