Don’t panic: Opportunity, ingenuity will give us climate-friendly travel, tourism

August 29, 2020

Don’t panic: Opportunity & ingenuity will give us climate-friendly travel & tourism
"Good Tourism" Premier Partnership is for a leading brand in travel & tourism

Tour­ism is itself one of the won­ders of the world,” United Nations’ big boss António Guterres said as he extolled the vir­tues of our industry. That’s the good news. 

How­ever, as the UN World Tour­ism Organ­iz­a­tion (UNWTO) warned that between 100 mil­lion and 120 mil­lion dir­ect tour­ism jobs are at risk right now, the UN sec­ret­ary-gen­er­al under­scored “equity” as a major pri­or­ity area for our travel & tour­ism industry as it rebuilds for the future. 

Your cor­res­pond­ent hopes that Mr Guterres means equal rights and con­tin­ued pro­gress towards equal oppor­tun­ity. This sens­ible, main­stream, and cent­rist pos­i­tion can­not be assumed. 

Many influ­en­tial or at least dis­pro­por­tion­ately-loud voices seem to be call­ing for the more uto­pi­an equal­ity of out­come.

Equal­ity of out­come is not the same thing at all. Very few people sup­port such a goal once they fully com­pre­hend what the neces­sary means to those ends are. We’ve seen that movie before. We know it does­n’t end well. (Spoil­er: There is no out­come more “equit­able” than every­one los­ing their jobs.)

The UN chief also cited cli­mate-friend­li­ness as a pri­or­ity for tourism’s recovery. 

To move ourselves and our stuff around without releas­ing green­house gases, soft­ware bil­lion­aire Bill Gates reck­ons we can “use clean elec­tri­city to run all the vehicles we can, and get cheap altern­at­ive fuels for everything else” i.e. pas­sen­ger planes, cargo ships, road trains … He noted that bio­fuels and elec­tro­fuels both “need a lot more innov­a­tion before they become a real­ist­ic, cost-effect­ive option”. 

The good news here is that we have at hand new tech­no­lo­gies for a more cli­mate-friendly future for travel and transport. 

As “Good news in tour­ism” has covered for months, there are a lot of real and ration­al things hap­pen­ing to decar­bon­ise travel, includ­ing the strong advocacy and sup­port­ive pro­grams of “GT” Part­ner SUNx — Strong Uni­ver­sal Net­work

Your correspondent’s per­son­al view is that even in the cur­rent cir­cum­stances there is every reas­on to encour­age and pro­mote mar­ket-based incent­ives and oppor­tun­it­ies to con­tin­ue innov­at­ing toward net-zero travel. 

Enhan­cing incent­ives and oppor­tun­it­ies — and lev­el­ling the play­ing field to allow more access to them — through well-con­ceived pub­lic pro­grams and policies may be use­ful too, but only if budgets and band­width allow. 

Unfor­tu­nately many treas­ur­ies are empty. And there are clearly more press­ing polit­ic­al pri­or­it­ies facing gov­ern­ments, includ­ing those 100+ mil­lion travel & tour­ism jobs … oh …

Fine. We should nev­er rely on gov­ern­ments to solve our prob­lems any­way; espe­cially all our prob­lems all at once.

And we should watch closely as politi­cians pick out their favour­ite (nas­cent or extant) tech­no­lo­gies for spe­cial sub­sidy or sup­port. Such polit­ic­al inter­ven­tion is an oppor­tun­ity for the sort of cor­rup­tion and/or incom­pet­ence implic­ated in dec­ades of dodgy energy policy. (Do you hon­estly think your side of estab­lish­ment polit­ics is any better?) 

Relax. When it comes to cli­mate change and the need for net-zero travel, don’t pan­ic. Don’t be alarm­ist. Don’t run out onto the streets and burn everything down like an under­gradu­ate with all the right­eous answers to all the wrong questions. 

Where there is demand for afford­able net-zero travel — and there is plenty — someone will fill it. The incent­ives to do so are obvi­ous (and diverse). 

Simply give people the time and space and encour­age­ment to work on solutions. 

Give them an equit­able oppor­tun­ity.

Human ingenu­ity will prevail. 

Now, about those jobs …

Agree? Dis­agree? Share your reas­ons in the com­ments below. Or write a “GT” Insight. The “Good Tour­ism” Blog wel­comes diversity of opin­ion about our travel & tour­ism industry because travel & tour­ism is everyone’s business.

About the author

David Gillbanks

Dav­id Gill­banks is the pub­lish­er of The “Good Tour­ism” Blog (this web­site) and a freel­ance writer and com­mu­nic­a­tions con­sult­ant avail­able for hire at (his Linked­In pro­file; feel free to con­nect). Dav­id’s back­ground is in writ­ing, pub­lish­ing, and cor­por­ate com­mu­nic­a­tions in the life­style, prop­erty, travel & tour­ism, not-for-profit, and eco­nom­ic devel­op­ment sectors.

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