The “Good Tourism” Podcast #1: Geoffrey Lipman & the existential threat
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[UPDATE November 8, 2017: The International Institute for Peace through Tourism has chosen five people from the world of travel & tourism to honour as “Global Ambassadors of Peace Through Tourism”, including Prof Lipman. Upon accepting the award, Prof Lipman said: “I have been inspired for 25 years by Maurice Strong and the Award is a testimony to his vision, which was a major factor in the evolution of the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Accords. It also drove my actions in the first decade as President of World Travel & Tourism Council and the next decade at the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).” He discusses much of this in the podcast.]
During the 47-minute podcast interview, the former top official and innovator at the International Air Transport Association (IATA), World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), and United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) commented on the effectiveness of his former employers at influencing positive change at the grass roots. He also related when and how he started taking sustainability seriously.
In his current roles as president of the International Coalition of Tourism Partners, professor and chief disruption architect at, and co-founder of the SUNx Program, Prof Lipman advocates concepts such as “green growth”, “impact-travel”, and “travelism”, and asserts that climate change is “existential”.
His firm belief that climate change has the potential to knock out our species has not only inspired Prof Lipman to add the “x” to SUNx, but is also driving him to pursue the most ambitious project of his career; the realisation of a Strong Universal Network (SUNx) that will empower and resource a new generation who must face the existential threat head on.
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Featured image: Geoffrey Lipman delivering the keynote address at Mekong Tourism Forum 2016, Sihanoukville, Cambodia. Picture taken by David Gillbanks who was rapporteur for the event.
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