“Good Tourism” news from Europe

Here you will find news about The “Good Tour­ism” Blog’s Part­ners and friends in Europe, includ­ing the United King­dom — espe­cially their sus­tain­able tour­ism and/or respons­ible travel activ­it­ies — plus “Good news in tour­ism” and cov­er­age of European travel & tour­ism industry events to which “GT” is invited or oth­er­wise involved. Ad hoc sponsored news posts are also very welcome.

Before Decem­ber 2019, “GT” would sum­mar­ise under-repor­ted news stor­ies or thought-pro­vok­ing fea­ture art­icles of European or UK import­ance by non-industry media. The sources were well-attrib­uted and linked. Any con­tent repub­lished in full was avail­able rights-free for that pur­pose from the likes of The Con­ver­sa­tion or the Thom­son Reu­ters Found­a­tion.

How Renaissance Venice coped with its short-term letting problem

March 16, 2019

overvisitation in Renaissance Venice

The Venice of 500 years ago had its own over-vis­it­a­­tion chal­lenges, includ­ing a boom in short-term accom­mod­a­tion rent­als. How they dealt with it chal­lenges us to think about today’s prob­lems in a more nuanced way, accord­ing to Rosa Salzberg of the Uni­ver­sity of War­wick. Cit­ies around the world have had dif­fi­culties bal­an­cing the interests of […]

Read More How Renaissance Venice coped with its short-term letting problem

Homeless Dubliners to give tours with a difference as tourism booms

Featured image: Patrick McEvoy, Eddie Dooner, and Ronya Arya Phoenix, are training up to become tour guides with My Streets Ireland , a social enterprise. By Emma Batha, Thomson Reuters Foundation. "GT" cropped it.

New tours of Dub­lin, Ire­land to be launched mid-March will be led by home­less people trained up as guides by a social enter­prise. They will offer unique per­spect­ives to some of the more than 6 mil­lion vis­it­ors expec­ted in the Irish cap­it­al in 2019. Report by the Thom­son Reu­ters Found­a­tion. Dub­lin’s Phoenix Park boasts the […]

Read More Homeless Dubliners to give tours with a difference as tourism booms

Balearic Islands’ new climate change law to reduce reliance on tourism

February 13, 2019

Popular tourism beach Cala Anguilla, Majorca, Balearic Islands, Spain. Image by lapping via Pixabay https://pixabay.com/en/cala-anguila-mallorca-1998320/

Spain’s Balear­ic Islands has approved a cli­mate change law that com­mits the pop­u­lar tour­ism des­tin­a­tion to sourcing all its energy from renew­ables by 2050. Balear­ic Islands pres­id­ent Fran­cina Armen­gol said the new law was “an oppor­tun­ity to rein­force our brand as a sus­tain­able des­tin­a­tion”. Balear­ic Islands energy min­is­ter Marc Pons reck­ons the law is part of […]

Read More Balearic Islands’ new climate change law to reduce reliance on tourism

Lisbon locals face eviction in favour of trendy tourism, celebrities, short-term rentals

October 21, 2017

Lisbon tourism is booming. Locals are being indirectly forced out by trendy tourism and celebrities

Lis­bon tour­ism is boom­ing. With­in a month of the “GT” Insight dir­ect from Lis­bon — “Why We Hate Tour­ism Tours & why you should too” by Ricardo Oli­veira — the Thom­son Reu­ters Found­a­tion reports on the neg­at­ive impacts of trendy tour­ism on loc­als’ life­styles. Carla da Cunha has a tight budget with which to find a new home in […]

Read More Lisbon locals face eviction in favour of trendy tourism, celebrities, short-term rentals

Islands of darkness: Ireland’s ‘Alcatraz’ and the growth of dark tourism

October 15, 2017

Spike Island is part of the growth of dark tourism

By Gil­lian O’Bri­en, Read­er in Mod­ern Irish His­tory, Liv­er­pool John Moores Uni­ver­sity, writ­ing for The Con­ver­sa­tion. Spike Island — the former fort­ress and pris­on off the coast of County Cork in Ire­land — has been named Europe’s lead­ing tour­ist attrac­tion at the World Travel Awards. The island beat off com­pet­i­tion from Buck­ing­ham Palace, the Eif­fel Tower and Rome’s Colosseum […]

Read More Islands of darkness: Ireland’s ‘Alcatraz’ and the growth of dark tourism

Civita di Bagnoregio, the tourism town on the edge of extinction

October 9, 2017

Tourism town on the edge of survival Civita di Bagnoregio. By evondue via Pixabay. https://pixabay.com/en/civita-di-bagnoregio-latium-2286541/

Since becom­ing the first Itali­an town to charge an entry fee, tour­ist num­bers to Civ­ita di Bagnore­gio have exploded from 40,000 annu­ally four years ago to a fore­cast 850,000 this year. In 2017, the hill-top ham­let will “wel­come” vis­it­ors at a ratio of 85,000 to one full-time res­id­ent. Sign­posted as “Civ­ita, The Town That Is […]

Read More Civita di Bagnoregio, the tourism town on the edge of extinction