Good news in tourism March 15 – 21, 2021

March 21, 2021

Forest path, Walpole, Western Australia
"Good Tourism" Premier Partnership is for a leading brand in travel & tourism

Because be all that you can be …

Pub­lished most Sundays, “Good news in tour­ism” is the per­fect pick-me-up for the start of a new week in travel & tour­ism … everyone’s business.

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“Good Tourism” news & “GT” Insights

With no “Good news in tour­ism” post last week, there are two weeks’ worth of “GT” Insights and “GT” Part­ner news this week.

The COV­ID-induced travel & tour­ism depres­sion has hit Thai­l­and hard. Ranked eighth in terms of inter­na­tion­al vis­it­or arrivals in 2019, Thai­l­and is the poorest of the des­tin­a­tions in the top 10. It is no won­der then that an industry-led pub­lic rela­tions cam­paign advoc­at­ing for a safe reopen­ing has emerged: #OpenThai­l­and­Safely. Head­ing up its mes­saging and media rela­tions is Ken Scott who lets us in on: “The PR chal­lenge of open­ing Thai­l­and safely to inbound travel & tour­ism”. It’s a “Good Tour­ism” Insight.

Ken Scott (left, inset); Tom Allen (right)
Ken Scott (left, inset); Tom Allen (right)

The World Her­it­age wil­der­ness of Lut­ruwita (palawa kani for Tas­mania, Aus­tralia) is under threat from col­lu­sion between state gov­ern­ment and private tour­ism interests, accord­ing to Tom Allen of The Wil­der­ness Soci­ety. Mr Allen reck­ons tour­ism does best when it com­ple­ments not com­prom­ises nat­ur­al val­ues. “Los­ing Lut­ruwita: Tour­ism troubles in Tasmania’s World Her­it­age wil­der­ness” is a “Good Tour­ism” Insight.

Thanks to its pan­dem­ic-induced pause, travel & tour­ism has an oppor­tun­ity to rein­vent itself to bet­ter serve the aspir­a­tions of des­tin­a­tion com­munit­ies, accord­ing to Apis­a­lome Movono, Regina Scheyvens, and Soph­ie Auck­ram. In a “Good Tour­ism” Insight, the Mas­sey Uni­ver­sity research­ers draw on their ongo­ing study of five Pacific Island states to argue why the industry should be more attuned to hosts’ interests. “What do the people want? Reima­gin­ing Pacific Island travel & tourism”

Karen Simmonds (top left, between her daughters); (top right, L-R) Sophie Auckram, Api Movono, and Regina Scheyvens
Kar­en Sim­monds (top left, between her daugh­ters); Soph­ie Auck­ram, Api Movono, and Regina Scheyvens (top right, L‑R)

“I can’t think of any­thing more excit­ing than see­ing bet­ter rep­res­ent­a­tion and women’s empower­ment through­out the sec­tor,” Kar­en Sim­monds writes in her second “Good Tour­ism” Insight. In “Women’s travel & tour­ism live­li­hoods mat­ter too: What I’m doing about it” Ms Sim­monds sets out her con­cerns about women in travel & tour­ism and broad­er soci­ety and how she’s tak­ing action.

“GT” Des­tin­a­tion Part­ner WeAre­Lao show­case: River­side Boutique Resort in Vang Vieng, Laos

Sus­tain­able exper­i­ences reach into themed rooms at the River­side Boutique Resort in Vang Vieng, Laos while Gen­er­al Man­ager Math­ieu Thaer­on cuts con­sump­tion by rely­ing on com­mon sense and a clued-in staff. “Going loc­al: River­side Boutique Resort, Vang Vieng, Laos” is the second Sus­tain­able Tour­ism Laos Show­case by “Good Tour­ism” Des­tin­a­tion Part­ner WeAre­Lao.

“GT” Part­ner SUNx — Strong Uni­ver­sal Net­work pres­id­ent Geof­frey Lip­man repor­ted: “UN Cli­mate Chief Patri­cia Espinosa has form­ally con­firmed to our SDG 17 part­ner Glor­ia Guevara at the WTTC top level sup­port for the SUNx Malta Cli­mate Friendly Travel Registry, and urged travel & tour­ism organ­isa­tions to file their car­bon reduc­tion plans.”

“GT” Insight Part­ner Plan­et Hap­pi­ness’ glob­al webin­ar, “Tour­ism & Hap­pi­ness: For a Bright­er Future”, took place on the Inter­na­tion­al Day of Hap­pi­ness, March 20, 2021. “GT” Part­ner SUNx — Strong Uni­ver­sal Net­work was a con­ven­or and its pres­id­ent Geoff Lip­man was a presenter. Also among the speak­ers were “GT” Part­ner World Tour­ism Asso­ci­ation for Cul­ture & Her­it­age (WTACH) CEO Chris Flynn and, of course, Plan­et Hap­pi­ness’ lead­er Paul Rogers. A record­ing (or a link to a record­ing) should be avail­able here.

Coupon code GTB-20-OFF for 20% off all CRTS courses

Kev­in Phun has enhanced the course entitled “Cre­at­ing pro-poor tour­ism” by “GT” Part­ner The Centre for Respons­ible Tour­ism Singa­pore (CRTS). Mr Phun says there is now even more con­tent and learn­ing resources. For those look­ing for a found­a­tion of know­ledge for them­selves about tourism’s poten­tial for poverty alle­vi­ation, or employ­ers want­ing their fur­loughed staff to keep learn­ing, this CRTS short course rep­res­ents great value; even bet­ter value if you apply the coupon code GTB-20-OFF for a 20% discount.

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The importance of good partnerships

Many com­ment­at­ors would like to see des­tin­a­tions recov­er from the COVID-19 depres­sion focused on qual­ity rather than quant­ity. That would be nice, of course, par­tic­u­larly if host com­munit­ies want that. How­ever, some or many extant tour­ism stake­hold­ers will likely go out of busi­ness. Don’t let one of those be you. 

Seek out good part­ner­ships with those who make you their pri­or­ity. 

“GT” is a good part­ner. Please veri­fy that with a “GT” Part­ner and then ask about part­ner­ship oppor­tun­it­ies. There’s a part­ner­ship oppor­tun­ity for every­one — big or small; pub­lic or private; com­mer­cial or not-for-profit — because travel & tour­ism is every­one’s busi­ness. All “GT” Part­ners enjoy: a 125 x 125 “Good Part­ner” but­ton; input into “GT’s” cur­ated list of worthy char­it­able causes “Friends indeed”; and the out­stand­ing oppor­tun­ity every week to con­trib­ute pos­it­ive news items to these almost-fam­ous “Good news in tour­ism”  posts and/or the “GT” news­let­ter.

Travel & tourism’s COVID recovery

Aus­tralia & Singa­pore: “Aus­tralia is ‘work­ing with Singa­pore’ to cre­ate a travel bubble between the two nations as early as July, offi­cials said …”

Canada: The Ontario government’s new Tour­ism Eco­nom­ic Recov­ery Min­is­teri­al Task Force will determ­ine “how to help the province’s $36-bil­lion tour­ism industry recov­er from the COVID-19 pandemic”.

Croa­tia: “Croa­tia is ready to receive tour­ists from the United King­dom as soon as the epi­demi­olo­gic­al rules in the [UK], which is cur­rently under a lock­down, allow.”

EU: Mem­bers of the European Par­lia­ment are “set to call for a new European strategy to make tour­ism clean­er, safer and more sus­tain­able as well as get it back on its feet, after the pan­dem­ic, includ­ing a com­mon vac­cin­a­tion certificate”.

Shikara on Dal Lake, Srinagar, India. By mohdrashidsmc (CC0) via Pixabay.
Shi­kara on Dal Lake, Srin­agar, India. By mohdrashids­mc (CC0) via Pixabay.

India: “The own­ers of Srinagar’s fam­ous shi­karas, or boats, are optim­ist­ic, des­per­ately wait­ing for a turn­around. They believe a good tour­ism sea­son will bring cheers in 2021, if indic­a­tions from the past few months are any­thing to go by.”

Por­tugal: “The Brit­ish gov­ern­ment is set to remove Por­tugal from its [‘red list’] of coun­tries for whom arrivals are sub­ject to a man­dat­ory hotel quar­ant­ine period.”

South Africa: “Romy Wen­zel of Sap­phire Coast Tour­ism is hope­ful that lock­down level one will bring about a much needed influx to loc­al tour­ism.” The Sap­phire Coast region is south of Durban.

Spain: “Air­lines in Ger­many have repor­ted a huge surge in book­ing for Mal­lorca over the week­end after Ger­man author­it­ies author­ised flights to the Balearics …”

Uganda: COVID-19 has giv­en “loc­al tour­ism a chance to press the reset but­ton and those who adjus­ted are reap­ing the bene­fits”. Com­pan­ies have formed to “fill a gap that was cre­ated with the surge in the num­ber of domest­ic tourists”.

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Support “GT”

Through “GT” Insights, The “Good Tour­ism” Blog has been mak­ing diverse per­spect­ives access­ible to a grow­ing travel & tour­ism industry audi­ence since 2017. There is no pay­wall, which means “GT” con­tent is avail­able to ALL stake­hold­ers. And not only do guest authors not pay for the priv­ilege (nor are they paid), they receive pro­fes­sion­al copy edit­ing sup­port from the pub­lish­er (me) for whom “GT” is a full-time con­cern. That’s why your ongo­ing sup­port as a “GT” Part­ner or pat­ron is greatly appreciated.

If you find “GT” inspir­ing, inter­est­ing, some­what amus­ing, or at least dif­fer­ent then surely it’s worth a little some­thing to you.

It means a huge some­thing to “GT”. Thank you very much to those who have donated. 😍

Nature-based, rural, & ecotourism

Canada: “Activ­it­ies such as canoe­ing, hik­ing, camp­ing, bird-watch­ing, boat­ing and fish­ing have all seen a surge in pop­ular­ity. Canoe out­fit­ting busi­nesses have set records for canoe rent­als. Shops selling canoes, bikes, skis, recre­ation­al vehicles, and camp­ing equip­ment often run out of stock. It seems that the short­ages aren’t sor­ted out yet.”

Domin­ic­an Repub­lic & Haiti: “The agribusi­ness expan­sion of Vil­las Codevi will gen­er­ate more jobs on the bor­der [and ‘eco­nom­ic mobil­ity’] since it will pro­mote sus­tain­able com­munity-based tour­ism and eco­tour­ism.”

Spring bluebells in an English forest. By kretktz (CC0) via Pixabay.
Spring blue­bells in an Eng­lish forest. By kretktz (CC0) via Pixabay.

Eng­land: Accord­ing to research from Rewild­ing Bri­tain, “full-time equi­val­ent jobs increased by 47% — from 151 before rewild­ing began to 222 after­wards [ — ] with many of the new jobs focused on nature-based tour­ism”. This was across more than 20 rewild­ing areas in Eng­land and 10 years’ time frame on average.

India: Karnataka’s state tour­ism depart­ment is “work­ing on pro­mot­ing agri-tour­ism but with a twist […] com­bin­ing rur­al idylls and well­ness to offer a whole­some package”.

Jamaica: “The Riversdale Nat­ur­al Bridge, con­sidered by com­munity stake­hold­ers to be ‘an eighth won­der’ of geo­lo­gic­al sig­ni­fic­ance, has been pitched as a poten­tial eco­nom­ic game-changer for the farm­ing-depend­ent rur­al district.”

Malay­sia: North Seber­ang Prai has eco­tour­ism and agri­t­our­ism poten­tial, accord­ing to Pen­ang Chief Min­is­ter Chow Kon Yeow. And there is eco­tour­ism poten­tial for the “man­grove forest around the Santaba jetty area in Kam­pung Pati­am­bun”, Lim­bang, Sarawak, accord­ing to Malay­si­a’s tour­ism min­is­ter Nancy Shukri.

Scot­land: A new vis­it­or hub and access­ib­il­ity upgrades can go ahead at the Her­maness Nation­al Nature Reserve on Unst, one of the Shet­land Isles. Her­maness “over­looks Muckle Flugga Light­house and is home to thou­sands of seabirds includ­ing ful­mars, skuas, shags, gan­nets, puffins and kittiwakes”. 

USA: In Maine, “out­door recre­ation­ists will have anoth­er spot to explore in Han­cock county”. “The French­man Bay Com­munity Forest will provide res­id­ents with 1400-acres of trails while pro­tect­ing loc­al wild­life and boost­ing the loc­al eco­nomy.”

Viet­nam: “Eco­tour­ism devel­op­ment has been deemed a sus­tain­able and real­ist­ic means of effect­ively pre­serving bird parks in the south­ern­most province of Ca Mau and of har­mon­ising the interests of house­holds man­aging the parks.”

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Sustainable tourism & responsible travel is everyone’s business

Free­dom of move­ment is a basic human right. And the travel & tour­ism industry is everyone’s busi­ness. “Every­one” includes not only those who earn a liv­ing from the travel & tour­ism industry, but also people who travel, and people who live in places trav­elled to and through. EVERYONE. Please share “Good news in tour­ism” with your friends and col­leagues. And dive deep­er into “Good Tour­ism” Insights for ideas on how to make sus­tain­able tour­ism and respons­ible travel bet­ter … for you, for your people, and for your place. For they are your people. And it is your place.

Climate-friendly travel & tourism

“UN Cli­mate Chief Patri­cia Espinosa has form­ally con­firmed to our SDG 17 part­ner Glor­ia Guevara at the WTTC top level sup­port for the SUNx Malta Cli­mate Friendly Travel Registry, and urged travel & tour­ism organ­isa­tions to file their car­bon reduc­tion plans.”

Aus­tralia: The premi­er of Tas­mania, Peter Gut­wein, announced that the state’s tour­ism industry “will set a tar­get to become a Car­bon Neut­ral Des­tin­a­tion by 2025”.

Canada: Air Canada “says it will invest $50 mil­lion in sus­tain­able avi­ation fuels over the next dec­ade to help it [achieve] a 20% reduc­tion in emis­sions (from a 2019 baseline) by 2030”; net-zero by 2050.

Eng­land: Bris­tol-based start-up “Elec­tric Avi­ation Group (EAG) has secured fund­ing from lessor Falko Region­al Air­craft as it bids to bring a new envir­on­ment­ally friendly pas­sen­ger air­craft to market”.

EU: “The EU’s upcom­ing ReFuelEU pro­pos­al, aimed at cut­ting emis­sions in the avi­ation sec­tor, will apply a staggered blend­ing man­date for green jet fuel, with the per­cent­age scal­ing up in roughly five-year inter­vals, EURACTIV under­stands.” Mean­while, “Air­bus and Rolls-Royce are par­ti­cip­at­ing in a study to exam­ine in-flight emis­sions from com­mer­cial air­craft powered entirely by sus­tain­able avi­ation fuel. The study involves mon­it­or­ing emis­sions from an Air­bus A350-900, both on the ground and in the air.”

Loch Lee, Cairngorms National Park, Scotland. By zbigniewpawlak7 (CC0) via Pixabay.
Loch Lee, Cairngorms Nation­al Park, Scot­land. By zbigniewpawlak7 (CC0) via Pixabay.

Scot­land: “The Cairngorms Nation­al Park Author­ity board has made a bold com­mit­ment [to] achieve net zero emis­sions by 2025 at the latest as an organ­isa­tion and by 2045 for the region as a whole.” 

UK: The Depart­ment for Trans­port has launched a GBP 15 mil­lion (USD 20.8 mil­lion) Green Fuels, Green Skies com­pet­i­tion “to sup­port the devel­op­ment of cut­ting-edge facil­it­ies cap­able of turn­ing every­day waste into jet fuel”. Mean­while, “the first elec­tric com­muter flight in the UK will take place at Exeter Air­port, fol­low­ing a suc­cess­ful bid to UK Research and Innov­a­tion’s £30m Future Flight Challenge”.

USA: “A new approach to mak­ing jet fuel from food waste has the poten­tial to massively reduce car­bon emis­sions from fly­ing …” Uni­ver­sity of Dayton research­ers and the US Depart­ment of Energy’s Nation­al Renew­able Energy Labor­at­ory have taken “anoth­er step toward turn­ing wet food waste into a sus­tain­able avi­ation fuel”.

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Friends indeed

“Friends indeed” are worthy travel & tour­ism industry fun­draisers and char­it­able causes. Please help if you can. Share the page with your social net­works. And link to it from your web­site or email signature.

Cultural heritage tourism

Aus­tralia: In South Aus­tralia, “11 fest­ivals have signed a cross-industry alli­ance to pro­mote SA as a cul­tur­al des­tin­a­tion, work with gov­ern­ment [to] grow tour­ism, encour­age invest­ment in SA’s attractions”.

India: “Her­it­age walks, weekly lit­er­ary and cul­tur­al events at his­tor­ic­al sites, […] and schemes to devel­op theme-based cir­cuits […] are among sev­er­al pro­pos­als to brand the nation­al cap­it­al as tour­ist and cul­tur­al hub.” Del­hi Tour­ism, Del­hi Archives, and rel­ev­ant gov­ern­ment depart­ments will roll out the programmes.

Ire­land: Every­one appro­pri­ates Irish­ness at least once a year, it seems. And Tour­ism Ireland’s fine with that. A ‘Glob­al Green­ing’ went ahead March 17 “with a record 690 icon­ic land­marks in 66 coun­tries light­ing up green” for St Patrick’s Day.

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Odds & ends

Bits ‘n pieces that don’t neces­sar­ily fit into this week’s arbit­rary clusters:

Eng­land: Des­tin­a­tion Ply­mouth has draf­ted an “ambi­tious plan to encour­age an addi­tion­al 800,000 vis­it­ors to the city each year, boost­ing the eco­nomy by [GBP 100 milion (USD 139 mil­lion)] annu­ally and cre­at­ing 1,000 jobs”.

Saudi Ara­bia: “The Saudi Tour­ism Author­ity (STA) has launched ‘Tour­ism Shapers’, a new ini­ti­at­ive to sup­port the learn­ing and devel­op­ment of loc­al travel trade part­ners …”

Stay healthy, smile, have a good week … And when you can travel again, remember:

It's not 'no'. It's 'know.' A "Good Tourism" travel tip; travel advice for good tourists & responsible travellers.
It’s not ‘no’. It’s ‘know.’ A “Good Tour­ism” travel tip; travel advice for good tour­ists & respons­ible travellers. 

It’s not ‘no’. It’s ‘know’.

Gotta go? Then go!
If you’ve time, go slow
If you don’t, try low
Do what you know is good
And know there is more to know

Fea­tured image (top of post): Forest path, Wal­pole, West­ern Aus­tralia. By Dav­id Gill­banks (CC BY 4.0).

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Donations, diversity, disclaimers

To help your cor­res­pond­ent keep his energy-effi­cient lights on, please con­sider a private one-off gift or ongo­ing dona­tion. THANK YOU to those who have! 😍

You are a tour­ism stake­hold­er — yes, YOU! — so what’s your view? Do you dis­agree with any­thing you have read on “GT”? Join the con­ver­sa­tion. Com­ment below or share your “Good Tour­ism” Insights. Diversity of thought is wel­come on The “Good Tour­ism” Blog. And you will be sup­port­ing an inde­pend­ent pub­lish­er with your ori­gin­al content.

Dis­claim­er 1: It is “GT’s” policy to fully dis­close partner/sponsor con­tent. If an item is not dis­closed as part­ner or spon­sor-related then it will have caught “GT’s” atten­tion by some oth­er more organ­ic means. Part­ner with “GT”. You know you want to.

Dis­claim­er 2: None of the stor­ies linked from this week’s post have been fact-checked by “GT”. All ter­min­o­logy used here is as the linked sources used it accord­ing to the know­ledge and assump­tions they have about it. Please com­ment below if you know there has been buzzword-wash­ing or blatant non­sense relayed here, but be nice about it. As for “GT” bring­ing it to your atten­tion for you to set the record straight, you’re wel­come! 🙂

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