Top five most visited “GT” Insights & “GT” Travel Experiences of 2021 (& all time)

December 21, 2021

Five! Image by yohoprashant (CC0) via Pixabay.
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Most of the past year — two years — has been ter­ribly tough for many; espe­cially travel & tour­ism people. 

I can’t really say much more about it than I said at the cor­res­pond­ing time last year: 

Good rid­dance 2021 … 2022 had bet­ter be bet­ter … blah blah …

But, as I wrote at the end of 2020, it’s import­ant to remem­ber that there were mar­riages and births and gradu­ations and vic­tor­ies and awards and oth­er great life events and accom­plish­ments tak­ing place over the past 12 months. 

The people involved will look back on 2021 with at least some fond­ness. For their sake at least, let’s not com­pletely trash the year, just as we did­n’t com­pletely write off 2020.

On that note of grat­it­ude, thank you to all the won­der­ful Part­ners of “Good Tour­ism”. Thank you too to all the bril­liant “GT” guest authors. And thank YOU for reading!

The five most visited “Good Tourism” Insights published in 2021

Giv­en that the most recently pub­lished “GT” Insights are unlikely to make this list, this is more of an indic­at­or of what has been of interest to “GT’s” guest authors and read­ers in 2021. What is regen­er­at­ive tour­ism? How many trav­el­lers will your des­tin­a­tion wel­come in future? And will you care about what vis­it­ors think of your diet­ary habits?

Kingia australis, regenerating naturally. Image by TerriAnneAllen (CC0) via Pixabay.
Kingia Aus­tral­is, regen­er­at­ing nat­ur­ally. Image by Ter­ri­An­neAl­len (CC0) via Pixabay.
  1. Is ‘regen­er­at­ive tour­ism’ just a rebrand­ing of ‘sus­tain­able tour­ism’?
    May — For those still con­fused about the dif­fer­ence between sus­tain­able tour­ism and regen­er­at­ive tour­ism, PhD can­did­ate Lor­etta Bel­lato offers answers to ques­tions that she is fre­quently asked. It’s a “Good Tour­ism” Insight.
  2. Host com­munit­ies are at the core of tomorrow’s sus­tain­able tour­ism
    Janu­ary — The post-pan­dem­ic future of travel & tour­ism will be more com­munity-based than it has been, accord­ing to sus­tain­able tour­ism expert Eva Moss­berg. In this “Good Tour­ism” Insight, Ms Moss­berg points to the vil­lage of Baan Talae Nok in south­ern Thai­l­and for an example of how and why.
  3. High value, low volume: Is Bhutan’s old nor­mal the world’s new nor­mal?
    April — While some places adopt Bhutan’s Gross Nation­al Hap­pi­ness, the Kingdom’s tour­ism offi­cials would be happy for the world to emu­late its ‘high value, low volume’ tour­ism policy too. Dorji Dhradhul, dir­ect­or-gen­er­al of the Tour­ism Coun­cil of Bhutan, dis­cusses it in this “Good Tour­ism” Insight.
  4. Vietnam’s ‘little tiger’ meat trade: Why travel & tour­ism should help tackle it
    Feb­ru­ary — [Images in this post may cause dis­tress.] From the front line of a fight to end Vietnam’s trade in cats for their meat, veter­in­ari­an Kath­er­ine Polak of FOUR PAWS Inter­na­tion­al explains why the cat meat trade presents a danger to travel & tour­ism, and how industry stake­hold­ers can pledge their support. 
  5. Towards a new paradigm for regen­er­at­ive tour­ism and just futures
    JuneThe COV­ID-induced travel & tour­ism depres­sion has caused and exacer­bated suf­fer­ing. In this “GT” Insight, aca­dem­ic Tazim Jamal sum­mar­ises the oppor­tun­it­ies that she sees for ‘heal­ing’, ‘justice’, and ‘equity’ as our industry recovers.

The five most visited “Good Tourism” Insights of all time

More recent “GT” Insight posts have the oppor­tun­ity to tap a lar­ger “GT” audi­ence and social media pres­ence for ini­tial vis­it­a­tion, how­ever older “GT” Insights enjoy the bene­fit of search engine magic and inbound links accu­mu­lated over time.

Rural tourism in the Philippines at Banaue Rice Terraces.
Tour­ist at the Banaue Rice Ter­races, which were carved into the moun­tains of Ifugao in the Phil­ip­pines by ancest­ors of the indi­gen­ous people. By Jon Rawl­in­son (Flickr) (CC BY 2.0) via Wiki­me­dia.
  1. Rur­al tour­ism: Delight­ing tour­ists, devel­op­ing com­munit­ies
    2017 — In July 2017, the UNWTO released its report on Inter­na­tion­al Rur­al Tour­ism Devel­op­ment — An Asia-Pacific Per­spect­ive. Peter Semone was the report’s edit­or and in this “GT” Insight he let us in on some of what he learned.
  2. What’s Goa-ing on? The past, present and future of tour­ism in Goa
    2019 — Justine Cal­ais of the Respons­ible Tour­ism Col­lect­ive of Goa shares her “GT” Insight into what’s really going on with tour­ism in India’s Sun­shine State. 
  3. Regen­er­at­ive tour­ism vs sus­tain­able tour­ism: What’s the dif­fer­ence
    2020 — Susanne Beck­en and Dav­id Gill­banks explore some of the sim­il­ar­it­ies and dif­fer­ences between the new buzz phrase “regen­er­at­ive tour­ism” and the old buzz term “sus­tain­able tourism”.
  4. Ele­phant tour­ism: The harms of received wis­dom
    2017 — The “received wis­dom” about ele­phant tour­ism that keeps con­scien­tious trav­el­lers away from ele­phant-based attrac­tions is doing more harm than good, accord­ing to John Roberts in this “GT” Insights contribution. 
  5. Why tour­ism degrowth just won’t do after COVID-19
    2020 — Among tour­ism aca­dem­ics and thinkers today — the out­spoken ones at least — Jim Butcher is one of the few who would chal­lenge the notion that post-pan­dem­ic tour­ism must — for the sake of the plan­et — be much dimin­ished from what it was. He does just that in this “Good Tour­ism” Insight.

The five most visited “GT” Travel Experiences published in 2021 

In May 2021, “Good Tour­ism” lever­aged its grow­ing brand to spin off The “GT” Travel Blog to offer “informed inspir­a­tion & top tips for trav­el­lers from tour­ism insiders”. Thank you to the pion­eer­ing guest authors.

Here are the five most vis­ited “GT” Travel Exper­i­ences so far. (The most recent are least likely to make this list, of course … but lists must.)

Lagom Stay homestay Jagatsukh village Himachal Pradesh state India
Lagom Stay homestay, Jag­at­sukh, Himach­al Pra­desh, India. Image by Vandana Vijay.
  1. In love with a Him­alay­an homestay by Vandana Vijay
    May — Tucked away across the gurg­ling Beas, away from the chaot­ic touristy caco­phony of Man­ali, lies the quaint vil­lage of Jag­at­sukh
  2. Lap­ping Luang Namtha by Bernie Rosen­bloom
    May — “Where are you tak­ing me this time?” I asked Som­savathHis itin­er­ar­ies make “off the beaten track” look like Main Street …
  3. Old stor­ies, new memor­ies in Valjevo, Ser­bia by Ivana Dam­njan­ović
    May — “Why didn’t you ever tell me that?” I shrieked. “Well, you nev­er asked,” my grandma replied. I am unsure wheth­er there was an echo of rep­rim­and or remorse …
  4. The lux­ury of simply feel­ing good in Siem Reap by Nguyễn Thị Thu Thảo
    July — As the gate­way to the icon­ic temples of Angkor, Siem Reap is one of the busiest ‘tour­ist towns’ in South­east Asia
  5. Off-peak Tan­zania: Go for wild­life, go again for people by Lind­say Booth
    May — When you think of Tan­zania, massive ele­phants, beau­ti­ful lions, and migrat­ing herds of zebra and wilde­beest usu­ally come to mind … 

If it’s ‘hol­i­day sea­son’ where you are and you’re tak­ing some time off, these lists should provide you with some excel­lent catch-up reading.

Merry Christ­mas if you cel­eb­rate it. Be merry if you don’t. And have a bril­liant 2022!

What do you think? Share a short anec­dote or com­ment below. Or write your own “GT” InsightThe “Good Tour­ism” Blog wel­comes diversity of opin­ion and per­spect­ive about travel & tour­ism because travel & tour­ism is everyone’s business.

Fea­tured image (top of post): Five! Image by yohop­rashant (CC0) via Pixabay.

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