Renewable energy

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Do sustainability awards in long-haul destinations make sense?

June 22, 2023

Do sustainability awards for stakeholders in long-haul destinations make sense? Check box by OpenClipart-Vectors (CC0) and the beach by Walkerssk (CC0). Both via Pixabay.

Richard But­ler won­ders why sus­tain­ab­il­ity awards are giv­en to stake­hold­ers in des­tin­a­tions that rely upon long-haul air travel.  In dir­ect reply to “Good Tour­ism” news­let­ter #185, Prof But­ler wrote: I won­der why so many organ­isa­tions sup­port­ing ‘sus­tain­able tour­ism’ offer awards to enter­prises in coun­tries where the major­ity of non-domest­­ic tour­ists travel long dis­tances by plane to reach such […]

Read More Do sustainability awards in long-haul destinations make sense?

Why travel & tourism is wrong to embrace net zero as its climate change response

January 4, 2022

Under net zero orthodoxy, will air travel become an elitist activity only ever undertaken by the very wealthy? Image by VOO QQQ (CC0) via Unsplash. net zero orthodoxy, will air travel become an elitist activity only ever undertaken by the very wealthy? Image by VOO QQQ (CC0) via Unsplash.

Sens­ible and rig­or­ous envir­on­ment­al­ism in travel & tour­ism is desir­able, accord­ing to Ken Scott. How­ever, the pre­ma­ture pur­suit of net zero when the most prom­ising tech­no­lo­gies aren’t ready is an unne­ces­sary act of self harm for the industry, he argues.  It’s a “Good Tour­ism” Insight. [You too can write a “GT” Insight.] I con­sider myself a […]

Read More Why travel & tourism is wrong to embrace net zero as its climate change response

CODE RED: SUNx’ 7‑point climate action plan for tourism is more ambitious than the Glasgow Declaration

and November 26, 2021
One Comment

Climate Friendly Travel; SUNx' Code Red Plan for our Kids

At SUNx Malta we have a clear view of the path for­ward for our sec­tor to respond to the “code red” cli­mate crisis iden­ti­fied by UN Sec­ret­ary Gen­er­al António Guterres. It’s more ambi­tious than the heav­ily mar­keted Glas­gow Declar­a­tion on Cli­mate Action in Tour­ism, spe­cific­ally in terms of earli­er deliv­ery dates, cov­er­age of all greenhouse […]

Read More CODE RED: SUNx’ 7‑point climate action plan for tourism is more ambitious than the Glasgow Declaration

With sustainable aviation fuel, is a new era of green air travel possible by 2025?

November 24, 2020

Image by 12659751 (CC0) via Pixabay

Neville Har­greaves is work­ing at tech­no­logy firm Velo­cys on turn­ing every­day waste into jet fuel at a com­mer­cial scale. In this “Good Tour­ism” Insight, Dr Har­greaves explains why he thinks sus­tain­able avi­ation fuel is the only real­ist­ic near-term solu­tion to air travel’s cli­mate quandary. The ongo­ing impact of COVID-19 has been debil­it­at­ing, but it has […]

Read More With sustainable aviation fuel, is a new era of green air travel possible by 2025?

It’s mental: Why remote resorts are resisting renewable energy

April 3, 2019

Misool is a diving resort and conservation centre located in Raja Ampat, Indonesia. Misool was founded on the belief that sustainable tourism could safeguard the future of the surrounding reefs, which are some of the most biodiverse on Earth. Designed and managed by Canopy Power, a PV-Storage Hybrid system was installed and commissioned in March 2018.

Daniel Rye devel­ops renew­able energy microgrids for remote applic­a­tions, includ­ing at hotels and resorts. In this “GT” Insight, Daniel dis­cusses the psy­cho­logy behind com­mon objec­tions decision makers have against an increas­ingly effi­cient and eco­nom­ic­al energy option. Renew­able energy is here. By empir­ic­al met­rics this is undeni­able. For example, 2015 was the first year that saw […]

Read More It’s mental: Why remote resorts are resisting renewable energy

Balearic Islands’ new climate change law to reduce reliance on tourism

February 13, 2019

Popular tourism beach Cala Anguilla, Majorca, Balearic Islands, Spain. Image by lapping via Pixabay

Spain’s Balear­ic Islands has approved a cli­mate change law that com­mits the pop­u­lar tour­ism des­tin­a­tion to sourcing all its energy from renew­ables by 2050. Balear­ic Islands pres­id­ent Fran­cina Armen­gol said the new law was “an oppor­tun­ity to rein­force our brand as a sus­tain­able des­tin­a­tion”. Balear­ic Islands energy min­is­ter Marc Pons reck­ons the law is part of […]

Read More Balearic Islands’ new climate change law to reduce reliance on tourism