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Child sex tourism goes suburban, rural, online

September 26, 2017

Child sex tourism is moving away from red light districts and into the suburbs and country areas, and online.

Work­ing under­cov­er in bars and brothels across South­east Asia to com­bat child sex tour­ism and slavery, cam­paign­er Kev­in Camp­bell has posed many times as a tour­ist look­ing to buy sex with a girl. But these days, Camp­bell, who works for the anti-traf­fick­­ing group The Exodus Road, says it is far less com­mon to see young girls […]

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Hotels train staff to read signs of modern slavery

modern slavery hotels. Old-school room keys.

Adult guests who check in with a child, repeat cash book­ings, or late check-ins without lug­gage could all be signs of mod­ern slavery under guid­ance newly issued to staff at a Brit­ish hotel chain. The 400 staff at Shiva hotels — from recep­tion­ists to human resources staff to clean­ers — will be trained as part of a com­pany-wide cam­paign to […]

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