Travel & tourism industry policy and governance

Scroll down for posts that have been tagged with “policy and gov­ernance” as that relates to travel & tour­ism des­tin­a­tions and industry stakeholders.

Accord­ing to the Cam­bridge Dic­tion­ary, a policy is “a set of ideas or a plan of what to do in par­tic­u­lar situ­ations that has been agreed to offi­cially by a group of people, a busi­ness organ­iz­a­tion, a gov­ern­ment, or a polit­ic­al party”.

The same dic­tion­ary defines gov­ernance as “the way that organ­iz­a­tions or coun­tries are man­aged at the highest level, and the sys­tems for doing this”. Gov­ernance also per­tains to how indus­tries, such as travel & tour­ism, and des­tin­a­tions are reg­u­lated, dir­ec­ted, and man­aged from on high.

Tour­ism policy and tour­ism gov­ernance are cru­cial con­cepts for man­aging the travel & tour­ism industry. What does tour­ism policy and tour­ism gov­ernance mean? And how can they can be optim­ised for, say, sus­tain­able tourism?

Tour­ism policy, accord­ing to the United Nations World Tour­ism Organ­iz­a­tion (UNWTO), is a “set of reg­u­la­tions, rules, guidelines, dir­ect­ives, and development/promotion object­ives and strategies that provide a frame­work with­in which the col­lect­ive and indi­vidu­al decisions of vari­ous pub­lic and private sec­tor act­ors may be made to achieve the desired out­comes of the tour­ism sec­tor”. Thus tour­ism policy can provide a frame­work for man­aging the travel & tour­ism industry to ensure that it oper­ates sustainably.

Tour­ism gov­ernance, on the oth­er hand, refers to the struc­tures and pro­cesses that are put in place to man­age the travel & tour­ism industry. These struc­tures and pro­cesses can include reg­u­lat­ory bod­ies, tour­ism boards, and pub­lic-private part­ner­ships. Effect­ive tour­ism gov­ernance is crit­ic­al for ensur­ing that tour­ism policies are enforced, and that the travel & tour­ism industry oper­ates in a way that is con­sist­ent with these policies. There­fore, gov­ernance helps to ensure that the interests of all stake­hold­ers in the travel & tour­ism industry strike an accept­able and sus­tain­able bal­ance that bene­fits the eco­nomy, the envir­on­ment, and loc­al communities.

Optim­ising tour­ism policy and tour­ism gov­ernance involves a num­ber of strategies, includ­ing stake­hold­er engage­ment, policy coher­ence, and effect­ive implementation.

Accord­ing to the UNWTO, stake­hold­er engage­ment involves “the involve­ment and par­ti­cip­a­tion of vari­ous act­ors in the decision-mak­ing pro­cesses related to tour­ism policy and plan­ning, such as gov­ern­ment author­it­ies, private sec­tor stake­hold­ers, and loc­al com­munit­ies”. This ensures that all stake­hold­ers have a say in the devel­op­ment of travel & tour­ism industry policy.

Policy coher­ence might involve align­ing tour­ism policies with oth­ers, such as for envir­on­ment and cul­ture, to ensure that tour­ism sup­ports the sus­tain­able devel­op­ment goals.

Effect­ive imple­ment­a­tion involves ensur­ing that tour­ism policies are enforced and that the travel & tour­ism industry oper­ates in a way that is con­sist­ent with these policies.

In con­clu­sion, tour­ism policy and tour­ism gov­ernance are import­ant for pro­mot­ing and/or man­dat­ing sus­tain­able tour­ism prac­tices, cre­at­ing eco­nom­ic bene­fits for loc­al com­munit­ies, and ensur­ing that tour­ism oper­ates in a way that is con­sist­ent with the broad­er sus­tain­able devel­op­ment goals of people and the planet.

Tags are inform­al; an after­thought to con­tent cre­ation. The “Good Tour­ism” Blog nev­er gets bogged down with tag­ging accur­acy or con­sist­ency. Feel free to com­ment on any post you think has been incor­rectly or insuf­fi­ciently tagged. “GT” encour­ages good-faith debate and dis­cus­sion and appre­ci­ates help­ful feedback.

Smart clusters: How tourism destinations can organise for a better future

November 9, 2021

Our Milky Way is a cluster of stars that includes ours. Image by Greg Rakozy (CC0) via Unsplash.

How can travel & tour­ism stake­hold­ers work and play bet­ter togeth­er with­in des­tin­a­tions to ensure optim­al out­comes?  K Michael Hay­wood sug­gests clus­ter­ing. It’s a “Good Tour­ism” Insight. [You too can write a “GT” Insight.] There is strong evid­ence link­ing pos­it­ive busi­ness per­form­ance and out­comes with soci­et­al out­comes and life-affirm­­ing val­ues. Nev­er­the­less, many tour­ism enter­prises remain […]

Read More Smart clusters: How tourism destinations can organise for a better future

Can tourism destinations-as-communities be better & smarter by design?

October 12, 2021

Can destinations-as-communities be better & smarter by design? Image by Gerd Altmann (CC0) via Pixabay.

What does it mean to col­lab­or­at­ively design tour­ism at the com­munity level? And to what end? If it is to strive towards a ‘good’, ‘bet­ter’, ‘smarter’ tour­ism, what does that look like? Retired uni­ver­sity pro­fess­or K Michael Hay­wood shares his vis­ion.  It’s a “Good Tour­ism” Insight. [Thanks to Jim Butcher for invit­ing Prof Hay­wood to write a “GT” […]

Read More Can tourism destinations-as-communities be better & smarter by design?

Africa must put communities, conservation at the centre of travel & tourism recovery

October 5, 2021

Generations. In "Kargi, a remote nomadic settlement in Kenya". Image by Ian Macharia (CC0) via Unsplash.

Pick­ing up on the reports, find­ings, declar­a­tions, and state­ments of organ­isa­tions and opin­ion lead­ers in Africa and around the world, tour­ism schol­ar Edwin Magio calls upon Afric­an travel & tour­ism stake­hold­ers to put words into action. It’s a “Good Tour­ism” Insight.  As the Afric­an tour­ism sec­tor pre­pares to recov­er from the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic, tour­ism experts […]

Read More Africa must put communities, conservation at the centre of travel & tourism recovery

Tourism, capitalism, & the coronavirus crisis: What is to be (un)done?

September 7, 2021
One Comment

Coronavirus crisis. Image by geralt (CC0) via Pixabay.

Does the travel & tour­ism indus­tri­al crisis induced by gov­ern­ment responses to the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic war­rant a “full-spec­trum inter­ven­tion” to ‘demo­crat­ise’ tour­ism for a ‘post-cap­it­al­ist’ future?  Raoul V Bian­chi thinks so. It’s a “Good Tour­ism” Insight. [Thanks to Jim Butcher for invit­ing Dr Bian­chi to write a “GT” Insight.] The glob­al COVID-19 pan­dem­ic has triggered an unpre­ced­en­ted crisis. […]

Read More Tourism, capitalism, & the coronavirus crisis: What is to be (un)done?

How can tourism protect & promote mangroves?

July 27, 2021
One Comment

Mida Creek mangroves, Malindi, Kenya. By Timothy K (CC0) via Unsplash.

Kev­in Phun passes a sus­tain­ab­il­ity lens over con­cerns about man­grove forests to determ­ine what it would take for our travel & tour­ism industry to be a respons­ible con­trib­ut­or to pro­tect­ing and restor­ing them. It’s his third “Good Tour­ism” Insight.  Man­groves are import­ant to coastal com­munit­ies. They shield them from the worst effects of strong winds, […]

Read More How can tourism protect & promote mangroves?

And the most important colleagues in a community-based tourism project are …

July 20, 2021

Have freedom, will trade. A Bangkok night market from above, January 2018. By Sam Beasley (CC0) via Unsplash.

… com­munity mem­bers, of course!  In his second “Good Tour­ism” Insight, com­munity-based and sus­tain­able tour­ism con­sult­ant Peter Richards reflects on the most import­ant thing he has learned dur­ing his career so far, and how to make it so. While work­ing at the cross­roads of tour­ism and com­munity devel­op­ment for more than 20 years, one gradu­ally accumulates […]

Read More And the most important colleagues in a community-based tourism project are …