How can tourism safeguard intangible cultural heritage? A peek at Penghu

May 12, 2020

Penghu fish traps. The iconic double love heart formation. By chingtao0007 (CC0) via Needpix.
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In this fresh “GT” Insight, respons­ible tour­ism and eco­nom­ic devel­op­ment spe­cial­ist Kev­in Phun takes a peek at the pis­cat­ori­al pro­fi­cien­cies of the people of Penghu, Taiwan to dis­cuss how the tan­gible and intan­gible should be con­sidered inter­con­nec­ted when plan­ning sus­tain­able cul­tur­al her­it­age tour­ism attractions.

Intan­gible cul­tur­al her­it­age (ICH) refers to aspects of peoples’ cul­tures that one can­not touch; ideas, know­ledge, music, aspects of food, aspects of art and crafts, a way of life. These intan­gible aspects of cul­ture are import­ant because they recog­nise and retain the cul­tur­al iden­tity of places and people and affirm their her­it­age value.

Indi­gen­ous peoples have lived in Taiwan for hun­dreds of years and have also been involved with pre­serving their cul­tur­al her­it­age, includ­ing that which is intan­gible. Their ICH is in danger of being lost or des­troyed through soci­et­al changes, tour­ism, and oth­er factors. In response, groups have formed to pro­mote the pre­ser­va­tion of both tan­gible and intan­gible cul­tur­al heritage. 

Taiwan’s numer­ous tan­gible ocean­ic nat­ur­al her­it­ages, includ­ing Yehliu Geo­park, Penghu Colum­nar Basalt Nature Reserve and Dong­sha Mar­ine Nation­al Park, as well as the fam­ous Penghu stone weirs, are all poten­tial tour­ism attrac­tions that can bene­fit from tourism’s abil­ity to enable preservation. 

The Penghu weirs are not like the oth­er attrac­tions men­tioned. They are ocean­ic, yes, but they are not entirely nat­ur­al. The weirs were ingeni­ously built by the loc­als cen­tur­ies ago to trap fish. 

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We know that tour­ism can gen­er­ate the resources needed for rebuild­ing and main­tain­ing Penghu’s nearly 600 remain­ing weirs. But they are tan­gible, no? The chal­lenge: How can Taiwan ensure that Penghu’s intan­gible cul­tur­al her­it­age is able to con­tin­ue des­pite, and because of, tourism? 

The res­id­ents of Penghu island today are largely non-indi­gen­ous. The tech­nique of trap­ping fish was brought by people from main­land China who came to Penghu over the last few cen­tur­ies. The weirs are tan­gible, but the tech­nique for trap­ping fish is an idea, or what some may call a cul­tur­al prac­tice. It is also a way of life, which is still (infre­quently) prac­ticed today. That is what makes the weirs of Penghu also an intan­gible cul­tur­al her­it­age. (Inter­est­ingly, it is also claimed that the weirs are pos­it­ive for bio­lo­gic­al diversity.)

A plan by the Taiwan Tour­ism Bur­eau to increase the sus­tain­able devel­op­ment of its tour­ism resources and grow its tour­ism mar­ket may seem like a con­tra­dict­ory move. To make these two things com­ple­ment­ary, grow­ing the tour­ism mar­ket should mean hav­ing a more diverse mar­ket of tour­ists and spread­ing the tour­ist sea­son over the year.

Accord­ing to Lin and Lin (2018), the gov­ern­ment in Taiwan (or for that mat­ter all gov­ern­ments), amongst all things, should encour­age closer cooper­a­tion between the pub­lic and private sec­tors, and integ­rate tour­ism resources, cul­tur­al assets and cre­at­ive industries.

The northern islands of Penghu County off the southwest coast of Taiwan (The Portuguese named the archipelago Ilhas dos Pescadores or "Fishermen Islands"). Image by Wing1990hk (CC BY-SA 3.0) via Wikipedia). "GT" cropped it.
Penghu County lies off the south­w­est coast of the island of Taiwan in the Taiwan Strait. (The Por­tuguese named the archipelago Ilhas dos Pes­cadores or “Fish­er­men Islands”. Pic­tured is the north­ern cluster of islands.) Image by Wing1990hk (CC BY-SA 3.0) via Wiki­pe­dia. “GT” cropped it.

Tour­ists love to vis­it the weirs in Penghu, there­fore tour­ism is increas­ing on the islands; or had been up until the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic. Some 70% of the tour­ists are inde­pend­ent trav­el­lers. There is gen­er­ally a high­er chance of interest in learn­ing about loc­al cul­tures among inde­pend­ent trav­el­lers who have spe­cific­ally chosen to come to that attrac­tion than among those who come in groups. Inde­pend­ent trav­el­lers are also more flex­ible in terms of their itineraries.

An increase in tour­ism activ­it­ies requires infra­struc­ture that can accom­mod­ate it and mit­ig­ate its poten­tial cli­mate change impacts. There is also an oppor­tun­ity to train and hire more loc­als to cater to it. Sig­ni­fic­antly, an increase in tour­ist num­bers also gen­er­ates oppor­tun­it­ies to pre­serve ICH tra­di­tions by show­cas­ing them.

Mar­ket­ing ICH as a tour­ism exper­i­ence requires close cooper­a­tion between the pub­lic, private, and non-profit sec­tors, to ensure that loc­al com­munit­ies bene­fit (not just fin­an­cially) from the pres­ence of tour­ists. The cre­at­ive present­a­tion and safe­guard­ing prac­tices inspired by mass tour­ism should not be ignored, as they can be vital in the pre­ser­va­tion of ICH. We can at least learn from them.

A con­sidered and care­ful integ­ra­tion of tour­ism assets and resources in a place like Penghu should mean that the tan­gible built her­it­age of the weirs and the intan­gible cul­tur­al her­it­age of the people who built them are prop­erly thought of as inter­con­nec­ted. And the acquired know­ledge and exper­i­ence in suc­cess­fully pre­serving both for their own sake and for the appre­ci­ation of vis­it­ors will not only be valu­able, but also, import­antly, highly transferrable.

Agree? Dis­agree? Share your reas­ons in the com­ments below. Or write a “GT” InsightThe “Good Tour­ism” Blog wel­comes diversity of opin­ion about our travel & tour­ism industry because travel & tour­ism is everyone’s business.

Fea­tured image (top of post): Taiwan’s Penghu fish traps; the icon­ic double love heart form­a­tion. By chingtao0007 (CC0) via Need­pix.


Lin, C., Y. and Lin, K., J. (2018). Redis­cov­ery of Taiwan Ocean Her­it­age and Its Sus­tain­ab­il­ity, DOI:

About the author

Kevin Phun, Founder & Director, Centre for Responsible Tourism Singapore
Kev­in Phun

Kev­in Phun is a spe­cial­ist in respons­ible tour­ism who com­bines tour­ism and sus­tain­able devel­op­ment know­ledge and expert­ise. He is the founder of the Centre for Respons­ible Tour­ism Singa­pore (CRTS) and can be reached at kevin[at]

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