Online courses by The Centre for Responsible Tourism Singapore: ‘Reinventing tourism learning’

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“GT” Friend Kev­in Phun of new “GT” Part­ner The Centre for Respons­ible Tour­ism Singa­pore (CRTS) has developed a series of short online courses for aspir­ing respons­ible tour­ism prac­ti­tion­ers — or any­one inter­ested in the sub­ject — to estab­lish a found­a­tion of know­ledge and a frame­work for think­ing about vari­ous aspects of respons­ible tourism. 

“GT” 20% discount coupon: GTB-20-OFF

Courses and prices lis­ted on this “GT” post were cor­rect on June 4, 2020 but may be dif­fer­ent on the CRTS courses web­site. (In any case you won’t get a bet­ter deal than if you use the coupon code GTB-20-OFF which applies a 20% dis­count to any CRTS course.)

Indigenous people around the world and their intangible cultural heritage (ICH)

Who and where are the indi­gen­ous peoples in the world? What are the chal­lenges facing them? How have they tried to fight off and in some cases adapt to these challenges?

Part 1 — Who are the indi­gen­ous people?
Part 2 — What is intan­gible cul­tur­al her­it­age (ICH)?
Part 3 — Chal­lenges faced by the indi­gen­ous people in safe­guard­ing ICH

US$46 … (US$36.80 after you use coupon code GTB-20-OFF for a 20% discount)

(Don’t for­get to click on “Have a coupon?” before you pay.)

Understanding safeguarding practices of intangible cultural heritage


Intan­gible cul­tur­al her­it­age, or ICH, is fast dis­ap­pear­ing from our world. Many places are fast los­ing their ICH, be it lan­guages, food, tra­di­tion­al know­ledge, rituals etc. This course attempts to impart the know­ledge about how ICH can be retained.

Part 1 — What is intan­gible cul­tur­al her­it­age?
Part 2 — Why should we pro­tect and safe­guard cul­ture and her­it­age?
Part 3 — Examples of safe­guard­ing of intan­gible cul­tur­al her­it­age
Part 4 — Chal­lenges in safe­guard­ing of ICH

US$95 … (US$76 after you use coupon code GTB-20-OFF for a 20% discount)

(Don’t for­get to click on “Have a coupon?” before you pay.)

Pro-poor tourism and climate change adaptation


Cli­mate change is increas­ingly affect­ing many parts of the world where tour­ism is an import­ant source of income for loc­al people. Learn about how tour­ism sup­ports cli­mate change adapt­a­tion in this unique course.

Part 1 — Pro-poor tour­ism; what it is
Part 2 — Pro-poor tour­ism; some examples
Part 3 — Dis­cus­sion; Laos’ eco­tour­ism guidelines
Part 4 — Imple­ment­ing pro-poor tour­ism
Part 5 — How tour­ism and cli­mate change are related
Part 6 — Attrac­tions and glob­al warm­ing
Part 7 — Adapt­a­tion to cli­mate change
Part 8 — How does tour­ism adapt to cli­mate change?
Part 9 — Suc­cess­ful cli­mate change adapt­a­tion in pro-poor tourism

US$52 … (US$41.60 after you use coupon code GTB-20-OFF for a 20% discount)

(Don’t for­get to click on “Have a coupon?” before you pay.)

Developing ecotourism in communities

Learn­ing how to devel­op eco­tour­ism in com­munit­ies, learn­ing about real chal­lenges that text­books do not teach you.

Part 1 — What is eco­tour­ism?
Part 2 — Why eco­tour­ism is suit­able for many com­munit­ies
Part 3 — Chal­lenges in devel­op­ing eco­tour­ism
Part 4 — Eco­tour­ism stand­ards — key to success?

US$38 … (US$30.40 after you use coupon code GTB-20-OFF for a 20% discount)

(Don’t for­get to click on “Have a coupon?” before you pay.)

Corporate social responsibility for small firms

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Learn how small firms can incor­por­ate cor­por­ate social respons­ib­il­ity (CSR) in their busi­ness oper­a­tions and open up new oppor­tun­it­ies and bene­fits for business.

Part 1 — What is CSR?
Part 2 — The need / push for sus­tain­ab­il­ity for small firms
Part 3 — Chal­lenges in imple­ment­ing CSR for small firms
Part 4 — Imple­ment­ing CSR for small businesses

US$28 … (US$22.40 after you use coupon code GTB-20-OFF for a 20% discount)

(Don’t for­get to click on “Have a coupon?” before you pay.)

The value of nature

Learn­ing how nature should be val­ued, how we see the value nature pos­sess. Under­stand the true costs of our actions that impact nature.

Part 1 — Nature’s true value
Part 2 — Valu­ing nature — The costs of our actions
Part 3 — Actions we can take — We can all play a part

US$38 … (US$30.40 after you use coupon code GTB-20-OFF for a 20% discount)

(Don’t for­get to click on “Have a coupon?” before you pay.)

Unique responsible tourism courses you won’t find anywhere else

Courses and prices lis­ted on this “GT” page were cor­rect on June 4, 2020 but may be dif­fer­ent on the CRTS courses web­site. (In any case you won’t get a bet­ter deal than if you use the coupon code GTB-20-OFF which applies a 20% dis­count to any CRTS course.)


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