Sustainable tourism and regenerative tourism

Scroll down for posts that have been tagged with “sus­tain­able tour­ism and regen­er­at­ive tourism”.

Sus­tain­able tour­ism “takes full account of its cur­rent and future eco­nom­ic, social and envir­on­ment­al impacts, address­ing the needs of vis­it­ors, the industry, the envir­on­ment and host com­munit­ies”, accord­ing to the United Nations World Tour­ism Organ­iz­a­tion (UNWTO)Regen­er­at­ive tour­ism chal­lenges and/or extends the concept of sus­tain­able tourism.

The con­cepts of sus­tain­able tour­ism and regen­er­at­ive tour­ism have emerged as a response to the neg­at­ive impacts that tour­ism can have on the envir­on­ment, eco­nomy, and society.

The 1987 Report of the World Com­mis­sion on Envir­on­ment and Devel­op­ment, also known as the Brundtland Report, defined sus­tain­able devel­op­ment as “devel­op­ment that meets the needs of the present without com­prom­ising the abil­ity of future gen­er­a­tions to meet their own needs.”

This idea was later applied to tour­ism. The concept of sus­tain­able tour­ism was born to ensure that tour­ism activ­it­ies are car­ried out in a way that does not deplete nat­ur­al resources or harm loc­al communities.

Regen­er­at­ive tour­ism is a more recent devel­op­ment. It builds upon the prin­ciples of sus­tain­able tour­ism, but goes fur­ther by striv­ing to cre­ate pos­it­ive impact on the envir­on­ment, eco­nomy, and society.

Accord­ing to the book Regen­er­at­ive Tour­ism: Prin­ciples, prac­tices and implic­a­tions by Paul Peeters and Peter Neuwirth, the term ‘regen­er­at­ive tour­ism’ was first intro­duced in 2012. The authors define regen­er­at­ive tour­ism as a “hol­ist­ic approach to tour­ism devel­op­ment that seeks to cre­ate a pos­it­ive impact on the envir­on­ment, eco­nomy and soci­ety, and to regen­er­ate the des­tin­a­tions in which it operates”.

The United Nations World Tour­ism Organ­iz­a­tion (UNWTO) has played a key role in pro­mot­ing sus­tain­able tour­ism through the devel­op­ment of guidelines, policies, and best prac­tices, such as the UNWTO Glob­al Code of Eth­ics for Tour­ism (1999) and the UN Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment Goals (2015)

It’s import­ant to note that these ref­er­ences are not exhaust­ive, as there are many oth­er sources of inform­a­tion on sus­tain­able tour­ism and regen­er­at­ive tour­ism, such as on The “Good Tour­ism” Blog.

At the end of a con­ver­sa­tion in August 2020 about the dif­fer­ences between sus­tain­able tour­ism and regen­er­at­ive tour­ism ― when asked to give the lift (elev­at­or) defin­i­tion of regen­er­at­ive tour­ism ― “Good Tour­ism” Friend Susanne Beck­on said: “Give back more than you take.”

At an eco­tour­ism con­fer­ence in Decem­ber 2020, Anna Pol­lock said there is a jour­ney we must all embark upon if the travel & tour­ism industry is to move from degen­er­at­ive busi­ness-as-usu­al to regen­er­at­ive flour­ish­ing and thriv­ing. The route, she reck­ons, is via notions of “green”, “sus­tain­able”, and “res­tor­at­ive” in that order.

Since August 2020 “GT” has used the same tag for both sus­tain­able tour­ism and regen­er­at­ive tour­ism. Tags are inform­al. The “Good Tour­ism” Blog tries not to get bogged down with ter­min­o­logy and defin­i­tions so you may dis­agree with tags applied (or not applied) to a post. Feel free to com­ment on the post. “GT” encour­ages good-faith debate and discussion.

How a community-based tourism & homestay network empowers women in Nepal

February 4, 2020

Women who manage the Panauti Community Homestay with some members of the CHN team

Tour­ism impact and sus­tain­ab­il­ity expert Aady­aa Pandey dis­cusses a few of the chal­lenges over­come by Nepal’s Com­munity Homestay Net­work (CHN). And she cel­eb­rates its pos­it­ive impacts. Thanks to “Good Tour­ism” Insight Part­ner Second Look World­wide for invit­ing Aady­aa to con­trib­ute this inspir­ing “GT” Insight about a social enter­prise that arose from a mod­est yet wildly […]

Read More How a community-based tourism & homestay network empowers women in Nepal

Why ‘The “Good Tourism” Blog’ won’t be declaring a climate emergency

January 16, 2020

Illustration of woman on suitcase in stormy sea being attacked by gulls. By unknown (CC0) via pxfuel

The short answer is: It’s not “GT’s” role! At writ­ing, 26 tour­ism organ­isa­tions and five indi­vidu­als had declared a glob­al cli­mate emer­gency on behalf of the multi-tril­lion dol­lar travel & tour­ism industry. Among the sig­nat­or­ies is “GT” Friend Susanne Beck­en who, in her declar­a­tion and plan, quotes Greta Thun­berg: “I don’t want your hope, I […]

Read More Why ‘The “Good Tourism” Blog’ won’t be declaring a climate emergency

It’s not ‘no’. It’s ‘know’. A travel tip for good tourists and responsible travellers

January 9, 2020

It's not 'no'. It's 'know.' A "Good Tourism" travel tip; travel advice for good tourists & responsible travellers.

How can one be a good tour­ist and a respons­ible trav­el­ler?  An easy-to-remem­ber rhyme might help; one that acknow­ledges that there is always more to know and there­fore nev­er gets old.  What do you think about this as a catch-all travel tip or philo­sophy for trav­el­lers? Update, June 2021: If you clicked over from The “GT” […]

Read More It’s not ‘no’. It’s ‘know’. A travel tip for good tourists and responsible travellers

Climate change focus for “GT” Insight Partnership

climate change focus good tourism partnership

SUNx — Strong Uni­ver­sal Net­work is the latest “Good Tour­ism” Insight Part­ner. As a “GT” Insight Part­ner, SUNx will inspire industry-wide con­ver­sa­tions and debate around tour­ism and cli­mate change.  As with all “GT” Insight Part­ners, SUNx will reg­u­larly identi­fy and invite an opin­ion or prac­tice lead­er work­ing in the area of cli­mate change & tour­ism to write […]

Read More Climate change focus for “GT” Insight Partnership

How will 100,000 climate champions achieve a climate-neutral future for tourism?

climate neutral future tourism

Olly Wheatcroft, Pro­gram Man­ager for “GT” Insight Part­ner SUNx — Strong Uni­ver­sal Net­work, writes about the organ­isa­tion’s Cli­mate Cham­pi­ons Pro­gram, an edu­ca­tion and train­ing ini­ti­at­ive to sup­port 100,000 next-gen­er­­a­­tion lead­ers in all UN regions by 2030. The SUNx — Strong Uni­ver­sal Net­work (with the x being “exist­en­tial”) is a new sys­tem for tour­ism des­tin­a­tions and industry stake­hold­ers to build climate […]

Read More How will 100,000 climate champions achieve a climate-neutral future for tourism?

SUN, WTTC report strong on “existential climate crisis” & tourism’s response

October 2, 2019

cft ambitions report 2019 snip

The SUNx (“Strong Uni­ver­sal Net­work”) Pro­gram has issued its first annu­al “Cli­mate Friendly Travel – Ambi­tion Report”.  Pre­pared on the side­lines of the Septem­ber UN Gen­er­al Assembly and in col­lab­or­a­tion with the World Travel & Tour­ism Coun­cil (WTTC) “to sup­port a Cli­mate Neut­ral Travel & Tour­ism Sec­tor by 2050”, the doc­u­ment was made avail­able to […]

Read More SUN, WTTC report strong on “existential climate crisis” & tourism’s response