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On the tiger trail, India’s women unveil and roar ahead in tourism

A group of women safari guides poses for a photo at Pench Tiger Reserve in central Madhya Pradesh state, India on May 19, 2016. Photo credit: Satpuda Foundation http://satpuda.org

Female nature-based tour­ism guides in India, such as at the Pench Tiger Reserve in Mad­hya Pra­desh, are help­ing to upend sex­ist views, accord­ing to a report by the Thom­son Reu­ters Found­a­tion. Bob­bing along a dirt track in a cent­ral Indi­an tiger reserve, Var­sha Hinge sur­veyed the land­scape for paw­prints and listened out for deer calls […]

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World Bank to target support for PNG community-based tourism

October 15, 2017

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The World Bank’s upcom­ing US$20 mil­lion Tour­ism Sec­tor Devel­op­ment Pro­ject in Pap­ua New Guinea (PNG) will include “tar­geted sup­port for com­munity-led micro-enter­­­prises to cre­ate jobs, espe­cially for women”. The pro­ject will work with PNG gov­ern­ment and industry play­ers on an “integ­rated approach to tour­ism” in the provinces of East New Bri­tain and Mil­ne Bay and will […]

Read More World Bank to target support for PNG community-based tourism

Afghan travel agent helps women study abroad

September 13, 2017

Afghan travel agent is giving Afghani women educational and career opportunities abroad

An Afghan travel entre­pren­eur is hop­ing to inspire a new gen­er­a­tion of women by using her agency to help female stu­dents secure places at uni­ver­sit­ies in Tur­key, Rus­sia and Europe and then break into male-dom­in­ated careers. Mar­jana Sadi (pic­tured above), 21, set up Banoo Travel Agency in a mar­ket in cent­ral Kabul nearly a year […]

Read More Afghan travel agent helps women study abroad

Spanish airline Iberia to end pregnancy tests as part of recruitment

Inclusive tourism Spain. Iberia Airbus A321-211 "EC-ILP" and British Airways Airbus A320-211 "G-Busk" in October 2010, before the airlines' 2011 merger. Source: Curimedia, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File%3AAirbus_A321_Iberia_%26_A320_British_Airways_(5047661247).jpg

Span­ish air­line Iber­ia is to stop requir­ing women to take a preg­nancy test as part of its recruit­ment pro­cess, it said in a state­ment on its web­site. A preg­nancy test, which was a routine part of the med­ic­al exam­in­a­tion that poten­tial female recruits had to under­go, will be stopped, the air­line said. “We will no longer […]

Read More Spanish airline Iberia to end pregnancy tests as part of recruitment