Carbon dioxide, methane, and other greenhouse gases

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First SUNx climate-friendly travel think tank releases calls to act & act now

bulb moment nature climate fly

The key calls to action from the inaug­ur­al SUNx — Strong Uni­ver­sal Net­work Cli­mate Friendly Travel Think Tank that con­cluded in Malta were (accord­ing to the offi­cial press release): The Cli­mate Crisis is eXist­en­tial. All stake­hold­ers includ­ing Trans­port, Hos­pit­al­ity, Travel Ser­vices, and Infra­struc­ture Pro­viders must urgently start the trans­form­a­tion in 2020 to get onto the Par­is 1.5o […]

Read More First SUNx climate-friendly travel think tank releases calls to act & act now

SUN calls for “moon-shot” effort by aviation sector to be zero-carbon by 2050

sunx calls for decarbonisation moon-shot by aviation

“Good Tour­ism” Insight Part­ner SUNx — Strong Uni­ver­sal Net­work — has again called for a “moon-shot” effort by the avi­ation and air trans­port sec­tor to be zero-car­­bon by 2050.  Dur­ing FITUR, the inter­na­tion­al tour­ism fair in Mad­rid, SUNx Co-Founder Geof­frey Lip­man said that the avi­ation sector’s decar­bon­isa­tion pledge — for 50% of 2005 levels — was now more than a dec­ade old and was […]

Read More SUN calls for “moon-shot” effort by aviation sector to be zero-carbon by 2050

Businesses think they’re on top of carbon risk, but tourism destinations have barely a clue: Professor

February 10, 2019

Tourism accounts for approximately 8% of emissions, much of it from planes ... A Qantas Boeing 747-400 flying at approximately 11,000 metres over Starbeyevo in Moscow, May 2010. By Sergey Kustov (CC BY-SA 3.0) via Wikimedia.

Less energy- and car­­bon-intens­ive slow travel could be the future of tour­ism in far-flung des­tin­a­tions, accord­ing to Susanne Beck­en of Grif­fith Uni­ver­sity. The dir­ect­ors of most Aus­trali­an com­pan­ies are well aware of the impact of car­bon emis­sions, not only on the envir­on­ment but also on their own firms as emis­­sions-intens­ive indus­tries get lumbered with taxes […]

Read More Businesses think they’re on top of carbon risk, but tourism destinations have barely a clue: Professor

Airport carbon dioxide emissions cut by 200,000 tonnes in 2015/16: ACI

June 26, 2017

ACI Director General Angela Gittens says airport carbon emissions were reduced by 200,000 tonnes in 2015/2016. Image source: 'Airport World'

Air­ports Coun­cil Inter­na­tion­al (ACI)‘s Air­port Car­bon Accred­it­a­tion pro­gramme reduced car­bon diox­ide emis­sions by more than 200,000 tonnes in the report­ing year end­ing June 2016, accord­ing to ACI Dir­ect­or Gen­er­al Angela Git­tens. The pro­gramme is now in its eighth year with 182 accred­ited air­ports in 54 coun­tries. Writ­ing for Air­port World, Ms Git­tens asser­ted that ACI’s […]

Read More Airport carbon dioxide emissions cut by 200,000 tonnes in 2015/16: ACI