Social enterprise

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A social enter­prise or social busi­ness is an organ­isa­tion that sells sell goods or ser­vices but which has “spe­cif­ic social object­ives that serve its primary pur­pose [with profits] prin­cip­ally used to fund social pro­grams”. This accord­ing to Investo­pe­dia.

Tags are inform­al; an after­thought to con­tent cre­ation. The “Good Tour­ism” Blog nev­er gets bogged down with tag­ging accur­acy or con­sist­ency. Feel free to com­ment on any post you think has been incor­rectly or insuf­fi­ciently tagged. “GT” encour­ages good-faith debate and dis­cus­sion and appre­ci­ates help­ful feedback.

Tourism in crisis: How local staff supported their communities in Myanmar

September 24, 2020
One Comment

Ku Mel project team image featured in "Tourism in crisis: How our local staff supported their communities in Myanmar"

In this “Good Tour­ism” Insight, Nia Klatte of Khiri Reach, the char­it­able arm of “GT” Part­ner Khiri Travel, shares how her organ­isa­tion’s Myan­­mar-based teams stepped up to sup­port host com­munit­ies dur­ing the COV­­ID-related travel & tour­ism clos­ures. This pan­dem­ic has shown us again how big our respons­ib­il­ity is for the people with whom we work; […]

Read More Tourism in crisis: How local staff supported their communities in Myanmar

How tourism & fishing help to save Irrawaddy dolphins in Myanmar

January 21, 2020

Fisherman standing in canoe holding net, waiting for the right time to cast it. Burma, Myanmar, Mandalay Division, Irrawaddy, Ayeyarwady river, fishing with dolphins.

The Liv­ing Irrawaddy Dol­phin Pro­ject (LIDP) is a social busi­ness sup­port­ing the pro­tec­tion of Irrawaddy dol­phins in Myanmar’s Aye­yar­wady Dol­phin Pro­tec­ted Area. LIDP is devel­op­ing a mod­el for dol­phin con­ser­va­tion through com­munity-based eco­tour­ism. Co-founder Paul Eshoo wrote this great “Good Tour­ism” Insight. UPDATE, June 2021: Giv­en the polit­ic­al situ­ation in Myan­mar and COVID-19 “GT” was […]

Read More How tourism & fishing help to save Irrawaddy dolphins in Myanmar

Homeless Dubliners to give tours with a difference as tourism booms

Featured image: Patrick McEvoy, Eddie Dooner, and Ronya Arya Phoenix, are training up to become tour guides with My Streets Ireland , a social enterprise. By Emma Batha, Thomson Reuters Foundation. "GT" cropped it.

New tours of Dub­lin, Ire­land to be launched mid-March will be led by home­less people trained up as guides by a social enter­prise. They will offer unique per­spect­ives to some of the more than 6 mil­lion vis­it­ors expec­ted in the Irish cap­it­al in 2019. Report by the Thom­son Reu­ters Found­a­tion. Dub­lin’s Phoenix Park boasts the […]

Read More Homeless Dubliners to give tours with a difference as tourism booms

From tourism to coffee, young Thais blend profit with social good

October 7, 2017

Young Thais like Aliza blend profit with social good, from tourism to coffee

Six years ago, Som­sak “Pai” Boonkam drew up a plan with two vil­lages in north­ern Thai­l­and for tour­ists to stay with loc­al fam­il­ies and immerse them­selves in hill-tribe cul­ture. The aim was for the vil­la­gers to see some fin­an­cial bene­fit from their coun­try’s multi-bil­lion-dol­lar tour­ism industry. Pai was sure it would be a hit with […]

Read More From tourism to coffee, young Thais blend profit with social good

Why We Hate Tourism Tours & why you should too

September 28, 2017

Why "We Hate Tourism Tours" and why you should too

With its pro­voc­at­ive name and mav­er­ick spir­it, We Hate Tour­ism Tours (WHTT) has attrac­ted plenty of con­sumer press and travel blog atten­tion since it star­ted facil­it­at­ing authen­t­ic exper­i­ences in Lis­bon, Por­tugal eight years ago. In this “GT” Insight, WHT­T’s “philo­soph­er-in-chief” Ricardo Oli­veira con­siders WHT­T’s unortho­dox approach in the con­text of tour­is­m’s “new real­ity”. We Hate Tourism […]

Read More Why We Hate Tourism Tours & why you should too

Is orphanage tourism a form of modern slavery?

July 21, 2017

Orphanage tourism and slavery. Tonle Sap, Siem Reap, Cambodia: A little girl making money for her family by posing with a snake in a water village of Tonle Sap Lake. Source: CEphoto, Uwe Aranas via Wikimedia

Many travel & tour­ism pro­fes­sion­als are com­ing to believe that orphan­age tour­ism is at best a prob­lem­at­ic means to gen­er­ate income to sup­port chil­dren; at worst a form of mod­ern slavery. Slavery!? Mod­ern slavery is widely prac­ticed in the tour­ism sup­ply chain of devel­op­ing coun­tries, accord­ing to Aus­trali­an aca­dem­ics Joseph M. Cheer, Kent Goldsworthy, Leigh […]

Read More Is orphanage tourism a form of modern slavery?