Tourism & ‘climate emergency’: It’s the metrics, stupid

May 18, 2021

It's the metrics, stupid. Image: Storm cloud background by FelixMittermeier (CC0) via Pixabay. Stat overlay by postman85 (CC0) via Pixabay.
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Geof­frey Lip­man of “Good Tour­ism” Part­ner SUNx shares a unique “GT” Insight into a TRINET dis­cus­sion cur­rently under­way about tour­ism and cli­mate change. 

TRINET is the Tour­ism Research Inform­a­tion Net­work, an email dis­tri­bu­tion list that links glob­al tour­ism scholars. 

This is an adapt­a­tion of Prof Lip­man’s recent post to TRINET in which he argues why those who would declare an emer­gency should be pre­pared to declare the effect­ive­ness of their emer­gency response.

When I read my friend Xavi­er Font’s excel­lent TRINET piece on Tour­ism Declares a Cli­mate Emer­gency, I was reminded of Bill Clinton’s epic slo­gan: “It’s the eco­nomy, stupid.”

For cli­mate, simply put: It’s the met­rics, stupid. 

Expressed anoth­er way: If you can’t meas­ure it, you can’t man­age it.

The glob­al response to the cli­mate crisis is all about meas­ur­ing glob­al car­bon reduc­tion through aggreg­at­ing 193 coun­tries’ Nation­ally Determ­ined Con­tri­bu­tions (NDCs), which are filed annu­ally with the United Nations Frame­work Con­ven­tion on Cli­mate Change (UNFCCC) and intens­i­fied over time. It makes total sense for our crit­ic­ally-import­ant sec­tor and all its stake­hold­ers to be act­ing to reduce our green­house gases (GHG) in ways that can ulti­mately meet these accep­ted glob­al norms. 

To draw a par­al­lel, in 1990 there was no meas­ure­ment of travel & tour­is­m’s con­tri­bu­tion to gross domest­ic product (GDP), employ­ment, or even trade reflec­ted in nation­al accounts. The World Travel & Tour­ism Coun­cil (WTTC), where I was the Pres­id­ent at the time, cre­ated what is now the widely recog­nised and used Satel­lite Account data sets that form the basis of vir­tu­ally all industry and gov­ern­ment plan­ning and positioning.

Cur­rently our sec­tor is just not doing this adequately for cli­mate-related emis­sions. And while the Tour­ism Declares frame­work, which Xavi­er out­lines, is a first step in the right dir­ec­tion — organ­isa­tions and indi­vidu­als state their car­bon reduc­tion ambi­tions — we need a second step which is to shift ambi­tions into actions using the same UNFCCC metrics.

It is pre­cisely for this reas­on that SUNx Malta, with the sup­port of the Gov­ern­ment of Malta and work­ing with WTTC, has inves­ted in a tech­no­logy plat­form and a ser­vices team to provide that essen­tial second step. We call it the Cli­mate Friendly Travel Registry (CFT Registry). (I know it’s not a very sexy name, but Malta has hos­ted a Ship­ping Registry for half a cen­tury and UNFCCC hosts the UN Cli­mate Registry).

Also see Dav­id Gill­banks’ op-ed
“Don’t pan­ic: Oppor­tun­ity, ingenu­ity will give us cli­mate-friendly travel”

The CFT Registry, which was con­struc­ted by the same team that built the UN Registry, launched at the end of 2020 using identic­al met­rics. Patri­cia Espinosa, the UN Cli­mate Chief, wel­comed it: “I con­grat­u­late the WTTC on the Cli­mate Friendly Travel Registry launched jointly with SUNx Malta and wel­come the oppor­tun­it­ies that this offers to travel & tour­ism organ­isa­tions to devel­op, register, and pro­mote their cli­mate strategies, plans, and achieve­ments in sup­port of the goals of the Par­is Agreement.”

The fact is that to be taken ser­i­ously in cli­mate policy decision-mak­ing circles we need mean­ing­ful met­rics for the travel & tour­ism sector’s 30-year — yes, 30-year — trans­form­a­tion to the Par­is 1.5 world. The dis­par­ate Tour­ism Declares or sim­il­ar ambi­tions need to be aligned with glob­al norms. It is true that some are doing it through mem­ber­ship in the Sci­ence Based Tar­gets or UN Glob­al Com­pact ini­ti­at­ives, but the major­ity are not. How could the many indi­vidu­als who have declared ever do that, for example? 

I spoke at length to one per­son who is very well respec­ted on TRINET and was told that it’s just too hard; that these gen­er­al non-tour­ism approaches won’t help devel­op coher­ent sets of travel & tour­ism-rel­ev­ant data. Yet that is pre­cisely what the CFT Registry has been designed to do.

Also see Tan­ner C Knor­r’s “GT” Insight
“Cli­mate change, COVID-19, and the need for glob­al sys­tem­ic change”

To help com­pan­ies and com­munit­ies file and ful­fil their sus­tain­ab­il­ity (Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment Goals) and cli­mate-related (Par­is) plans, we have cre­ated an eas­ily-access­ible data­base of innov­a­tion, good prac­tice, and advis­ory ser­vices. We are also reach­ing out to industry organ­isa­tions and build­ing chan­nels to consumers.

This is a slow pro­cess as there is, sadly, a kind of inher­ent NIMBY (not in my back yard) sus­pi­cion, which we have encountered. But we remain optim­ist­ic that over time and with good-faith inten­tions, all will see the cross-industry benefits. 

But we can­not pro­cras­tin­ate. There is not as much time as many like to think. To get to net car­bon-neut­ral by 2050 — or, more ration­ally, to zero GHG if we are to respond to the Inter­gov­ern­ment­al Pan­el on Cli­mate Change (IPCC)‘s sci­ence-based assess­ments — we have to start now and pro­gress­ively transform. 

The CFT Registry is ready now to help our industry do exactly that.

What do you think? Share a short anec­dote or com­ment below. Or write a deep­er “GT” InsightThe “Good Tour­ism” Blog wel­comes diversity of opin­ion and per­spect­ive about travel & tour­ism because travel & tour­ism is everyone’s business.

Fea­tured image (top of post): It’s the met­rics, stu­pid. Image: Storm cloud back­ground by FelixMit­ter­mei­er (CC0) via Pixabay. Stat over­lay by postman85 (CC0) via Pixabay.

About the author

Geoffrey Lipman 300sq 1
Geof­frey Lipman

Geof­frey Lip­man is a former top offi­cial and innov­at­or at the Inter­na­tion­al Air Trans­port Asso­ci­ation (IATA), World Travel & Tour­ism Coun­cil (WTTC), and United Nations World Tour­ism Organ­iz­a­tion (UNWTO). In his cur­rent roles as chief dis­rup­tion archi­tect and pro­fess­or at and co-founder of the SUNx Pro­gram, Prof Lip­man advoc­ates con­cepts such as “green growth”, “impact-travel”, and “trav­el­ism”, and asserts that cli­mate change is “exist­en­tial”. His firm belief that cli­mate change has the poten­tial to knock out our spe­cies has not only inspired Prof Lip­man to add the “x” to SUNx, but is also driv­ing him to pur­sue the most ambi­tious pro­ject of his career; the real­isa­tion of a Strong Uni­ver­sal Net­work (SUNx) that will empower and resource cur­rent and emer­ging gen­er­a­tions who must face the exist­en­tial threat head on.

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