About podcasts & how to subscribe to The “Good Tourism” Podcast

October 28, 2017

For those who have yet to appre­ci­ate the awe­some­ness of pod­casts, they are best described as on-demand radio shows. Indeed your favour­ite radio sta­tions will likely have pod­cast ver­sions of their most pop­u­lar shows.

Pod­casts are great sources of inform­a­tion, edu­ca­tion, and/or enter­tain­ment when you are com­mut­ing, work­ing out, garden­ing, cook­ing … any­time you’re engaged in a solo activ­ity that does­n’t neces­sar­ily require your full attention.

You can listen to a pod­cast epis­ode by stream­ing it straight off the inter­net or by down­load­ing it to listen to later on an appro­pri­ate media play­er or pod­cast applic­a­tion. (Down­load­ing over Wifi to listen to when you are out of Wifi range is a good strategy to save on mobile data.)

Subscribe for free

By sub­scrib­ing to The “Good Tour­ism” Pod­cast you will receive noti­fic­a­tion of latest epis­odes. By default epis­odes may be down­loaded to your com­puter or port­able device auto­mat­ic­ally (check set­tings). Select the sub­scrip­tion meth­od below that suits you:


iOS (iPhone, iPad, and iPod)

To sub­scribe, select “Sub­scribe on iTunes” (iTunes list­ing is PENDING so sub­scribe by email for now)

Mac and Windows

To sub­scribe, select “Sub­scribe on iTunes” (iTunes list­ing is PENDING so sub­scribe by email for now)

Android and Amazon Fire

To sub­scribe, select “Sub­scribe on Android”.

Your favourite application

Copy this URL — https://goodtourismblog.com/feed/podcast/ — and paste it into your favour­ite pod­cast applic­a­tion or news reader.

Bookmark this podcast

To book­mark this pod­cast site, press the “Ctrl” and “D” keys on your Win­dows key­board, or “Com­mand” + “D” for Mac.