About podcasts & how to subscribe to The “Good Tourism” Podcast
For those who have yet to appreciate the awesomeness of podcasts, they are best described as on-demand radio shows. Indeed your favourite radio stations will likely have podcast versions of their most popular shows.
Podcasts are great sources of information, education, and/or entertainment when you are commuting, working out, gardening, cooking … anytime you’re engaged in a solo activity that doesn’t necessarily require your full attention.
You can listen to a podcast episode by streaming it straight off the internet or by downloading it to listen to later on an appropriate media player or podcast application. (Downloading over Wifi to listen to when you are out of Wifi range is a good strategy to save on mobile data.)
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By subscribing to The “Good Tourism” Podcast you will receive notification of latest episodes. By default episodes may be downloaded to your computer or portable device automatically (check settings). Select the subscription method below that suits you:
iOS (iPhone, iPad, and iPod)
To subscribe, select “Subscribe on iTunes” (iTunes listing is PENDING so subscribe by email for now)
Mac and Windows
To subscribe, select “Subscribe on iTunes” (iTunes listing is PENDING so subscribe by email for now)
Android and Amazon Fire
To subscribe, select “Subscribe on Android”.
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Copy this URL — https://goodtourismblog.com/feed/podcast/ — and paste it into your favourite podcast application or news reader.
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