Aviation and air travel

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Butler asks: How do we solve one of the great conundrums of ‘sustainable’ tourism?

February 24, 2025

Richard Butler asks: How do we solve one of the great conundrums of ‘sustainable’ tourism? Pic by Michael Schwarzenberger (CC0) via Pixabay https://pixabay.com/photos/turbine-aircraft-motor-rotor-590354/

“Inter­est­ing range of views”, Richard But­ler (of Tour­ism Area Life Cycle mod­el fame) writes in the com­ments sec­tion of the “GT” Insight Bites on oppor­tun­it­ies and threats to tour­ism in 2025.  “How do we square the first response re air travel and the second and fourth pos­it­ive responses about tour­ism in [South­east] Asia where many of the […]

Read More Butler asks: How do we solve one of the great conundrums of ‘sustainable’ tourism?

Do sustainability awards in long-haul destinations make sense?

June 22, 2023

Do sustainability awards for stakeholders in long-haul destinations make sense? Check box by OpenClipart-Vectors (CC0) and the beach by Walkerssk (CC0). Both via Pixabay. https://pixabay.com/vectors/checkbox-checked-check-tick-okay-155884/ https://pixabay.com/photos/the-sea-maldives-holiday-paradise-3198131/

Richard But­ler won­ders why sus­tain­ab­il­ity awards are giv­en to stake­hold­ers in des­tin­a­tions that rely upon long-haul air travel.  In dir­ect reply to “Good Tour­ism” news­let­ter #185, Prof But­ler wrote: I won­der why so many organ­isa­tions sup­port­ing ‘sus­tain­able tour­ism’ offer awards to enter­prises in coun­tries where the major­ity of non-domest­­ic tour­ists travel long dis­tances by plane to reach such […]

Read More Do sustainability awards in long-haul destinations make sense?

On aviation emissions & financial risk: Tourism Panel on Climate Change (TPCC) publishes first Horizon Papers

On aviation emissions & financial risk: Tourism Panel on Climate Change (TPCC) publishes first Horizon Papers

The Tour­ism Pan­el on Cli­mate Change (TPCC) has pub­lished its first ‘Hori­zon Papers’; one on the top­ic of redu­cing aviation’s green­house gas emis­sions (mit­ig­a­tion), anoth­er on the fin­an­cial resi­li­ence of tour­ism organ­isa­tions affected by cli­mate change (adapt­a­tion). TPCC’s Hori­zon Papers are lead­ing-edge think pieces to stim­u­late crit­ic­al exchanges at the inter­sec­tion of cli­mate change and […]

Read More On aviation emissions & financial risk: Tourism Panel on Climate Change (TPCC) publishes first Horizon Papers

With sustainable aviation fuel, is a new era of green air travel possible by 2025?

November 24, 2020

Image by 12659751 (CC0) via Pixabay https://pixabay.com/photos/plane-city-architecture-airplane-4245416/

Neville Har­greaves is work­ing at tech­no­logy firm Velo­cys on turn­ing every­day waste into jet fuel at a com­mer­cial scale. In this “Good Tour­ism” Insight, Dr Har­greaves explains why he thinks sus­tain­able avi­ation fuel is the only real­ist­ic near-term solu­tion to air travel’s cli­mate quandary. The ongo­ing impact of COVID-19 has been debil­it­at­ing, but it has […]

Read More With sustainable aviation fuel, is a new era of green air travel possible by 2025?

SUN calls for “moon-shot” effort by aviation sector to be zero-carbon by 2050

sunx calls for decarbonisation moon-shot by aviation

“Good Tour­ism” Insight Part­ner SUNx — Strong Uni­ver­sal Net­work — has again called for a “moon-shot” effort by the avi­ation and air trans­port sec­tor to be zero-car­­bon by 2050.  Dur­ing FITUR, the inter­na­tion­al tour­ism fair in Mad­rid, SUNx Co-Founder Geof­frey Lip­man said that the avi­ation sector’s decar­bon­isa­tion pledge — for 50% of 2005 levels — was now more than a dec­ade old and was […]

Read More SUN calls for “moon-shot” effort by aviation sector to be zero-carbon by 2050

Could climate change ground a third of aircraft?

Climate change airlines. Aerial view of Victorville Airport's aircraft boneyard, Victorville, California, USA. By Bobak Ha'Eri, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File%3A2009-0727-CA-VictorvilleBoneyard.jpgax

More fre­quent heat waves due to glob­al warm­ing may ground up to a third of air­planes world­wide in dec­ades to come with some air­ports in New York and Dubai likely to be hard hit, a study showed on Thursday. Air­lines may increas­ingly be forced to cut their loads of pas­sen­gers, cargo or fuel in order […]

Read More Could climate change ground a third of aircraft?