“Good Tourism” news from Asia

Here you will find news about The “Good Tour­ism” Blog’s Part­ners and friends in Asia (includ­ing the Middle East) — espe­cially their sus­tain­able tour­ism and/or respons­ible travel activ­it­ies — plus “Good news in tour­ism” and cov­er­age of Asi­an travel & tour­ism industry events to which “GT” is invited or oth­er­wise involved. Ad hoc sponsored news posts are also very welcome.

Before Decem­ber 2019, “GT” would sum­mar­ise under-repor­ted news stor­ies or thought-pro­vok­ing fea­ture art­icles about or of import­ance to Asia by non-industry media. The sources were well-attrib­uted and linked. Any con­tent repub­lished in full was avail­able rights-free for that pur­pose from the likes of The Con­ver­sa­tion or the Thom­son Reu­ters Found­a­tion.

Could a primate be driven to extinction by “ecotourism”?

May 26, 2017

Could the endangered red-shanked douc langur ('Pygathrix nemaeus') be pushed to extinction by ecotourism? Source: GreenViet

Sci­ent­ists have warned that an endangered prim­ate may be pushed into extinc­tion by the devel­op­ment of con­crete build­ings for, iron­ic­ally, a “lux­ury eco-tour resort com­plex”. Some 237 herds of red-shanked douc langurs (Pygath­rix nemaeus), com­pris­ing more than 1,300 indi­vidu­als, are liv­ing in the Sơn Trà Nature Reserve in Đà Nẵng, Viet­nam, reports VNS. The Da […]

Read More Could a primate be driven to extinction by “ecotourism”?

Apo Island, Philippines to levy new fees on tourists

May 25, 2017

Sea turtle 'pawikan' off the shores of Apo Island. Source: Wikimedia / Jun V Lao

The famed dive des­tin­a­tion of Apo Island in Dauin, Negros Ori­ent­al, Phil­ip­pines, will levy new fees for tour­ists, accord­ing to the Phil­ip­pine News Agency. The fees, agreed upon by the Pro­tec­ted Area Man­age­ment Board (PAMB), would include moor­ing fees for boats used by tour­ists; for diving, swim­ming, snorkel­ing and oth­er activ­it­ies. Jose Bry­an Arranguez, Community […]

Read More Apo Island, Philippines to levy new fees on tourists

Kerala tourism director Kiran a champion of accessibility

May 24, 2017

When it comes to accessibility, Kerala Tourism refuses to be a backwater. Source: Kerala Tourism

A Dir­ect­or at the Depart­ment of Tour­ism in the Indi­an state of Ker­ala is lead­ing by example by mak­ing all state-admin­istered tour­ism facil­it­ies access­ible to all. The Times of India reports that in line with its policy of “bar­ri­er-free tour­ism”, the Ker­ala tour­ism depart­ment will make all its facil­it­ies, includ­ing parks and hotels, “dis­­­abled-friendly” before taking […]

Read More Kerala tourism director Kiran a champion of accessibility

On biodiversity day is it OK to ask: “Are people wildlife too?”

May 22, 2017

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Today (May 22) is the Inter­na­tion­al Day for Bio­lo­gic­al Diversity (biod­iversity day). This year, the United Nations (UN) has linked the day with tour­ism under the theme “Biod­iversity and Sus­tain­able Tour­ism”; chosen to coin­cide with the Inter­na­tion­al Year of Sus­tain­able Tour­ism for Devel­op­ment. The UN web page about the day states: “Diversity in spe­cies, ecosystems […]

Read More On biodiversity day is it OK to ask: “Are people wildlife too?”

Is child sex tourism on the rise in Goa, India?

May 19, 2017

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The chil­dren of migrant work­ers in Goa, India are increas­ingly exploited for sex by domest­ic and for­eign tour­ists, accord­ing to a report. And tour­ism industry stake­hold­ers should adopt a child-friendly code — per­haps The Code? A research report, Walk­ing the tightrope: Exploit­a­tion of migrant chil­dren in Tour­ism in Goa, says tour­ism has contributed […]

Read More Is child sex tourism on the rise in Goa, India?