Coastal and marine tourism and cruises

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Coastal tour­ism, mar­ine tour­ism, and cruises are bur­geon­ing sec­tors with­in the travel & tour­ism and hos­pit­al­ity indus­tries, present­ing a pleth­ora of oppor­tun­it­ies for industry pro­fes­sion­als. These forms of tour­ism offer unique and cap­tiv­at­ing exper­i­ences for trav­el­lers who are cap­tiv­ated by the allure of the sea. As industry insiders, it is crit­ic­al to grasp the sig­ni­fic­ance of coastal tour­ism, mar­ine tour­ism, and cruises and their impact on the travel industry.

One of the key draws of coastal tour­ism, mar­ine tour­ism, and cruises is the chance to wit­ness the breath­tak­ing diversity of mar­ine life. Coastal areas are home to a pleth­ora of flora and fauna. Activ­it­ies such as snor­kelling, scuba diving, or boat tours allow trav­el­lers to have up-close encoun­ters with mar­ine biodiversity.

Coastal land­scapes are a major draw for tour­ists. Coastal areas offer stun­ning vis­tas that can be explored in vari­ous ways, such as hik­ing, cyc­ling, or boat­ing. The nat­ur­al beauty of coastal land­scapes serves as a major selling point for coastal tour­ism, mar­ine tour­ism, and cruises, attract­ing trav­el­lers seek­ing immers­ive and awe-inspir­ing experiences.

Cruises, in par­tic­u­lar, offer a unique and con­veni­ent way to explore coastal and mar­ine des­tin­a­tions. Cruise ships are float­ing resorts that provide trav­el­lers with a wide range of amen­it­ies and activities.

Coastal tour­ism, mar­ine tour­ism, and cruises also offer oppor­tun­it­ies for relax­a­tion and well­ness. Many coastal des­tin­a­tions and cruises offer well­ness activities.

In addi­tion to the nat­ur­al attrac­tions, coastal tour­ism, mar­ine tour­ism, and cruises also offer oppor­tun­it­ies for cul­tur­al exper­i­ences. A large and grow­ing per­cent­age of people live near the coast, includ­ing many indi­gen­ous com­munit­ies. Inter­act­ing with loc­al com­munit­ies, learn­ing about their way of life, and enga­ging in cul­tur­al activ­it­ies can provide trav­el­lers with a deep­er under­stand­ing of the loc­al cul­ture and her­it­age, enhan­cing their over­all travel experience.

How­ever, it is imper­at­ive to emphas­ise the import­ance of respons­ible and sus­tain­able tour­ism prac­tices in coastal tour­ism, mar­ine tour­ism, and cruises. As industry pro­fes­sion­als, we can pro­mote respons­ible travel prac­tices among trav­el­lers, such as min­im­ising envir­on­ment­al impact, respect­ing loc­al cul­tures and com­munit­ies, and sup­port­ing sus­tain­able initiatives.

In con­clu­sion, coastal tour­ism, mar­ine tour­ism, and cruises offer unpar­alleled oppor­tun­it­ies for trav­el­lers to explore and appre­ci­ate the won­ders of the sea. As industry pro­fes­sion­als, it is cru­cial to under­stand the sig­ni­fic­ance of coastal tour­ism, mar­ine tour­ism, and cruises and pro­mote respons­ible and sus­tain­able tour­ism practices.

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Cruise industry must help solve over-tourism

June 8, 2017

When this ship comes to call it dominates the landscape. Source: KarinKarin / Pixabay

Author­it­ies in uber-pop­u­lar des­tin­a­tions, such as Venice and Bar­celona, often assert that the eco­nom­ic con­tri­bu­tion of mass tour­ism dwarfs the dis­rup­tion caused to pub­lic ser­vices and res­id­ents. How­ever, res­id­ents with no ves­ted interest in the travel & tour­ism industry reg­u­larly and vehe­mently dis­agree. What these places are exper­i­en­cing is “over-tour­ism”, a term an art­icle by […]

Read More Cruise industry must help solve over-tourism

Sri Lanka & Thailand slapped on biodiversity day

June 6, 2017

Yala leopard. Source: Amila Tennakoon

The former Dir­ect­or-Gen­er­­al of Sri Lanka’s Depart­ment of Wild­life Con­ser­va­tion (DWC) ques­tioned wheth­er Yala Nation­al Park can sus­tain tour­ism num­bers skyrock­et­ing more than 1,000% in sev­en years – from 48,368 vis­it­ors in 2008 to 545,007 in 2015. Dr Sum­ith Pil­ap­itiya was tack­ling over-vis­it­a­­tion and its con­sequences on biod­iversity at an event to mark the Inter­na­tion­al Day for […]

Read More Sri Lanka & Thailand slapped on biodiversity day

Apo Island, Philippines to levy new fees on tourists

May 25, 2017

Sea turtle 'pawikan' off the shores of Apo Island. Source: Wikimedia / Jun V Lao

The famed dive des­tin­a­tion of Apo Island in Dauin, Negros Ori­ent­al, Phil­ip­pines, will levy new fees for tour­ists, accord­ing to the Phil­ip­pine News Agency. The fees, agreed upon by the Pro­tec­ted Area Man­age­ment Board (PAMB), would include moor­ing fees for boats used by tour­ists; for diving, swim­ming, snorkel­ing and oth­er activ­it­ies. Jose Bry­an Arranguez, Community […]

Read More Apo Island, Philippines to levy new fees on tourists

Cyprus hopes fake reef will shore up fisheries, tourism

May 12, 2017

cyprus 1199417 1280

The Medi­ter­ranean island repub­lic of Cyprus will install an arti­fi­cial reef to sup­port fish­er­ies and “more sus­tain­able” tour­ism, reports Cyprus Mail. The reef is to be con­struc­ted next year off the coast of Pol­is in an area of sea stretch­ing between Lat­chi har­bour and the Anas­sa hotel. The arti­fi­cial reef, which will be the second in […]

Read More Cyprus hopes fake reef will shore up fisheries, tourism