
Scroll down for posts tagged with “women”.

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Apply now: Unprecedented ‘gender equality’ award to be bestowed at ITB 2023

Unprecedented ‘gender equality’ award to be bestowed at ITB 2023. Image supplied by Equality in Tourism

Equal­ity in Tour­ism is launch­ing its Award for Com­mit­ment to Gender Equal­ity.  Dr Stroma Cole and Dr Yas­min Begum dis­cuss the ori­gins and object­ives of the Award in this “GT” ‘sponsored post’, which was offered free-of-charge by “GT’s” pub­lish­er. This inter­na­tion­al award will be the first of its kind and seeks to recog­nise tour­ism organisations […]

Read More Apply now: Unprecedented ‘gender equality’ award to be bestowed at ITB 2023

Gender mainstreaming in tourism & hospitality training. What? Why? How?

Gender mainstreaming in tourism training

What is ‘gender main­stream­ing’? Why is it import­ant? And how can it be applied in tour­ism and hos­pit­al­ity train­ing centres? In the wake of the release of their report on gender main­stream­ing, Nguyễn Thị Thu Thảo, Võ Thị Quế Chi, Marlène Ver­meij, and Del­hi Kal­wan of “GT” Part­ner the Asso­ci­ation of South­east Asi­an Social Enterprises […]

Read More Gender mainstreaming in tourism & hospitality training. What? Why? How?

Is agritourism a more eco-friendly & gender-equitable form of tourism?

July 8, 2021
One Comment

By Free-Photos (CC0) via Pixabay. https://pixabay.com/photos/cherries-handful-red-ripe-fresh-1082136/

Would you pay more for cher­ries you picked your­self? Respond­ents in an agri­t­our­ism study by Erdogan Koc said they would. In this “Good Tour­ism” Insight, his second, Prof Koc sum­mar­ises the case for agri­t­our­ism and its poten­tial bene­fits for the envir­on­ment and women … and cherry grow­ers. In par­al­lel with its fast growth over the […]

Read More Is agritourism a more eco-friendly & gender-equitable form of tourism?

Women’s travel & tourism livelihoods matter too: What I’m doing about it

March 18, 2021

"Regardless of identity or political labels, indications are that most women support equality ..." Image by geralt (CC0) via Pixabay. https://pixabay.com/photos/arrows-trend-businesswoman-woman-2167840/

In her second “Good Tour­ism” Insight, Kar­en Sim­monds sets out her con­cerns about women in travel & tour­ism and broad­er soci­ety and how she’s tak­ing action. As I write, we have recently cel­eb­rated Inter­na­tion­al Women’s Day on March 8. I was encour­aged to see its theme and hasht­ag, #ChoosetoChal­lenge, being used in vari­ous circles. Here […]

Read More Women’s travel & tourism livelihoods matter too: What I’m doing about it

How can vocational education contribute to women’s empowerment in hospitality & tourism?

At EGBOK, the students, both men and women, undergo comprehensive classes on women’s empowerment and gender equality, going into various social and gender issues such as marriage, love, relationships, child rearing and financial matters. Image (c) 2017 Chris RJ Anderson Photography. Supplied by ASSET‑H&C.

Every­one work­ing in travel & tour­ism and the hos­pit­al­ity sec­tor should be appro­pri­ately val­ued, paid, and recog­nised. With fresh research in hand, Soph­ie Hart­man, Nguyễn Thị Thu Thảo, and Võ Thị Quế Chi from the Asso­ci­ation of South­east Asi­an Social Enter­prises for Train­ing in Hos­pit­al­ity & Cater­ing (ASSET‑H&C) explain how voca­tion­al edu­ca­tion and train­ing can […]

Read More How can vocational education contribute to women’s empowerment in hospitality & tourism?

How a community-based tourism & homestay network empowers women in Nepal

February 4, 2020

Women who manage the Panauti Community Homestay with some members of the CHN team

Tour­ism impact and sus­tain­ab­il­ity expert Aady­aa Pandey dis­cusses a few of the chal­lenges over­come by Nepal’s Com­munity Homestay Net­work (CHN). And she cel­eb­rates its pos­it­ive impacts. Thanks to “Good Tour­ism” Insight Part­ner Second Look World­wide for invit­ing Aady­aa to con­trib­ute this inspir­ing “GT” Insight about a social enter­prise that arose from a mod­est yet wildly […]

Read More How a community-based tourism & homestay network empowers women in Nepal