Travel & tourism and destination management

Scroll down for posts that have been tagged with “travel & tour­ism and des­tin­a­tion man­age­ment”; the man­age­ment of not only des­tin­a­tions but also travel & tour­ism busi­nesses, NGOs, and oth­er stakeholders.

Travel & tour­ism is a rap­idly grow­ing industry that plays a vital role in the glob­al eco­nomy. It involves people trav­el­ling to dif­fer­ent des­tin­a­tions for vari­ous pur­poses such as leis­ure, busi­ness, or cul­tur­al exchange.

Des­tin­a­tion man­age­ment is an essen­tial aspect of the travel & tour­ism industry, as it involves the plan­ning, devel­op­ment, and man­age­ment of tour­ist des­tin­a­tions to ensure they are attract­ive and access­ible to vis­it­ors, and sustainable.

One of the primary goals of des­tin­a­tion man­age­ment is to provide a mem­or­able and enjoy­able exper­i­ence for tour­ists while also pre­serving the envir­on­ment and cul­tur­al her­it­age of the des­tin­a­tion. This can be achieved through a range of activ­it­ies such as sus­tain­able tour­ism prac­tices, the pro­mo­tion of loc­al busi­nesses, and the cre­ation of unique cul­tur­al exper­i­ences for visitors.

Effect­ive des­tin­a­tion man­age­ment requires col­lab­or­a­tion between stake­hold­ers in the tour­ism industry, includ­ing gov­ern­ments, private sec­tor organ­isa­tions, and loc­al com­munit­ies. Cooper­a­tion between these groups can help ensure that tour­ism devel­op­ment is sus­tain­able and bene­fi­cial for all involved.

In con­clu­sion, the travel & tour­ism industry and des­tin­a­tion man­age­ment are cru­cial com­pon­ents of the glob­al eco­nomy. Effect­ive des­tin­a­tion man­age­ment requires cooper­a­tion between vari­ous stake­hold­ers to ensure sus­tain­able tour­ism devel­op­ment while provid­ing vis­it­ors with a mem­or­able and enjoy­able experience.

Tags are inform­al. The “Good Tour­ism” Blog tries not to get bogged down with ter­min­o­logy and defin­i­tions. You may, of course, dis­agree with tags applied (or not applied) to a post. If so, please feel free to com­ment on any post you think has been incor­rectly or insuf­fi­ciently tagged. “GT” encour­ages good-faith debate and discussion.

Regaining control: Venice takes ‘smart’ measures to manage mass tourism

May 16, 2023

Regaining control: Venice takes ‘smart’ measures to manage mass tourism. Picture © Henrique Ferreira

It is widely acknow­ledged that Venice needs to do some­thing to man­age mass tour­ism.  The ques­tion is: ‘What?’ Will deploy­ing tech­no­lo­gies that meas­ure vis­it­or flows help Venice devel­op more effect­ive strategies to man­age them? Anna Richardot invest­ig­ates what Venice is doing in this “Good Tour­ism” Insight. To say that Venice suf­fers from mass tour­ism is an […]

Read More Regaining control: Venice takes ‘smart’ measures to manage mass tourism

What ‘good tourism’ needs: Listening, learning, leading

March 28, 2023

What's 'good tourism'? Image by FLY:D (CC0) via Unsplash.

K Michael Hay­wood won­ders what the sub­ject­ive notion of ‘good tour­ism’ is, or could be, and how it might be achieved.  The ‘good’ in ‘good tour­ism’ rep­res­ents the search for that which is desir­able and deserving of esteem and respect. It sug­gests that tour­ism activ­it­ies be appro­pri­ate with­in future-ready soci­et­al, loc­a­tion­al, cul­tur­al, and oper­a­tion­al contexts. […]

Read More What ‘good tourism’ needs: Listening, learning, leading

‘No man is an island’: Let’s talk tourism and transportation infrastructure

February 28, 2023

Let's talk transport, specifically tourism and transportation infrastructure. Image from the Faroe Islands by Annie Spratt (CC0) via Unsplash.

Travel & tour­ism and trans­port­a­tion infra­struc­ture are inex­tric­ably linked. The former is almost wholly depend­ent on the lat­ter.  As stake­hold­ers in travel, tour­ism, leis­ure, and hos­pit­al­ity, do we take for gran­ted how we move from place to place? Saverio Francesco Ber­to­lu­cci shares his thoughts in the first in a series of “Good Tour­ism” Insights ini­ti­ated by […]

Read More ‘No man is an island’: Let’s talk tourism and transportation infrastructure

The heads of finance, operations, and public relations walk into their boss’s office … 

February 21, 2023

An impressionist painting of a business meeting in a boss office by DALL-E

The heads of fin­ance, oper­a­tions, and pub­lic rela­tions walk into their boss’s office …  It might be the setup for a joke — feel free to sug­gest a punch­line — but it could per­tain to a very ser­i­ous mat­ter.  What is the most import­ant issue that they could talk about? And how might they come to an agree­ment? Your correspondent […]

Read More The heads of finance, operations, and public relations walk into their boss’s office … 

Douro on my mind: Measuring & marketing value during the ‘value crisis’

February 7, 2023

Douro Valley, Portugal by by Maksym Kaharlytskyi (CC0) via Unsplash. Price / value scale by Tumisu (CC0) via Pixabay. Thought bubble by Clker-Free-Vector-Images (CC0) via Pixabay.

Des­tin­a­tion mar­keters can exploit a gen­er­al per­ceived lack of value and trust to build affin­ity with pro­spect­ive vis­it­ors, accord­ing to K Michael Hay­wood.  In this “Good Tour­ism” Insight, Pro­fess­or Hay­wood describes the oppor­tun­ity for des­tin­a­tion mar­keters and the attend­ant chal­lenge for des­tin­a­tion man­agers. [You too can write a “GT” Insight.] It has been 20 years since […]

Read More Douro on my mind: Measuring & marketing value during the ‘value crisis’

How can we change sustainable tourism destination management for good?

January 24, 2023
One Comment

The world is changing. Is travel & tourism destination management? Individual holding newspaper by Gerd Altmann (CC0) via Pixabay. Superimposed on top is aviation’s CO2 emissions in 2018, an image by @PythonMaps. "GT" added the words "Is travel & tourism?"

To cre­ate a more sus­tain­able tour­ism industry, des­tin­a­tion man­agers need to tackle ‘the invis­ible bur­den’ that trav­el­lers and their facil­it­at­ors and ser­vice pro­viders impose on people and places.  Megan Epler Wood dis­cusses the energy, intel­li­gence, resources, hope, and edu­ca­tion required to trans­form des­tin­a­tion man­age­ment for the 21st cen­tury and bey­ond.  Plan­et Hap­pi­ness invited Ms Epler Wood […]

Read More How can we change sustainable tourism destination management for good?