Culture, cultural heritage, & history tourism

Scroll down for posts tagged with “cul­ture, cul­tur­al her­it­age, and his­tory tourism”.

Cul­ture, cul­tur­al her­it­age, and his­tory play pivotal roles in the con­text of tour­ism. They are sig­ni­fic­ant in defin­ing the unique iden­tity of a des­tin­a­tion and shap­ing the exper­i­ences of travellers.

When tour­ists engage with the cul­ture, cul­tur­al her­it­age, and his­tory of a place, it deep­ens their under­stand­ing and appre­ci­ation of the des­tin­a­tion, mak­ing their travel exper­i­ences rich­er and more meaningful.

  • Cul­ture encom­passes the cus­toms, tra­di­tions, beliefs, arts, and social norms of a com­munity. It reflects the way of life of the loc­al people and provides insights into their val­ues, his­tory, and way of thinking.
  • Cul­tur­al her­it­age refers to the tan­gible and intan­gible aspects of a com­munity’s leg­acy, includ­ing land­marks, monu­ments, arti­facts, lan­guage, music, dance, cuisine, and rituals.
  • His­tory is the recor­ded past of a place, com­pris­ing the events, stor­ies, and nar­rat­ives that have shaped its development.

Tour­ism provides a plat­form for trav­el­lers to engage with the cul­ture, cul­tur­al her­it­age, and his­tory of a des­tin­a­tion. This can be through vis­it­ing museums, his­tor­ic­al sites, and fest­ivals, or par­ti­cip­at­ing in cul­tur­al activ­it­ies, tra­di­tion­al per­form­ances, and culin­ary exper­i­ences, or oth­er means.

Tour­ism that respects the cul­ture, cul­tur­al her­it­age, and his­tory of a place can foster mutu­al respect, tol­er­ance, and appre­ci­ation for diverse cul­tures, pro­mot­ing cul­tur­al exchange and under­stand­ing between vis­it­ors and the vis­ited. By immers­ing in the loc­al cul­ture, trav­el­lers can gain a deep­er under­stand­ing of dif­fer­ent val­ues and ways of life.

How­ever, tour­is­m’s impact on cul­ture and cul­tur­al her­it­age need to be care­fully man­aged to avoid neg­at­ive con­sequences. Over­tour­ism and the com­modi­fic­a­tion of cul­ture can erode the authen­ti­city and integ­rity of cul­tur­al assets, lead­ing to the degrad­a­tion of loc­al tra­di­tions and loss of identity.

That is why many advoc­ate adopt­ing respons­ible and sus­tain­able tour­ism prac­tices that respect and pro­tect the cul­ture, cul­tur­al her­it­age, and his­tory of a des­tin­a­tion while bene­fit­ing loc­al communities.

Pre­serving and pro­mot­ing cul­ture, cul­tur­al her­it­age, and his­tory is an object­ive of sus­tain­able tour­ism devel­op­ment. Sus­tain­able tour­ism devel­op­ment safe­guards the authen­ti­city and integ­rity of a des­tin­a­tion’s cul­tur­al assets, ensur­ing that they are pre­served for future gen­er­a­tions. It also provides eco­nom­ic bene­fits to loc­al com­munit­ies by cre­at­ing employ­ment oppor­tun­it­ies, sup­port­ing loc­al busi­nesses, and gen­er­at­ing rev­en­ue through tour­ism activities.

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Khiri Travel unveils new sensory and colonial heritage tours in Southeast Asia

New Sensory and Colonial Heritage Tours Unveiled in Southeast Asia by Khiri Travel

Khiri Travel has launched two major series of tour products ahead of ITB Ber­lin. The first is Asi­an city day tours that indulge all five senses. The second is a series of multi-day travel exper­i­ences where guests vis­it or stay in charm­ing colo­ni­al man­sions and hotels from the era of 19th cen­tury European explorers in Asia. […]

Read More Khiri Travel unveils new sensory and colonial heritage tours in Southeast Asia

Preserving Nigeria’s cultural heritage through authenticity in tourism, education, technology

October 1, 2024

Calabar Carnival, ‘Africa’s Biggest Street Party, part of Nigeria's cultural heritage Akintomiwaao, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Today, ‘Octo­ber First’, is Nigeria’s Nation­al Inde­pend­ence Day. To mark the occa­sion, UK-based Nigeri­an aca­dem­ic Shola Osinaike makes a case for con­nect­ing Nigeria’s cul­tur­al her­it­age to its prom­ising future through authen­t­ic exper­i­ences in tour­ism, edu­ca­tion, and tech­no­logy. Thanks to “Good Tour­ism” Insight Part­ner Tourism’s Hori­zon: Travel for the Mil­lions for invit­ing Dr Osinaike to write […]

Read More Preserving Nigeria’s cultural heritage through authenticity in tourism, education, technology

Oh, Canada: Reconciliation via Indigenous storytelling, dignity, and ‘dark tourism’

and January 8, 2024
One Comment

Can 'dark tourism' help Canada reconcile its past and present? Photo by Taylor Burke: Cedar Lake Ranch, Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada (ITAC) Manitoba.

Can tour­ism — ‘dark tour­ism’ — and the storytelling that it facil­it­ates help Canada and Cana­dians recon­cile their past and look for­ward to a bright­er, more united future? Kel­ley A McClinchey and Frédéric Dimanche explore these themes in this “Good Tour­ism” Insight. [You too can write a “GT” Insight.] A rev­el­a­tion of truth For more than 150 years, Canada’s Indigenous […]

Read More Oh, Canada: Reconciliation via Indigenous storytelling, dignity, and ‘dark tourism’

Souvenirs: Our sensorial selves, memories of the future

November 2, 2023

Souvenirs from Portugal base image by Sunguk Kim (CC0) via Unsplash. "GT" added the words "Memories in future tense".

What do souven­irs mean to you?  What do they say about the people who col­lect them and the places souven­irs pur­port to rep­res­ent; then, now, and in the future?  It’s a “Good Tour­ism” Insight by K Michael Hay­wood. (You too can write a “GT” Insight.) Souven­irs Hav­ing returned from a month in Por­tugal my head, while […]

Read More Souvenirs: Our sensorial selves, memories of the future

“GT” Insight Bites: On empowerment, promotion, and the power of expression

October 26, 2023

Nyungura ‘Leonard’ Bapfakwita expresses himself in real time at the 2023 Red Rocks Cultural Festival in Rwanda. Picture by David Gillbanks.

Thanks to these two Rwandan tal­ents for con­trib­ut­ing to this instal­ment of “GT” Insight Bites: Leonard, who demon­strated his art in real time at the Red Rocks Cul­tur­al Fest­iv­al; Roger, who shared with me his love of birds as we walked through his beau­ti­ful vil­lage. You too can contribute.

Read More “GT” Insight Bites: On empowerment, promotion, and the power of expression

Emotions, storytelling, AI, & tech dominate culture & heritage tourism summit

Culture and heritage tourism discussed at WTACH Global Leaders Summit in Valencia, Spain

Emo­tion­al con­nec­tion, empathy, and nar­rat­ive storytelling in an AI age of declin­ing atten­tion spans dom­in­ated debate at the inaug­ur­al Glob­al Lead­ers Sum­mit of the World Tour­ism Asso­ci­ation for Cul­ture and Her­it­age (WTACH). Her­it­age tour­ism experts grappled with com­plex issues of present­ing cul­ture and her­it­age to tour­ists at an inter­na­tion­al gath­er­ing of cul­ture tour­ism experts Septem­ber 24 – 25 […]

Read More Emotions, storytelling, AI, & tech dominate culture & heritage tourism summit