Coastal and marine tourism and cruises

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Coastal tour­ism, mar­ine tour­ism, and cruises are bur­geon­ing sec­tors with­in the travel & tour­ism and hos­pit­al­ity indus­tries, present­ing a pleth­ora of oppor­tun­it­ies for industry pro­fes­sion­als. These forms of tour­ism offer unique and cap­tiv­at­ing exper­i­ences for trav­el­lers who are cap­tiv­ated by the allure of the sea. As industry insiders, it is crit­ic­al to grasp the sig­ni­fic­ance of coastal tour­ism, mar­ine tour­ism, and cruises and their impact on the travel industry.

One of the key draws of coastal tour­ism, mar­ine tour­ism, and cruises is the chance to wit­ness the breath­tak­ing diversity of mar­ine life. Coastal areas are home to a pleth­ora of flora and fauna. Activ­it­ies such as snor­kelling, scuba diving, or boat tours allow trav­el­lers to have up-close encoun­ters with mar­ine biodiversity.

Coastal land­scapes are a major draw for tour­ists. Coastal areas offer stun­ning vis­tas that can be explored in vari­ous ways, such as hik­ing, cyc­ling, or boat­ing. The nat­ur­al beauty of coastal land­scapes serves as a major selling point for coastal tour­ism, mar­ine tour­ism, and cruises, attract­ing trav­el­lers seek­ing immers­ive and awe-inspir­ing experiences.

Cruises, in par­tic­u­lar, offer a unique and con­veni­ent way to explore coastal and mar­ine des­tin­a­tions. Cruise ships are float­ing resorts that provide trav­el­lers with a wide range of amen­it­ies and activities.

Coastal tour­ism, mar­ine tour­ism, and cruises also offer oppor­tun­it­ies for relax­a­tion and well­ness. Many coastal des­tin­a­tions and cruises offer well­ness activities.

In addi­tion to the nat­ur­al attrac­tions, coastal tour­ism, mar­ine tour­ism, and cruises also offer oppor­tun­it­ies for cul­tur­al exper­i­ences. A large and grow­ing per­cent­age of people live near the coast, includ­ing many indi­gen­ous com­munit­ies. Inter­act­ing with loc­al com­munit­ies, learn­ing about their way of life, and enga­ging in cul­tur­al activ­it­ies can provide trav­el­lers with a deep­er under­stand­ing of the loc­al cul­ture and her­it­age, enhan­cing their over­all travel experience.

How­ever, it is imper­at­ive to emphas­ise the import­ance of respons­ible and sus­tain­able tour­ism prac­tices in coastal tour­ism, mar­ine tour­ism, and cruises. As industry pro­fes­sion­als, we can pro­mote respons­ible travel prac­tices among trav­el­lers, such as min­im­ising envir­on­ment­al impact, respect­ing loc­al cul­tures and com­munit­ies, and sup­port­ing sus­tain­able initiatives.

In con­clu­sion, coastal tour­ism, mar­ine tour­ism, and cruises offer unpar­alleled oppor­tun­it­ies for trav­el­lers to explore and appre­ci­ate the won­ders of the sea. As industry pro­fes­sion­als, it is cru­cial to under­stand the sig­ni­fic­ance of coastal tour­ism, mar­ine tour­ism, and cruises and pro­mote respons­ible and sus­tain­able tour­ism practices.

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Outrigger goes big on World Oceans Month this June

Outrigger collage

Bare­foot lux­ury and cor­al reef con­ser­va­tion meet at Out­rig­ger Resorts. WAIKIKI – In hon­our of World Oceans Month this June, Out­rig­ger Hotels and Resorts is eager to con­tin­ue its sup­port in pro­tect­ing and sus­tain­ing the oceans and the spe­cies that inhab­it them. Mak­ing Big Waves for Glob­al Change Through its OZONE pro­gramme, Out­rig­ger has cham­pioned ocean and cor­al health […]

Read More Outrigger goes big on World Oceans Month this June

How can tourism safeguard intangible cultural heritage? A peek at Penghu

May 12, 2020

Penghu fish traps. The iconic double love heart formation. By chingtao0007 (CC0) via Needpix.

In this fresh “GT” Insight, respons­ible tour­ism and eco­nom­ic devel­op­ment spe­cial­ist Kev­in Phun takes a peek at the pis­cat­ori­al pro­fi­cien­cies of the people of Penghu, Taiwan to dis­cuss how the tan­gible and intan­gible should be con­sidered inter­con­nec­ted when plan­ning sus­tain­able cul­tur­al her­it­age tour­ism attrac­tions. Intan­gible cul­tur­al her­it­age (ICH) refers to aspects of peoples’ cul­tures that […]

Read More How can tourism safeguard intangible cultural heritage? A peek at Penghu

How tourism in India can help protect olive ridley turtles

June 5, 2019

Olive ridley turtles by Chandan Singh (CC BY 2.0) via Flickr.

In her second “GT” Insights con­tri­bu­tion, A Lajwanti Naidu shares what she has learned about olive rid­ley turtles and how the Andhra Pra­desh Tour­ism Author­ity does and can con­trib­ute to their con­ser­va­tion. Travel teaches more than books do. With this in mind, Andhra Pra­desh Tour­ism Author­ity organ­ised an edu­ca­tion­al tour to Diviseema and the Krishna […]

Read More How tourism in India can help protect olive ridley turtles

New conservation-led ecotourism project showcases sustainability in the Mergui

July 26, 2018

IMG 1481

A con­­ser­­va­­tion-led eco­tour­ism pro­ject in the remote Mer­gui archipelago aims to show that hab­it­at pro­tec­tion and small-scale sens­it­ive tour­ism is the way for­ward for the islands off the coast of Myan­mar and Thai­l­and. Words and pic­tures by Keith Lyons. The Wa Ale Island Resort, set to open later this year (2018), is loc­ated on a […]

Read More New conservation-led ecotourism project showcases sustainability in the Mergui

Australian shark tourism valuation method may be useful elsewhere

September 22, 2017

The economic value of shark tourism including white shark cage-diving in Australia

A socio-eco­­nom­ic sur­vey meth­od­o­logy that recently estim­ated the dir­ect eco­nom­ic con­tri­bu­tion of shark tour­ism in Aus­tralia may be a use­ful tool for estim­at­ing the value of wild­life tour­ism and eco­tour­ism in oth­er des­tin­a­tions. For des­tin­a­tions keen to under­stand more about the eco­nom­ic value of their own eco­tour­ism and wild­life tour­ism products, the meth­od­o­logy employed by […]

Read More Australian shark tourism valuation method may be useful elsewhere

Whale shark tracking shows upside for Ningaloo ecotourism industry

August 31, 2017

Whale shark tourism. Whale shark Ningaloo ecotourism Western Australia. Source: ECOCEAN

Swim­ming with whale sharks could become a year-round eco­tour­ism activ­ity for the Nin­ga­loo Coast region of West­ern Aus­tralia (WA), accord­ing to ECOCEAN research sci­ent­ist Sam­antha Reyn­olds. By emphas­ising the poten­tial for an eco­nom­ic activ­ity, the story is a refresh­ing hint at how an envir­on­ment­al­ist cause can ally with sci­ence and the tour­ism industry. Reynolds […]

Read More Whale shark tracking shows upside for Ningaloo ecotourism industry