“Good Tourism” news from Europe

Here you will find news about The “Good Tour­ism” Blog’s Part­ners and friends in Europe, includ­ing the United King­dom — espe­cially their sus­tain­able tour­ism and/or respons­ible travel activ­it­ies — plus “Good news in tour­ism” and cov­er­age of European travel & tour­ism industry events to which “GT” is invited or oth­er­wise involved. Ad hoc sponsored news posts are also very welcome.

Before Decem­ber 2019, “GT” would sum­mar­ise under-repor­ted news stor­ies or thought-pro­vok­ing fea­ture art­icles of European or UK import­ance by non-industry media. The sources were well-attrib­uted and linked. Any con­tent repub­lished in full was avail­able rights-free for that pur­pose from the likes of The Con­ver­sa­tion or the Thom­son Reu­ters Found­a­tion.

Vatican proclaims support for sustainable tourism “with a human touch”

August 3, 2017

Vatican sustainable tourism

The Vat­ic­an, via its Cath­ol­ic News Agency, has pro­claimed its sup­port for respons­ible travel and sus­tain­able tour­ism by urging tour­ists to “remem­ber the human per­son and the envir­on­ment in their travels, treat­ing people and things with respect”. Car­din­al Peter Turk­son wrote: “Hol­i­day time can­not be a pre­text either for irre­spons­ib­il­ity or for exploit­a­tion: in fact, […]

Read More Vatican proclaims support for sustainable tourism “with a human touch”

Hotels train staff to read signs of modern slavery

modern slavery hotels. Old-school room keys.

Adult guests who check in with a child, repeat cash book­ings, or late check-ins without lug­gage could all be signs of mod­ern slavery under guid­ance newly issued to staff at a Brit­ish hotel chain. The 400 staff at Shiva hotels — from recep­tion­ists to human resources staff to clean­ers — will be trained as part of a com­pany-wide cam­paign to […]

Read More Hotels train staff to read signs of modern slavery

Meanwhile, a young couple promotes authentic experiences

July 19, 2017

overtourism Venice

UNESCO and the World Bank signed a new MoU about cit­ies last week to “advance sus­tain­able devel­op­ment by invest­ing in cul­ture, urb­an devel­op­ment, and resi­li­ence in an integ­rated man­ner”. As the con­sult­ants and spin doc­tors of the world lick their lips — and insti­tu­tion­al book­shelves and cloud serv­ers standby to sup­ply stor­age for their expens­ive out­put — in Venice […]

Read More Meanwhile, a young couple promotes authentic experiences

Spanish airline Iberia to end pregnancy tests as part of recruitment

Inclusive tourism Spain. Iberia Airbus A321-211 "EC-ILP" and British Airways Airbus A320-211 "G-Busk" in October 2010, before the airlines' 2011 merger. Source: Curimedia, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File%3AAirbus_A321_Iberia_%26_A320_British_Airways_(5047661247).jpg

Span­ish air­line Iber­ia is to stop requir­ing women to take a preg­nancy test as part of its recruit­ment pro­cess, it said in a state­ment on its web­site. A preg­nancy test, which was a routine part of the med­ic­al exam­in­a­tion that poten­tial female recruits had to under­go, will be stopped, the air­line said. “We will no longer […]

Read More Spanish airline Iberia to end pregnancy tests as part of recruitment

Lynx between a species’ reintroduction & ecotourism?

July 11, 2017

Species reintroduction ecotourism. Eurasian lynx in winter coat. By Tom Bech via Flickr https://www.flickr.com/photos/viatorius/8603098728

The rein­tro­duc­tion of the Euras­i­an lynx into European coun­tries has res­ul­ted in new indus­tries such as wild­life tour­ism and eco­tour­ism; “breath­ing new eco­nom­ic life into remote rur­al com­munit­ies”. So says the Lynx UK Trust, which last week updated stake­hold­ers on its pro­posed tri­al rein­tro­duc­tion of the Euras­i­an lynx to the Kield­er Forest of Northum­ber­land in […]

Read More Lynx between a species’ reintroduction & ecotourism?

Reunification or not, Cyprus tourism has lessons to learn

July 7, 2017

Cyprus tourism has lessons to learn reunification or not

“Talks to reuni­fy the divided island of Cyprus col­lapsed amid anger and recrim­in­a­tions in the early hours of Fri­day, mark­ing the end of a pro­cess seen as the most prom­ising in gen­er­a­tions to heal dec­ades of con­flict.” Thus repor­ted Reu­ters earli­er today. The col­lapsed talks in Switzer­land between Greek Cyp­ri­ot Pres­id­ent Nicos Ana­stas­i­ades and Turk­ish Cypriot […]

Read More Reunification or not, Cyprus tourism has lessons to learn