Travel & tourism industry policy and governance

Scroll down for posts that have been tagged with “policy and gov­ernance” as that relates to travel & tour­ism des­tin­a­tions and industry stakeholders.

Accord­ing to the Cam­bridge Dic­tion­ary, a policy is “a set of ideas or a plan of what to do in par­tic­u­lar situ­ations that has been agreed to offi­cially by a group of people, a busi­ness organ­iz­a­tion, a gov­ern­ment, or a polit­ic­al party”.

The same dic­tion­ary defines gov­ernance as “the way that organ­iz­a­tions or coun­tries are man­aged at the highest level, and the sys­tems for doing this”. Gov­ernance also per­tains to how indus­tries, such as travel & tour­ism, and des­tin­a­tions are reg­u­lated, dir­ec­ted, and man­aged from on high.

Tour­ism policy and tour­ism gov­ernance are cru­cial con­cepts for man­aging the travel & tour­ism industry. What does tour­ism policy and tour­ism gov­ernance mean? And how can they can be optim­ised for, say, sus­tain­able tourism?

Tour­ism policy, accord­ing to the United Nations World Tour­ism Organ­iz­a­tion (UNWTO), is a “set of reg­u­la­tions, rules, guidelines, dir­ect­ives, and development/promotion object­ives and strategies that provide a frame­work with­in which the col­lect­ive and indi­vidu­al decisions of vari­ous pub­lic and private sec­tor act­ors may be made to achieve the desired out­comes of the tour­ism sec­tor”. Thus tour­ism policy can provide a frame­work for man­aging the travel & tour­ism industry to ensure that it oper­ates sustainably.

Tour­ism gov­ernance, on the oth­er hand, refers to the struc­tures and pro­cesses that are put in place to man­age the travel & tour­ism industry. These struc­tures and pro­cesses can include reg­u­lat­ory bod­ies, tour­ism boards, and pub­lic-private part­ner­ships. Effect­ive tour­ism gov­ernance is crit­ic­al for ensur­ing that tour­ism policies are enforced, and that the travel & tour­ism industry oper­ates in a way that is con­sist­ent with these policies. There­fore, gov­ernance helps to ensure that the interests of all stake­hold­ers in the travel & tour­ism industry strike an accept­able and sus­tain­able bal­ance that bene­fits the eco­nomy, the envir­on­ment, and loc­al communities.

Optim­ising tour­ism policy and tour­ism gov­ernance involves a num­ber of strategies, includ­ing stake­hold­er engage­ment, policy coher­ence, and effect­ive implementation.

Accord­ing to the UNWTO, stake­hold­er engage­ment involves “the involve­ment and par­ti­cip­a­tion of vari­ous act­ors in the decision-mak­ing pro­cesses related to tour­ism policy and plan­ning, such as gov­ern­ment author­it­ies, private sec­tor stake­hold­ers, and loc­al com­munit­ies”. This ensures that all stake­hold­ers have a say in the devel­op­ment of travel & tour­ism industry policy.

Policy coher­ence might involve align­ing tour­ism policies with oth­ers, such as for envir­on­ment and cul­ture, to ensure that tour­ism sup­ports the sus­tain­able devel­op­ment goals.

Effect­ive imple­ment­a­tion involves ensur­ing that tour­ism policies are enforced and that the travel & tour­ism industry oper­ates in a way that is con­sist­ent with these policies.

In con­clu­sion, tour­ism policy and tour­ism gov­ernance are import­ant for pro­mot­ing and/or man­dat­ing sus­tain­able tour­ism prac­tices, cre­at­ing eco­nom­ic bene­fits for loc­al com­munit­ies, and ensur­ing that tour­ism oper­ates in a way that is con­sist­ent with the broad­er sus­tain­able devel­op­ment goals of people and the planet.

Tags are inform­al; an after­thought to con­tent cre­ation. The “Good Tour­ism” Blog nev­er gets bogged down with tag­ging accur­acy or con­sist­ency. Feel free to com­ment on any post you think has been incor­rectly or insuf­fi­ciently tagged. “GT” encour­ages good-faith debate and dis­cus­sion and appre­ci­ates help­ful feedback.

As we sit out COVID-19, let’s think about a fair & fail-safe treatment or vaccine for overtourism

March 21, 2020

Top image by Geralt (CC0) via Pixabay. Bottom image by Duncan Hull (CC BY 2.0) via Flickr, which "GT" cropped among other things.

Dur­ing this coronavir­us COVID-19 pan­dem­ic we are see­ing some­thing we have wit­nessed many times before — the fickle­ness of travel & tour­ism demand — exacer­bated by enforced travel restric­tions. As gov­ern­ments around the world shut down travel, bor­ders, and gath­er­ings of vari­ous sizes to “flat­ten the curve” of coronavir­us con­ta­gion and buy time to devel­op treat­ments and vac­cines, your […]

Read More As we sit out COVID-19, let’s think about a fair & fail-safe treatment or vaccine for overtourism

Pay attention: Massive opportunities in culture & heritage tourism

November 21, 2019
One Comment

Rapa Nui, Easter Island, Moai stands guard

Chris Flynn, Pres­id­ent & CEO of “GT” Insight Part­ner the World Tour­ism Asso­ci­ation for Cul­ture & Her­it­age (WTACH), reflects on the reas­ons why he formed the organ­isa­tion and why it behoves travel & tour­ism industry stake­hold­ers at the des­tin­a­tion level to pay atten­tion and get involved. The estab­lish­ment of the World Tour­ism Asso­ci­ation for Culture […]

Read More Pay attention: Massive opportunities in culture & heritage tourism

Now playing: The tragicomedy of overtourism starring those who should know better

March 6, 2019

Featured image: Why call it tourist season if we can't shoot them? By David Blaikie (CC BY 2.0) via Flickr. "GT" cropped and enhanced it.

The two faces of tour­ism are like sock and buskin, the foot­wear and masks of ancient Greek theatre that rep­res­ent com­edy and tragedy. Accord­ing to Glob­al Sus­tain­able Tour­ism Coun­cil (GSTC) CEO Randy Durb­and, the tragedy is over­tour­ism. And it’s real. It under­mines the joy of travel. It puts the buskin (boot) in. “Sense of place” […]

Read More Now playing: The tragicomedy of overtourism starring those who should know better

The “Good Tourism” Podcast #1: Geoffrey Lipman & the existential threat

and October 27, 2017

Geoffrey Lipman

Pro­fess­or Geof­frey Lip­man joined Dav­id Gill­banks on Skype, Thursday, to record the first epis­ode of The “Good Tour­ism” Pod­cast. About pod­casts & how to sub­scribe to The “Good Tour­ism” Pod­cast  [UPDATE Novem­ber 8, 2017: The Inter­na­tion­al Insti­tute for Peace through Tour­ism has chosen five people from the world of travel & tour­ism to hon­our as “Glob­al Ambassadors […]

Read More The “Good Tourism” Podcast #1: Geoffrey Lipman & the existential threat

Successful sustainable tourism is NOT all about the environment, society, economy

October 23, 2017

Successful sustainable tourism is NOT all about the environment, society, economy

Suc­cess­ful sus­tain­able tour­ism is not only about envir­on­ment­al, social, and eco­nom­ic imper­at­ives; it’s about mar­ket­ing too! In oth­er words, suc­cess­ful sus­tain­ab­il­ity strategies solve prob­lems for cus­tom­ers. So argues James McGregor, Founder & CEO of Blue Tribe, in this “GT” Insight. I have a con­fes­sion to make. Some­times when I travel for busi­ness or pleas­ure I […]

Read More Successful sustainable tourism is NOT all about the environment, society, economy

Why We Hate Tourism Tours & why you should too

September 28, 2017

Why "We Hate Tourism Tours" and why you should too

With its pro­voc­at­ive name and mav­er­ick spir­it, We Hate Tour­ism Tours (WHTT) has attrac­ted plenty of con­sumer press and travel blog atten­tion since it star­ted facil­it­at­ing authen­t­ic exper­i­ences in Lis­bon, Por­tugal eight years ago. In this “GT” Insight, WHT­T’s “philo­soph­er-in-chief” Ricardo Oli­veira con­siders WHT­T’s unortho­dox approach in the con­text of tour­is­m’s “new real­ity”. We Hate Tourism […]

Read More Why We Hate Tourism Tours & why you should too