Travel & tourism and destination marketing

Scroll down for posts that have been tagged with “travel & tour­ism and des­tin­a­tion mar­ket­ing”; the mar­ket­ing of not only des­tin­a­tions but also travel & tour­ism busi­nesses, NGOs, and oth­er stakeholders.

Mar­ket­ing is an essen­tial aspect of the travel & tour­ism industry. The industry relies heav­ily on mar­ket­ing to attract trav­el­lers to its des­tin­a­tions, hotels, resorts, and tour­ist attractions.

Travel, tour­ism, and des­tin­a­tion mar­ket­ing is a spe­cial­ised field that requires a com­pre­hens­ive under­stand­ing of the tar­get audi­ence, mar­ket­ing strategies, and trends.

The first step in mar­ket­ing travel & tour­ism is to identi­fy the tar­get audi­ence. Dif­fer­ent des­tin­a­tions, ser­vice pro­viders, and tour­ist attrac­tions appeal to dif­fer­ent groups of people. For example, adven­ture activ­it­ies such as hik­ing and bun­gee jump­ing may appeal to young­er, more adven­tur­ous trav­el­lers, while lux­ury resorts and spas may appeal to older, more afflu­ent indi­vidu­als. Mar­keters need to identi­fy the demo­graph­ics, psy­cho­graph­ics, and travel beha­viours of their tar­get audi­ence to cre­ate tailored mar­ket­ing mes­sages that res­on­ate with them.

Once the tar­get audi­ence is iden­ti­fied, mar­keters need to devel­op effect­ive mar­ket­ing strategies that com­mu­nic­ate the unique value pro­pos­i­tion of the des­tin­a­tion or tour­ism product. This includes cre­at­ing com­pel­ling con­tent such as pho­tos, videos, and blogs that show­case the des­tin­a­tion’s attrac­tions, cul­ture, and history.

Social media has become an essen­tial tool for travel and tour­ism mar­keters as it provides a plat­form for enga­ging with trav­el­ers and shar­ing con­tent. Plat­forms such as Ins­tagram, Face­book, and Twit­ter enable mar­keters to cre­ate tar­geted ad cam­paigns that reach spe­cif­ic audiences.

In addi­tion to cre­at­ing con­tent and lever­aging social media, travel & tour­ism mar­keters also use vari­ous pro­mo­tion­al tac­tics such as dis­counts, spe­cial offers, and loy­alty pro­grams to attract and retain cus­tom­ers. These tac­tics are par­tic­u­larly effect­ive for attract­ing first-time vis­it­ors and build­ing brand loy­alty. Mar­keters also col­lab­or­ate with travel agents and tour oper­at­ors to pro­mote their des­tin­a­tions and products, as well as par­ti­cip­ate in industry events such as trade shows and exhib­i­tions to con­nect with poten­tial customers.

Anoth­er crit­ic­al aspect of travel & tour­ism mar­ket­ing is man­aging the des­tin­a­tion’s repu­ta­tion. Reviews and rat­ings from pre­vi­ous vis­it­ors play a sig­ni­fic­ant role in influ­en­cing the decision-mak­ing pro­cess of poten­tial trav­el­lers. As such, mar­keters need to ensure that the des­tin­a­tion’s repu­ta­tion is pro­tec­ted by mon­it­or­ing and respond­ing to cus­tom­er feed­back on review sites.

In a nut­shell, travel & tour­ism and des­tin­a­tion mar­ket­ing is a com­plex pro­cess that requires a deep under­stand­ing of the tar­get audi­ence, mar­ket­ing strategies, and industry trends. By lever­aging social media, cre­at­ing com­pel­ling con­tent, and using pro­mo­tion­al tac­tics, mar­keters can effect­ively com­mu­nic­ate the unique value pro­pos­i­tion of their des­tin­a­tions and products, attract and retain cus­tom­ers, and build brand loyalty.

Tags are inform­al. The “Good Tour­ism” Blog tries not to get bogged down with ter­min­o­logy and defin­i­tions. You may, of course, dis­agree with tags applied (or not applied) to a post. If so, please feel free to com­ment on any post you think has been incor­rectly or insuf­fi­ciently tagged. “GT” encour­ages good-faith debate and discussion.

In the eye of the beholder: How to create valuable tourism experiences

January 21, 2021

Flowers, cosmos, and the eye of the beholder. By DanielHannah (CC0) via Pixabay.

Set­ting prices, drum­ming up demand, and deliv­er­ing appro­pri­ate value-for-money are core chal­lenges for travel & tour­ism stake­hold­ers, par­tic­u­larly in des­tin­a­tions wor­ried about a post-COV­­ID return to over­tour­ism. An easy way to reduce demand might be for gov­ern­ments to increase tour­ism taxes and/or for busi­nesses to raise prices, but will the value still be there?  “Good Tourism” […]

Read More In the eye of the beholder: How to create valuable tourism experiences

How travellers respond to crises and disasters and what tourism can do to minimise cancellations

January 19, 2021

Superhero. By AD_Images (CC0) via Pixabay.

Gabby Wal­ters is an expert in crisis and dis­aster recov­ery mar­ket­ing. In this “Good Tour­ism” Insight, Dr Wal­ters shares some of what she knows about trav­el­ler con­cerns dur­ing and after a dis­rupt­ive event and what travel & tour­ism stake­hold­ers can do to mit­ig­ate losses and bounce back. A primary goal of any tour­ist des­tin­a­tion impacted […]

Read More How travellers respond to crises and disasters and what tourism can do to minimise cancellations

When the odds are against you: How a small tour operator survived 2020

January 14, 2021

Turtle, Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia, Australia. Image by Chris Jansen supplied by Live Ningaloo.

From the excit­ing pro­spect of a break­out sea­son to the exist­en­tial threat of bank­ruptcy, 2020 was a tur­bu­lent year for small Aus­trali­an eco-tour oper­at­or Live Nin­ga­loo. In this “Good Tour­ism” Insight, Sonia Beck­with shares how she and her part­ner fought to keep their eco­tour­ism dreams alive. In Decem­ber 2019 we pre­dicted that 2020 would be […]

Read More When the odds are against you: How a small tour operator survived 2020

Worldwide Travel Alliance announced

Worldwide Travel Alliance

New European sales & mar­ket­ing group tar­gets travel & tour­ism entit­ies world­wide ahead of post-COV­­ID vac­cine travel boom. The World­wide Travel Alli­ance (WTA) has been launched to provide sales, mar­ket­ing, rep­res­ent­a­tion and PR ser­vices to glob­al travel brands seek­ing European cus­tom­ers. The Alli­ance con­sists of six lead­ing sales and mar­ket­ing experts based in the UK, […]

Read More Worldwide Travel Alliance announced

A little luxury: What travellers want post-COVID & how to prepare your tour business

January 5, 2021

Abstract art by 8926 via Pixabay used on the "Good Tourism" Insight post "A little luxury: What travellers want post-COVID & how to prepare your tour business"

When travel & tour­ism inev­it­ably opens up again in your part of the world (if it has­n’t already) for domest­ic and/or inter­na­tion­al trav­el­lers, are you pre­pared to give them what they want? Aus­trali­an tour oper­at­or entre­pren­eur Grant Char­les­worth shares his “Good Tour­ism” Insight into how he’s pre­par­ing his Aus­trali­an Lux­ury Escapes. A lot has changed […]

Read More A little luxury: What travellers want post-COVID & how to prepare your tour business

Regenerative ecotourism: Asking questions is the best place to start

December 3, 2020

Overland track, Tasmania Wilderness. Image by pen_ash (CC0) via Pixabay.

“Ask­ing ques­tions is the best place to start,” Anna Pol­lock said dur­ing the after­noon of the third and final day of the 2020 Glob­al Eco Asia-Pacific Tour­ism Con­fer­ence. And she’s right, of course, yet no-one got the oppor­tun­ity to ask her any! Ms Pol­lock may be right about the bene­fit of ques­tions, but she’s obvi­ously not […]

Read More Regenerative ecotourism: Asking questions is the best place to start