Carrying capacity, mass tourism, and overtourism

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Accord­ing to the Bio­logy Dic­tion­ary: “[C]arrying capa­city relates the num­ber of organ­isms which can sur­vive to the resources with­in an eco­sys­tem. Eco­sys­tems can­not exceed their car­ry­ing capa­city [for long].” Some travel & tour­ism stake­hold­ers refer to a des­tin­a­tion’s sus­tain­able capa­city to receive vis­it­ors as its ‘car­ry­ing capacity’.

Mass tour­ism is char­ac­ter­ised by large con­cen­tra­tions of tour­ists at the same place at the same time. The travel & tour­ism industry facil­it­ates mass tour­ism through organ­ised group tours, pack­age deals, shore vis­its by cruise ship pas­sen­gers, and sim­il­ar practices.

Over­tour­ism is the per­cep­tion, espe­cially among res­id­ents, of too much tour­ism at a des­tin­a­tion or simply too many vis­it­ors to a place. Envir­on­ment­al car­ry­ing capa­cit­ies not­with­stand­ing, over­tour­ism is sub­ject­ive. There need not be indus­tri­al-scale mass tour­ism for a host com­munity to feel the effects of over­tour­ism. Mass tour­ism is often the cause of over­tour­ism in ‘nor­mal’ neigh­bour­hoods, but not in des­tin­a­tions or attrac­tions that have been planned and pur­pose-built to receive large num­bers of tour­ists, and whose res­id­ent pop­u­la­tions wel­come the eco­nom­ic oppor­tun­it­ies mass tour­ism brings.

“The phe­nomen­on of ‘over­tour­ism’, about which there are always lots of com­plaints, is a symp­tom of an unhealthy depend­ence on tour­ism for jobs and eco­nom­ic activ­ity. We know that, yet this depend­ence is why little gets done to solve the prob­lem. It is polit­ic­ally and eco­nom­ic­ally dif­fi­cult to solve because the with­draw­al symp­toms are rough.” _ Dav­id Gill­banks in “As we sit out COVID-19, let’s think about a fair & fail-safe treat­ment or vac­cine for over­tour­ism”.

Tags are inform­al. The “Good Tour­ism” Blog tries not to get bogged down with ter­min­o­logy and defin­i­tions, so you may dis­agree with tags applied (or not applied) to a post. If so, please feel free to com­ment on any post you think has been incor­rectly or insuf­fi­ciently tagged. “GT” encour­ages good-faith debate and discussion.

Goodbye freeloading, hello free thinking; the Travel Foundation asks “Who pays?”

May 26, 2018

Little Venice quay flooded with tourists

When you next go on vaca­tion, who will pay? It’s a simple ques­tion and you may think the answer is obvi­ous: you, the cus­tom­er. But are trav­el­lers cov­er­ing their costs? Experts at a roundtable event organ­ised by Cor­nell Uni­ver­sity were asked that ques­tion and they answered with a resound­ing “no”. All those around the table — aca­dem­ics and representatives […]

Read More Goodbye freeloading, hello free thinking; the Travel Foundation asks “Who pays?”

Lisbon locals face eviction in favour of trendy tourism, celebrities, short-term rentals

October 21, 2017

Lisbon tourism is booming. Locals are being indirectly forced out by trendy tourism and celebrities

Lis­bon tour­ism is boom­ing. With­in a month of the “GT” Insight dir­ect from Lis­bon — “Why We Hate Tour­ism Tours & why you should too” by Ricardo Oli­veira — the Thom­son Reu­ters Found­a­tion reports on the neg­at­ive impacts of trendy tour­ism on loc­als’ life­styles. Carla da Cunha has a tight budget with which to find a new home in […]

Read More Lisbon locals face eviction in favour of trendy tourism, celebrities, short-term rentals

Civita di Bagnoregio, the tourism town on the edge of extinction

October 9, 2017

Tourism town on the edge of survival Civita di Bagnoregio. By evondue via Pixabay.

Since becom­ing the first Itali­an town to charge an entry fee, tour­ist num­bers to Civ­ita di Bagnore­gio have exploded from 40,000 annu­ally four years ago to a fore­cast 850,000 this year. In 2017, the hill-top ham­let will “wel­come” vis­it­ors at a ratio of 85,000 to one full-time res­id­ent. Sign­posted as “Civ­ita, The Town That Is […]

Read More Civita di Bagnoregio, the tourism town on the edge of extinction

Palau tackles over-tourism with responsible tourism

September 12, 2017

Palau tackles over-tourism via responsible tourism and sustainable tourism. Palau. By LuxTonnerre (CC BY 2.0) via Wikimedia.

The UNWTO & WTM Min­is­ters’ Sum­mit will debate over-tour­ism, Novem­ber 7, at WTM Lon­don 2017. While seni­or fig­ures pre­pare their talk­ing points, the Microne­sian archipelago of Palau is mak­ing moves now to com­bat the phe­nomen­on. Accord­ing to Repub­lic of Palau Pres­id­ent Tommy E Remen­gasau, Jr, in his intro­duct­ory mes­sage for the Palau Respons­ible Tour­ism Policy […]

Read More Palau tackles over-tourism with responsible tourism

Over-tourism alarm bells for Bangladesh’s only coral island

August 22, 2017

Over-tourism in Bangladesh yet UNWTO says tourism growth is not the enemy.

Over-pop­u­la­­tion may be a word more likely to spring to mind than over-tour­ism when one thinks of Bangladesh. How­ever, as repor­ted in the Dhaka Tribune, a Bangladesh Depart­ment of Envir­on­ment (DoE) report says unplanned tour­ism lead­ing to over-tour­ism, mar­ine pol­lu­tion, and illeg­al struc­tures are pos­ing ser­i­ous threats to the biod­iversity of Bangladesh’s only cor­al island. […]

Read More Over-tourism alarm bells for Bangladesh’s only coral island

Residents, authorities, hoteliers grapple with global sharing economy

August 9, 2017

World tourism and the sharing economy

Protests by res­id­ents and lob­by­ing by hoteliers are for­cing gov­ern­ments glob­ally to toughen their stance on the accom­mod­a­tion shar­ing eco­nomy. Spain’s Balear­ic Islands has announced it will pen­al­ise land­lords for illeg­ally rent­ing apart­ments to tour­ists with fines of up to 40,000 euros (~US$47,000). Rent­ing apart­ments without a licence was banned in the Balear­ic Islands in […]

Read More Residents, authorities, hoteliers grapple with global sharing economy