Tourism and climate change

Scroll down for posts that have been tagged with “cli­mate change” as it affects or relates to travel & tour­ism des­tin­a­tions and industry stakeholders.

Tour­ism is one of the world’s largest indus­tries, with mil­lions of people trav­el­ling to des­tin­a­tions around the globe each year. How­ever, tour­ism is also a sig­ni­fic­ant con­trib­ut­or to green­house gas emis­sions and cli­mate change.

Tour­ists’ trans­por­tion and the energy con­sump­tion and waste asso­ci­ated with tour­ism activ­it­ies are all sources of green­house gas emis­sions. The Inter­gov­ern­ment­al Pan­el on Cli­mate Change (IPCC) estim­ates that tour­ism accounts for about 5% of glob­al green­house gas emissions.

Many argue that address­ing cli­mate change and redu­cing green­house gas emis­sions is cru­cial for the sus­tain­ab­il­ity of the tour­ism industry. Indeed cli­mate change could have a sig­ni­fic­ant impact on the tour­ism industry if rising sea levels, extreme weath­er events, and changes in nat­ur­al eco­sys­tems neg­at­ively affect des­tin­a­tions and tour­ist activity.

In response, many tour­ism oper­at­ors and organ­isa­tions are imple­ment­ing sus­tain­able prac­tices and car­bon reduc­tion strategies to address this issue. (Or at least they claim to be doing so.) Some tour­ism organ­isa­tions and travel oper­at­ors have even signed up to declar­a­tions of cli­mate crisis and emer­gency. (Yet they remain in the travel & tour­ism business.)

Trav­el­lers can con­trib­ute to redu­cing the con­tri­bu­tion of tour­ism to cli­mate change by choos­ing lower-emis­sion trans­port­a­tion options, eco-friendly accom­mod­a­tions, and sus­tain­able tour­ism activ­it­ies. How­ever, they should do their due dili­gence to choose organ­isa­tions whose prac­tices align with their stated beliefs.

People who sin­cerely believe that there is a cli­mate crisis or emer­gency could lead by example and choose to shut down their tour­ism busi­nesses and not travel at all …

Tags are inform­al. The “Good Tour­ism” Blog tries not to get bogged down with ter­min­o­logy and defin­i­tions so you may dis­agree with tags applied (or not applied) to a post. Feel free to com­ment on any post you think has been incor­rectly or insuf­fi­ciently tagged. “GT” encour­ages good-faith debate and discussion.

Three steps travel companies can take to contend with climate change

October 26, 2021
One Comment

Contrails. How can the travel & tourism industry contend with climate change? (Image by Free-Photos (CC0) via Pixabay.

How does one take mean­ing­ful action to back up a poten­tially hypo­crit­ic­al declar­a­tion about cli­mate? This is a ques­tion that travel & tour­ism com­pan­ies must con­tend with right now, par­tic­u­larly those that rely on air travel for their products and cus­tom­ers. Tour­ism schol­ar Francesca Gal­lone sug­gests three steps that com­pan­ies can take to walk their […]

Read More Three steps travel companies can take to contend with climate change

“Good Tourism” Partners to jointly support UN SDGs, climate-friendly travel

"GT" Partners Planet Happiness and SUNx sign MOU. Image by GDJ (CC0) via Pixabay

New memor­andum of under­stand­ing (MOU) between part­ners of The “Good Tour­ism” Blog signed to mark World Envir­on­ment Day, June 5. On World Envir­on­ment Day, June 5, “GT” Part­ners Plan­et Hap­pi­ness and SUNx signed a MOU related to the United Nations (UN) Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment Goals (SDGs) and cli­mate-friendly travel. Accord­ing to a news release, the aim is to […]

Read More “Good Tourism” Partners to jointly support UN SDGs, climate-friendly travel

Tourism & ‘climate emergency’: It’s the metrics, stupid

May 18, 2021

It's the metrics, stupid. Image: Storm cloud background by FelixMittermeier (CC0) via Pixabay. Stat overlay by postman85 (CC0) via Pixabay.

Geof­frey Lip­man of “Good Tour­ism” Part­ner SUNx shares a unique “GT” Insight into a TRINET dis­cus­sion cur­rently under­way about tour­ism and cli­mate change.  TRINET is the Tour­ism Research Inform­a­tion Net­work, an email dis­tri­bu­tion list that links glob­al tour­ism schol­ars.  This is an adapt­a­tion of Prof Lip­man’s recent post to TRINET in which he argues why […]

Read More Tourism & ‘climate emergency’: It’s the metrics, stupid

Time to be ‘Strong’: Unprecedented NFT Earth Swatch auction to benefit tourism’s post-pandemic recovery, climate resilience, and environmental causes

Time to be ‘Strong’: Unprecedented NFT Earth Swatch auction to benefit tourism’s post-pandemic recovery, climate resilience, and environmental causes

The parties behind the auc­tion — glob­al ini­ti­at­ive for Cli­mate Friendly Travel SUNx — Strong Uni­ver­sal Net­work and cyber­se­cur­ity com­pany WISeKey — have cre­ated the first ever non-fun­­­gible token (NFT) related to cli­mate change and sus­tain­ab­il­ity. The first-off-the-line “Earth Swatch” watch, designed by cli­mate act­iv­ist and sus­tain­able devel­op­ment pion­eer Maurice Strong for the 1992 Rio Earth Sum­mit, is going up for […]

Read More Time to be ‘Strong’: Unprecedented NFT Earth Swatch auction to benefit tourism’s post-pandemic recovery, climate resilience, and environmental causes

Back to the future: Time for more ambitious climate action from travel & tourism

New hope through climate friendly travel SUNx Malta

Pres­id­ent of “Good Tour­ism” Part­ner SUNx Malta, Geof­frey Lip­man, reports: “UN Cli­mate Chief Patri­cia Espinosa has form­ally con­firmed to our SDG 17 part­ner Glor­ia Guevara at the WTTC top level sup­port for the SUNx Malta Cli­mate Friendly Travel Registry, and urged travel & tour­ism organ­isa­tions to file their car­bon reduc­tion plans.” Here is Pro­fess­or Lip­man’s […]

Read More Back to the future: Time for more ambitious climate action from travel & tourism

Climate change, COVID-19, and the need for global systemic change

March 2, 2021

Working women protest in Dhaka, Bangladesh. By MARUF_RAHMAN (CC0) via Pixabay.

Tan­ner C Knorr picks up themes dis­cussed in a webin­ar by the US-based Cen­ter for Respons­ible Travel and maps them onto five core ten­ets of the Future of Tour­ism Coali­tion. Mr Knorr is the founder of two “Good Tour­ism” Part­ners: Second Look World­wide and Off Sea­son Adven­tures. This is his fourth “Good Tour­ism” Insight. “Crisis […]

Read More Climate change, COVID-19, and the need for global systemic change