Ecotourism and nature-based tourism

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Eco­tour­ism is respons­ible travel to nat­ur­al areas that con­serves the envir­on­ment, sus­tains the well-being of the loc­al people, and cre­ates know­ledge and under­stand­ing through inter­pret­a­tion and edu­ca­tion of all involved (vis­it­ors, staff and the vis­ited)” ― Glob­al Eco­tour­ism Net­work, 2016; What is (and what isn’t) eco­tour­ism.

Eco­tour­ism is a type of tour­ism that has a very low impact on the nat­ur­al sur­round­ings. It aims to pro­mote con­ser­va­tion and edu­ca­tion, while provid­ing vis­it­ors with an oppor­tun­ity to exper­i­ence unique nat­ur­al land­scapes and wildlife.

Eco­tour­ism could be though of as a sub-cat­egory of nature-based tour­ism, which the Travel Industry Dic­tion­ary defines as: “Leis­ure travel under­taken largely or solely for the pur­pose of enjoy­ing nat­ur­al attrac­tions and enga­ging in a vari­ety of out­door activ­it­ies.” Nature-based tour­ism includes a wide range of out­door activ­it­ies, such as hik­ing, camp­ing, bird­watch­ing, and wild­life safar­is, that are very much embed­ded with­in nat­ur­al environments.

Both forms of tour­ism focus on explor­ing nat­ur­al envir­on­ments in a sus­tain­able and respons­ible way, with the goal of pre­serving them for future generations.

Eco­tour­ism and nature-based tour­ism are gain­ing pop­ular­ity around the world. They provide oppor­tun­it­ies for trav­el­lers to learn about loc­al eco­sys­tems and appre­ci­ate nat­ur­al beauty. By enga­ging in respons­ible and sus­tain­able tour­ism prac­tices through eco­tour­ism and nature-based activ­it­ies, trav­el­lers can feel that they are pro­tect­ing the envir­on­ment (and sup­port­ing loc­al com­munit­ies). (Both types of tour­ism have the poten­tial to offer sig­ni­fic­ant bene­fits to loc­al com­munit­ies, as they offer incent­ives and oppor­tun­it­ies for loc­als to con­serve their nat­ur­al resources for a sus­tain­able eco­nom­ic benefit.)

Tags are inform­al; an after­thought to con­tent cre­ation. The “Good Tour­ism” Blog nev­er gets bogged down with tag­ging accur­acy or con­sist­ency. Feel free to com­ment on any post you think has been incor­rectly or insuf­fi­ciently tagged. “GT” encour­ages good-faith debate and dis­cus­sion and appre­ci­ates help­ful feedback.

Re: Ecotourism

December 2, 2020

Valley of the Giants Tree Top Walk, Walpole, Western Australia. Image by Komkick (CC0) via pixabay.

Sev­er­al speak­ers con­sidered what eco­tour­ism might look like post-COV­­ID and explored “revolu­tion­ary” ideas dur­ing the second day of the 2020 Glob­al Eco Asia-Pacific Tour­ism Con­fer­ence. And, pre­dict­ably, there were lots of oth­er “re-” words ban­died about — Reset. Rethink. Redesign. Reflect. Reboot. Regen­er­ate. … — words bet­ter applied to the travel industry at large rather than the “eco-” niche; […]

Read More Re: Ecotourism

‘Not good enough. Move your … !’ Grit, honesty, hope, and how to survive a crisis

December 1, 2020
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Sandpaper in different grits (40, 80, 150, 240, 600) By Simon Eugster (CC BY-SA 3.0) via Wikimedia.

Politi­cians and pub­lic ser­vants spruiked their respect­ive places and tax-pay­er-fun­­ded ini­ti­at­ives, and industry giants and glob­al con­sult­ants had their say, but it was the small entre­pren­eurs who were the most inspir­ing speak­ers on the first day of the 2020 Glob­al Eco Asia-Pacific Tour­ism Con­fer­ence. What mat­ters? Indeed Sonia Beck­with, co-own­er of Live Nin­ga­loo, had a […]

Read More ‘Not good enough. Move your … !’ Grit, honesty, hope, and how to survive a crisis

From overtourism to no tourism in Seychelles: What now for conservation?

October 27, 2020
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Seychelles is well known for its natural beauty (Photo: Nature Seychelles, Peter Chadwick)

Acclaimed envir­on­ment­al­ist and sus­tain­able devel­op­ment pro Dr Nirmal Shah has no solu­tion to con­ser­va­tion’s budget crisis in the COVID-19 era. And no-one else appears to have any answers either. In this “Good Tour­ism” Insight, the Nature Seychelles chief offers a brief his­tory of eco­tour­ism in Africa’s most pros­per­ous nation and lets us in on the […]

Read More From overtourism to no tourism in Seychelles: What now for conservation?

Tourism in crisis: A Myanmar elephant camp & community pivot to plan B

An elephant of Green Hill Valley Elephant Camp, Shan state, Myanmar. (Image by Hollis Burbank-Hammarlund). Inset: GHV's Founders Tin Win Maw (Left) and Htun Htun Wynn (Image courtesy of GHV).

Through the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic and tour­ism crisis, hopes rest on con­tin­gency “plan B” to sus­tain the retired log­ging ele­phants of Green Hill Val­ley, Myan­mar and the com­munity of people who love them.  Hol­lis Bur­b­ank-Ham­­marlund of Work for Wild Life Inter­na­tion­al knows them well, hav­ing led ele­phant health­care and wel­fare work­shops at the camp in 2018 and […]

Read More Tourism in crisis: A Myanmar elephant camp & community pivot to plan B

As we build back better, is sustainable tourism enough to regenerate nature?

September 8, 2020

Elephants and the community (c. Mahouts Elephant Foundation)

Sus­tain­able tour­ism is a com­plex puzzle with lots of mov­ing parts. Toss in regen­er­at­ive prin­ciples and it becomes even more con­found­ing. For­tu­nately there are those who think deeply about import­ant parts of the puzzle, such as anim­al wel­fare con­sult­ant Daniel Turn­er of ANIMONDIAL. In this “Good Tour­ism” Insight, Mr Turn­er shares how our industry might […]

Read More As we build back better, is sustainable tourism enough to regenerate nature?

Online courses by The Centre for Responsible Tourism Singapore: ‘Reinventing tourism learning’

June 4, 2020
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Centre for Responsible Tourism Singapore logo and two images

“GT” Friend Kev­in Phun of new “GT” Part­ner The Centre for Respons­ible Tour­ism Singa­pore (CRTS) has developed a series of short online courses for aspir­ing respons­ible tour­ism prac­ti­tion­ers — or any­one inter­ested in the sub­ject — to estab­lish a found­a­tion of know­ledge and a frame­work for think­ing about vari­ous aspects of respons­ible tour­ism.  “GT” 20% dis­count coupon: GTB-20-OFF Courses […]

Read More Online courses by The Centre for Responsible Tourism Singapore: ‘Reinventing tourism learning’