“Good Tourism” & “GT” Travel newsletter

May 25, 2017

The "Good Tourism" Blog

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Go to archive: 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2017 – 2019

“Good Tourism” & “GT” Travel newsletter archive 2025

March 22, 2025: #241 | Whose future in Ghana & oth­er devel­op­ing places? | Wish­wash­ing tour­ism: Your responses | EXO launches 2025 Sus­tain­ab­il­ity Awards | Benidorm

March 6, 2025: #240 | New tours help trav­el­lers make sense of South­east Asia | Wish­wash­ing tour­ism: An open ques­tion | ‘What is good tour­ism?’ “GT’s” Jan/Feb wrap

Feb­ru­ary 25, 2025: #239 | Richard But­ler­’s conun­drum | New female-friendly trail in Laos | New fam­ily-friendly river­side in Viet­nam | Khiri Travel joins The Long Run

Janu­ary 27, 2025: #238 | How do we solve one of the great conun­drums of ‘sus­tain­able’ tour­ism? … asks Richard But­ler of Tour­ism Area Life Cycle fame

Janu­ary 21, 2025: #237 | 2025 ‘crit­ic­al’ for tour­ism cli­mate action: SUNx | Mer­ito­cracy in tour­ism media: What do you think?

Janu­ary 14, 2025: #236 | Wasn’t me! Defin­ing respons­ib­il­it­ies for EU ESG report­ing | Bites: Oppor­tun­it­ies & threats in 2025; Nos­tal­gia | Anurak thanks Amaz­ing Thailand

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“Good Tourism” & “GT” Travel newsletter archive 2024

Decem­ber 12, 2024: #235 | Bites: Geo­pol­it­ics & tour­ism | Top five most vis­ited “GT” posts of 2024 (& top 10 all-time “GT” & “GT” Travel posts)

Novem­ber 18, 2024: #234 | Did tour­ism cause Bar­celon­a’s hous­ing crisis? | The geo­pol­it­ics of tour­ism | Car­damo­m’s ‘unpar­alleled con­nec­tion to nature’ in Cambodia

Novem­ber 7, 2024: #233 | Voices: Who speaks for you? | Are trav­el­lers more peace­ful than tour­ists? | Why Scot­land should keep its iCentres open | Anurak wins TAT award

Octo­ber 7, 2024: #232 | Taxes on tips | Mass tour­ism ‘more sus­tain­able per cap­ita’? | Nigeri­a’s cul­tur­al her­it­age | SUNx’s ‘Dodo 4 Kids’ | Thai kind­ness | “GT” wrap

Septem­ber 23, 2024: #231 | Thai­l­and serves up jour­neys of ‘loc­al co-cre­ation’ | Taxes on tips: FINAL call

Septem­ber 18, 2024: #230 | Taxes on tips: Your Bites invit­a­tion | Khiri Travel Phil­ip­pines to offer ‘authen­t­ic’, ‘immers­ive’, ‘respons­ible’ experiences

Septem­ber 10, 2024: #229 | Three crit­ics walk into a bar … | Nom­in­ate for EXO’s 2024 Sus­tain­ab­il­ity Awards | Your comments …

August 29, 2024: #228 | Five chal­lenges for travel & tour­ism: PATA Chair | Asia Pacific arrivals fore­casts pos­it­ive | ‘Three crit­ics …’ dead­line extension

August 22, 2024: #227 | ‘Three crit­ics walk into a bar …’: Your “GT” guest author invit­a­tion | Your “GT”: Oppor­tun­it­ies to express yourself …

August 8, 2024: #226 | Bites: Tech in tour­ism | Insight: Social tour­ism, social good? | Case stud­ies: Work integ­rated learning

August 1, 2024: #225 | Can we man­age mass tour­ism for sus­tain­able out­comes? | 50 schol­ar­ships for SIDS, LDC stu­dents | Con­ser­va­tion beer | Do I need a DSLR camera?

July 15, 2024: #224 | Domest­ic dis­asters & des­tin­a­tion ‘dupes’: Cli­mate change impels travel closer to home | Ques­tion for you on travel & tour­ism tech

June 27, 2024: #223 | How to become one of the world’s best hotels | Con­ser­va­tion, cli­mate, cul­ture chal­lenge food tour­ism in Bot­swana | “GT” wrap April-June 2024

June 14, 2024: #222 | Regen­er­at­ive tourism’s myths and real­it­ies | Case stud­ies: Com­munity-based tour­ism in sub-Saha­ran Africa

June 6, 2024: #221 | Bites: What does it mean to be ‘crit­ic­al’ of tour­ism? | Tour­ism cli­mate action NOW for small island devel­op­ing states: SUNx Malta

May 24, 2024: #220 | On now in Africa | Totally awe­some: Des­tin­a­tions’ urgent need to redis­cov­er the ‘total­ity of awe’ | Your “GT” Insight Bites invitation

May 17, 2024: #219 | Venice ‘book­able’: Itali­ans lose free­dom of move­ment | Prof Valer­ia Minghetti on peer review, over­tour­ism, regen­er­at­ive tour­ism, how to succeed

April 2, 2024: #218 | What con­sti­tutes ‘pro­gress’ for travel & tour­ism in 2024?

March 30, 2024: #217 | Bhutan believes … | Emil Kukalj on bal­ance, over­tour­ism, ideo­logy, prag­mat­ism, pos­sib­il­ity | “GT” wrap for Feb-Mar 2024

March 21, 2024: #216 | Kenya. Respons­ible? | Sus­tain­able Singa­pore | Places to go in Tokyo | FINAL CALL: Strong Earth Awards | Register for Strong Earth Youth Summit

March 8, 2024: #215 | Bites: Career advice for young people | Equit­able sup­ply chains | Car­damom joins The Long Run | Q for you: What con­sti­tutes ‘pro­gress’?

March 1, 2024: #214 | Over­tour­ism: No such thing, says Prof Dimitri­os Buhal­is | Last­ing Laos at ITB | Case stud­ies: Tour­ism & com­munit­ies | FINAL CALL for Bites

Feb­ru­ary 25, 2024: #213 | Prof Ara­m­berri on the aca­dem­ic crisis | Do you exceed expect­a­tions? | Bhutan Believe at ITB | Strong Earth Youth Sum­mit | Refor­est­ing Cambodia

Feb­ru­ary 17. 2024: #212 | Pro­fess­or Soile Vei­jola on tour­ism stud­ies, over­tour­ism, etc | Niche mar­ket­ing to micro-com­munit­ies | Car­bon-neut­ral Thai tours | Career advice

Feb­ru­ary 11, 2024: #211 | What did tour­ism learn from COVID-19? | ‘Cli­mate Justice’ in tour­ism | Strong Earth Awards 2024

Janu­ary 29, 2024: #210 | Invit­a­tion | New think­ing on tour­ism & cli­mate change | Sus­tain­able food in South­east Asia | Prof Michael Hall on inspir­a­tions, fears, academia

Janu­ary 22, 2024: #209 | What are the best oppor­tun­it­ies for tour­ism over the next five years? | CABI Tour­ism Cases: (Non-human) anim­als and tourism

Janu­ary 14, 2024: #208 | Rev­en­ue, volume, value, & the keys to suc­cess | Oh, Canada: Recon­cili­ation via ‘dark tour­ism’ | Equit­able cli­mate adaptation

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“Good Tourism” & “GT” Travel newsletter archive 2023

Decem­ber 19, 2024: #207 | Tour­is­m’s biggest chal­lenges & threats … And best oppor­tun­it­ies? | Your invit­a­tion to share in 2024 … 🙂

Decem­ber 17, 2023: #206 | Unveiled for COP: Glob­al tourism’s first cli­mate change stock­take report | ‘[Don’t] let wish­ful think­ing take pre­ced­ence over logic’ _ Butler

Decem­ber 3, 2023: #205 | Cli­mate ‘Stock­take’ launch date | Part­ners are fam­ily | Sam­baldi on tech, over­tour­ism, sus­tain­ab­il­ity, con­nectiv­ity | Cash, time, or freedom

Novem­ber 19, 2023: #204 | ‘We have lost faith in mod­ern­isa­tion’: Prof Greg Richards | Sus­tain­ab­il­ity in the Amer­icas | Souven­irs | Post­card from Hanoi, Vietnam

Octo­ber 29, 2023: #203 | ‘Per­man­ent vaca­tion’: Why digit­al nomads like Bend | WTM news: Car­bon-neut­ral tours in Thai­l­and | Empower­ment, pro­mo­tion, power of expression

Octo­ber 22, 2023: #202 | What is ‘mass tour­ism’? And what’s the prob­lem? | Bites: On enrich­ment, repat­ri­ation, the double-edged blade, and war | New author guidelines

Octo­ber 8, 2023: #201 | Tour­ism degrowth not an option for India | PATA Chair: ‘Where respons­ib­il­ity meets oppor­tun­ity’ is where tour­ism faces threats | SUNx’ CFT Club

Octo­ber 1, 2023: #200 | Media: Sum­mer of ter­rible tour­ists? | ‘Tour­ism changed my life’ | SUNx Chapters | EXO sus­tain­ab­il­ity awards | WTACH cul­tur­al her­it­age summit

Septem­ber 24, 2023: #199 | Tack­ling tour­ism income leak­age | Heart, energy, force for good | Jijuka ‘enlight­en­ment’ | Gor­illa-friendly tour­ism, com­munity development

Septem­ber 10, 2023: #198 | On tour­ism tech­no­logy, pro­gress, and loc­al bene­fit-shar­ing: “GT” Insight Bites

Septem­ber 3, 2023: #197 | Pur­pose­ful travel by design: Can tour­ism lead the way to a sus­tain­able future? | Rwanda names baby moun­tain gor­il­las | Post­cards from Rwanda

August 27, 2023: #196 | Post­cards from Rwanda, ‘the land of a thou­sand hills’ | Do you know any­thing about ‘inter­spe­cies rela­tions’? | 50 CFT schol­ar­ships by SUNx

August 20, 2023: #195 | Indi­gen­ous tourism’s interest-action dis­par­ity | 50 full schol­ar­ships | ‘Inter­spe­cies rela­tions’: Know any­thing about it? | Rwandan food

August 13, 2023: #194 | ‘Lead­er­ship has nev­er been more chal­len­ging’ | Cli­mate change: TPCC engages travel & tour­ism research com­munity | More on ‘neo­co­lo­ni­al­ism’

August 6, 2023: #193 | Is tour­ism ‘neo­co­lo­ni­al­ist’? What does it even mean? | Cent­ral & East­ern Europe tour­ism devel­op­ment: If you know much about it, read on …

July 30, 2023: #192 | Share the “GT” wrap for June-July 2023 | You’re invited to Rwanda for the 11th Red Rocks Cul­tur­al Fest­iv­al 2023  | Write a “GT” Travel blog

July 23, 2023: #191 | From sub­sist­ence to some­thing spe­cial: Agri­t­our­is­m’s lux­ury turn | Tour­ism & ‘neo­co­lo­ni­al­ism’: Opin­ion? | Exper­i­ence the ‘far side’ of Chitwan

July 16, 2023: #190 | Is there a link between tourism’s resi­li­ence & its adapt­ab­il­ity to cli­mate change? | Scot­land’s great out­doors may have a pub­lic access problem

July 9, 2023: #189 | Souven­irs: Can they inspire tour­ism towards ocean regen­er­a­tion? | Lan­guage skills in tour­ism: Eng­lish? And which language?

July 2, 2023: #188 | ‘park­run tour­ism’: A ton­ic for our times? | More reac­tion to Richard But­ler | New lead­ers’ sum­mit on cul­ture & her­it­age in tourism

June 25, 2023: #187 | Do sus­tain­ab­il­ity awards in long-haul des­tin­a­tions make sense? | Who’s the new boss? Asia Pacific tour­ism industry asso­ci­ation seeks leader

June 11, 2023: #186 | Eco­tour­ism for the masses? | No apo­lo­gies from Geof­frey Lip­man for push­ing peak GHG 2025 | Richard But­ler on sus­tain­ab­il­ity awards | More

June 4, 2023: #185 | Bites: ‘The hos­pit­al­ity industry offers a great career.’ Really? | EXO’s Sus­tain­ab­il­ity Awards | The ‘Good news in travel & tour­ism’ “GT” wrap

May 28, 2023: #184 | Why sus­tain­ab­il­ity cer­ti­fic­a­tion is a jour­ney, not a des­tin­a­tion | What is ‘Tourism’s Hori­zon: Travel for the Mil­lions’? | Liv­ing Laos

May 21, 2023: #183 | Venice takes ‘smart’ meas­ures to man­age mass tour­ism | Red Rocks’ jour­ney towards sus­tain­able com­munity devel­op­ment in Rwanda and beyond

May 14, 2023: #182 | Cruise ships: Bless­ing or blight? | Off-piste: Lack of pub­lic access to Scot­tish ski resorts | Where to appre­ci­ate Rwandan cul­ture & traditions

April 30, 2023: #181 | Indi­gen­ous: Where is the line between explorer & voyeur? | Want to help Red Rocks empower Rwandan women & youth? | Far & wide like ‘hoa sữa’

April 23, 2023: #180 | Earth Day: IPCC-inspired TPCC tak­ing stock of what we know | Agri­t­our­ism in Rwanda | Con­tent mar­ket­ing for qual­ity & yield | More good news

April 16, 2023: #179 | Mass tour­ism in Venice: Are city offi­cials over­re­act­ing? | Lan­guage skills in tour­ism: Why the Anglo­sphere needs to appre­ci­ate them | Siem Reap

April 2, 2023: #178 | From Rwandan refugee to found­ing force | What’s ‘good tour­ism’? What does it need? | A “Good Tour­ism” wrap for Feb­ru­ary & March

March 26, 2023: #177 | Tour­ist vs trav­el­ler: What’s the dif­fer­ence? | Cli­mate-con­scious travel: Where is our trus­ted guide? | Women’s & youth empower­ment in Rwanda

March 12, 2023: #176 | Let’s talk trans­port | Are Brit­ish sea­side resorts trend­ing again? | 46 LDCs to have Strong Cli­mate Friendly Travel Chapters by September

Feb­ru­ary 26, 2023: #175 | Tourism’s labour crisis: How do we fix it? | Can you help Rwanda with sus­tain­able tour­ism, com­munity devel­op­ment? | Bites: The meeting

Feb­ru­ary 12, 2023: #174 | How do you change an opin­ion? | Meas­ur­ing & mar­ket­ing value dur­ing the ‘value crisis’ | Immersed in the Amazon | “GT” wrap Dec / Jan

Janu­ary 29, 2023: #173 | Tack­ling tour­is­m’s ‘invis­ible bur­den’: How to change des­tin­a­tion man­age­ment for good? | Women in tour­ism | Old stor­ies, new memor­ies in Serbia

Janu­ary 22, 2023: #172 | Are devel­op­ing des­tin­a­tions fail­ing to tap the poten­tial of women? | Do tour­ism min­is­ters have any real power? | Can a hol­i­day change a life?

Janu­ary 15, 2023: #171 | Yes, Tour­ism Min­is­ter | Anurak: Thai eco­tour­ism | ‘Gender equal­ity’ in tour­ism award | Off-peak Tan­zania | Happy New Year 2023

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“Good Tourism” & “GT” Travel newsletter archive 2022

Decem­ber 18, 2022: I’m trav­el­ling ‘home’ … #170 | Tourism’s thrive­ab­il­ity: The found­a­tions and the change­makers | People make Glas­gow | Good news

Decem­ber 11, 2022: #169 | Busi­ness travel recov­ery: It’s com­plic­ated | Can tour­ism save her­it­age from cli­mate change? | In love with a Him­alay­an homestay

Decem­ber 4, 2022: #168 | Travel for EVERYONE? (Or no-one?) | “GT” wrap for Novem­ber 2022 | Lap­ping Luang Namtha, Laos | Good news, incl jobs

Novem­ber 27, 2022: #167 | Tour­is­m’s BIG chal­lenges & threats | TPCC’s first Hori­zon Papers | Hol­i­days for the visu­ally impaired | A sus­tain­able SIN stop­over | Jobs

Novem­ber 13, 2022: #166 | Tour­ism Pan­el on Cli­mate Change unveiled at COP27. What is it? | And now for the weath­er … | Unique, life-chan­ging, mem­or­able | Good news

Novem­ber 6, 2022: #165 | Niger tour­ism: Stand­ing up for growth, devel­op­ment, nat­ur­al & cul­tur­al her­it­age | Where wine was born: Alaverdi, Geor­gia | Good news

Octo­ber 30, 2022: #164 | Gender main­stream­ing in hos­pit­al­ity train­ing. What? Why? How? | Exper­i­ence the ‘far side’ of Chit­wan NP, Nepal | “GT’s” Octo­ber 2022 wrap

Octo­ber 23, 2022: #163 | Hotels & the human RIGHT to water: What can they do? | 250+ Thai busi­nesses learn sus­tain­ab­il­ity prac­tices, access Euro mar­kets | Good news

Octo­ber 16, 2022: #162 | Is tour­ism ‘built on the back­bone of white suprem­acy’? | Car­damom wins cli­mate award | What’s ‘the best small city in the world’? | Good news

Octo­ber 9, 2022: #161 | Des­tin­a­tion innov­a­tion is about more than tech­no­logy | Memor­ies of Jordan (and cel­eb­rat­ing the ‘buck­et list’) | Good news

Octo­ber 2, 2022: #160 | PATA Chair on ‘des­tin­a­tion human cap­it­al’ | Plan­ning a trip to Colom­bia? Here’s why you should … | “GT” Septem­ber wrap | Good news

Septem­ber 25, 2022: #159 | 13 diverse per­spect­ives on ‘sus­tain­able tour­ism’ vs ‘regen­er­at­ive tour­ism’ | Liv­ing Laos by rid­ing it | Good news, includ­ing jobs

Septem­ber 11, 2022: #158 | Import­ant things aspir­ing tour­ism pros should know | Oppor­tun­ity to man­age award-win­ning lodge | Rwandan cul­tur­al fest­iv­al news | Ilam, the gem

Septem­ber 4, 2022: #157 | Pleas­ant sur­prises in Azerbaijan & Saudi Ara­bia | Tourism’s resi­li­ence relies on … | Vale Mikhail Gorbachev, plan­et­ary hero | Good news

August 28, 2022: #156 | Invis­ible change­maker: A pion­eer of com­munity-based tour­ism in Ethiopia | Tour­ism trails | Sur­pris­ing Mae Sot | Good news wrap July-August 2022

August 21, 2022: #155 | Walk­ing the talk: A Bel­gian B&B and a Rwandan SME | Exper­i­ence: New Del­hi to Leh on the old Hindus­tan-Tibet Road | Good news

August 14, 2022: #154 | Insight Bites: Tour­ism & a fairer world | Cli­mate action: Open let­ter to Glas­gow sig­nat­or­ies | Where wine was born: Geor­gia | Good news

August 7, 2022: #153 | Buddhist tour­ism trails offer post-pan­dem­ic poten­tial in Mekong | CABI’s new cases lib­rary | Hanoi’s ‘hoa sữa’ | Good news

July 31, 2022: #152 | Moon­shot | Tour­ism degrowth to what end? | Award-win­ning eco­tour­ism exper­i­ence reopens | Bust­ing the borderland’s bad rap | Good news

July 24, 2022: #151 | To grow, or not to grow? That is a ques­tion for des­tin­a­tions | The lux­ury of simply feel­ing good in Siem Reap | Good news from friends

July 3, 2022: #150 | Hedon­ic sus­tain­ab­il­ity & mean­ing­ful tour­ism | The rewards of design­ing sus­tain­able exper­i­ences | Little yurt on the prair­ie | “GT’s” June wrap

June 26, 2022: #149 | Is degrowth a ‘dis­astrous fantasy’ or ‘eas­ily mis­un­der­stood’? | All aboard the Lao train | Huế to go for a sweet treat | Good news from friends

June 19, 2022: #148 | Inspired hos­pit­al­ity | Rela­tion­ships in regen­er­at­ive tour­ism | Wild Indone­sia | Enrich­ing short courses | Sweet treats in Siem Reap | Good news

June 12, 2022: #147 | Which is the best vis­it­or dis­per­sion strategy: Per­sua­sion, pack­aging, or path­ways? | SUNx’ Strong sus­tain­ab­il­ity plan | Good news from friends

June 5, 2022: NEW Insight Bites: Diverse per­spect­ives on vis­it­or dis­per­sion | Immersed in the Amazon | Good news from friends

May 29, 2022: Vale Ariane Janér | “GT’s” wrap for May | Rur­al tour­ism: Delight­ing tour­ists, devel­op­ing com­munit­ies | Old stor­ies, new memor­ies in Valjevo, Serbia

May 22, 2022: Unhid­ing Hirapur: A case study in cul­tur­al her­it­age tour­ism devel­op­ment | ‘Sierra Leone changed my life’ | Good news from friends

May 15, 2022: What do NFTs, nat­ur­al hab­it­ats, & tour­ism exper­i­ences have in com­mon? | Off-peak Tan­zania: Go for wild­life, repeat for people | Good news from friends

May 8, 2022: People make Glas­gow | To revital­ise des­tin­a­tions, awaken the senses | Good news from friends

May 1, 2022: “GT’s” April wrap | Ele­phant tour­ism: The harms of received wis­dom | In love with a Him­alay­an homestay | Good news from friends

April 17, 2022: How Ras Al Khaimabal­ances tour­ism devel­op­ment with care for cul­tur­al her­it­age | Lap­ping Luang Namtha, Laos | Good news from friends

April 10, 2022: A gor­illa-sized oppor­tun­ity in Rwanda | Reflec­tions on the ‘best small city in the world’ | Obesity & all-inclus­ive trips | Good news from friends

April 3, 2022: “GT’s” wrap for March | How to make a hotel green & respons­ible | A sus­tain­able Singa­pore stop­over | Good news from friends

March 27, 2022: How to do tour­ism respons­ibly in the Faroe Islands | Voy­ages to Ant­arc­tica: Unique, life-chan­ging, mem­or­able | Good news from friends

March 20, 2022: Tap­ping poten­tial, pre­serving value: Rwanda’s cul­tur­al her­it­age tour­ism chal­lenges | “Good news from friends”, includ­ing a job oppor­tun­ity in HCMC

March 13, 2022: War in Ukraine & real ‘eth­ic­al tour­ism’ | Towards ‘mag­ni­fi­cence’ | A “deserved dig at the academy” | Good news from friends

March 6, 2022: It’s like somtam bpu: “GT’s” Feb­ru­ary wrap | Mas­ters of com­plex­ity & change: What travel & tour­ism needs from the academy | Good news from friends

Feb­ru­ary 20, 2022: Les­sons in resi­li­ence: Binna Burra’s rise from the ashes | Shock! A civ­il­ised cli­mate debate | Memor­ies of Jordan (cel­eb­rat­ing the ‘buck­et list’)

Feb­ru­ary 13, 2022: You can’t fur­lough an ele­phant: How a Lao tour­ism stake­hold­er is sur­viv­ing the COVID crisis through con­ser­va­tion, edu­ca­tion | Nuc­le­ar ‘NO-NO’

Feb­ru­ary 6, 2022: A stag­ger­ing accus­a­tion | Tourism’s com­mon chal­lenge: How do we cre­ate ‘com­munity shared value’? | Good news

Janu­ary 30, 2022: Your com­ments: A cli­mate of debate | Ian Yeo­man’s new hope for tourism’s future | “GT” wrap for Janu­ary 2022

Janu­ary 23, 2022: The pleas­ure & pain of ‘eth­ic­al’ tour­ism in Africa | Cli­mate fin­ance & ‘real trans­form­a­tion’ | Good news: The sweet fruit of collaboration

Janu­ary 16, 2022: Sev­en ‘deep­er lever­age points’ for cli­mate action | Is net zero scep­ti­cism “heretic­al” among aca­dem­ics? | Laos on two wheels

Janu­ary 9, 2022: Why travel & tour­ism is wrong to embrace net zero | Info about “GT” for new sub­scribers | Good news from friends

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“Good Tourism” & “GT” Travel newsletter archive 2021

Decem­ber 24, 2021: Be merry | Top five most vis­ited “GT” Insights & “GT” Travel Exper­i­ences of 2021 (& all time) | Good news from friends

Decem­ber 19, 2021: Tour­ism & hos­pit­al­ity train­ing can help pre­vent child exploit­a­tion | Good news from friends

Decem­ber 12, 2021: Wild­life returns to Cam­bod­i­an con­ser­va­tion area | How can tour­ism stem the brain drain? | Good news from friends

Decem­ber 5, 2021: Dim pro­spects for COP26 declar­a­tions: Shep­ard | 55 tips for a green­er hos­pit­al­ity & tour­ism industry | “GT’s” Novem­ber wrap

Novem­ber 28, 2021: Zambia’s untapped poten­tial | Is SUNx’ ‘CODE RED’ action plan more ambi­tious than the Glas­gow Declar­a­tion? | Good news from friends

Novem­ber 21, 2021: Glas­gow Declar­a­tion cre­at­ors ‘not inter­ested’ in co-oper­a­tion: Lip­man | East­ern Nepal & its gem, Ilam | Sci­ence, mahouts help save Laos’ elephants

Novem­ber 14, 2021: Smart clusters: Organ­ising des­tin­a­tions for a bet­ter future | Who would take a hol­i­day dur­ing an emer­gency? | “GT” holds the line on impartiality

Octo­ber 31, 2021: Good news in travel & tour­ism Octo­ber 2021 | How to con­tend with cli­mate change: Three steps | Sus­tain­able STREETS

Octo­ber 24, 2021: Real life: The essence of regen­er­at­ive tour­ism | Five-star din­ing in sur­pris­ing Mae Sot | What if I’m an IMPOSTER? | Good news from friends

Octo­ber 17, 2021: Can tour­ism des­tin­a­tions be bet­ter & smarter by design? | Prac­tise what you preach, Professor

Octo­ber 10, 2021: Africa must put com­munit­ies, con­ser­va­tion at the centre of recov­ery | A forest still stands in Cam­bod­ia & Car­damom Ten­ted Camp is a ‘Top 100’ story

Octo­ber 3, 2021: Atro­city, curi­os­ity, tragedy, travel: Dark tour­ism in the Solomon Islands | ‘Yen ta fo’: A “GT” wrap for September

Septem­ber 26, 2021: ‘Slow Food’ & its tour­ism poten­tial in Niger­ia | Good news from friends

Septem­ber 19, 2021: Mass tour­ism: With or without you? | Lip­man says “NO” to post-cap­it­al­ist inter­ven­tions | Good news from friends

Septem­ber 12, 2021: Hope & advice for tour­ism stu­dents | A post-cap­it­al­ist future? | GOOD NEWS from friends

Septem­ber 5, 2021: INSIGHT | Well­ness pil­grim­age: An oppor­tun­ity for sac­red sites | YOU set the agenda | August NEWS wrap

August 29, 2021: Don’t be scared | INSIGHT | Why it’s mis­an­throp­ic to malign mass tour­ism | TRAVEL | Far and wide: Inspired by flowers | GOOD NEWS from friends

August 22, 2021: INSIGHT | One tour­ism beach at a time: Loc­al action can help turn the tide on mar­ine plastic | TRAVEL | Bust­ing the borderland’s bad rap | GOOD NEWS

August 1, 2021: INSIGHT | How can tour­ism pro­tect & pro­mote man­groves? | TRAVEL | The lux­ury of simply feel­ing good in Siem Reap | GOOD NEWS in tour­ism July 2021

July 25, 2021: TRAVEL | Little yurt on the prair­ie | INSIGHTS | The most import­ant col­leagues in a CBT pro­ject | Com­munity homestays & exper­i­en­tial travel in Nepal

July 18, 2021: TRAVEL | Huế to go for a sweet treat | INSIGHTS | Wild urb­an spaces for mass eco­tour­ism? | Save to sus­tain: Frugal innov­a­tion & tra­di­tion­al knowledge

July 11, 2021: “GT” INSIGHTS | Is agri­t­our­ism bet­ter for the envir­on­ment & women? | Wild­life, con­ser­va­tion, eco­tour­ism, com­munity well-being | GOOD NEWS from friends

July 5, 2021: GOOD NEWS from friends | “GT” INSIGHTS | Race, DEI, & USA tour­ism | Con­trast­ing des­tin­a­tion out­comes | “GT” TRAVEL | Femmes fatales in Siem Reap

June 26, 2021: “GT” INSIGHTS | Work­a­tions in rur­al com­munit­ies | The super­mar­ket of beau­ti­ful places | “GT” TRAVEL | A feel-good bis­tro in Sai­gon | “GT” PARTNER NEWS

June 20, 2021: “GT” INSIGHTS | Irrawaddy dol­phins update | Tour­ism & the men­tal health crisis | “GT” TRAVEL | The Brazili­an Amazon | NEW “GT” PARTNER | ASSET‑H&C

June 13, 2021: “GT” INSIGHTS | A new tour­ism paradigm for just futures? | Is Ant­arc­tic tour­ism the best? | “GT” PARTNERS | On cli­mate & well-being | On elephants

June 6, 2021: “GT” INSIGHTS | Tour­ism ele­phants lose when … | How to make a hotel green, respons­ible | “GT” PARTNERS | CABI | Eth­ic­al in Laos | Hosts’ well-being

May 30, 2021: “GT” TRAVEL | Old stor­ies, new memor­ies in Valjevo, Ser­bia | “GT” INSIGHTS | When a city’s tour­ism policy fails its out­skirts | Not-so-happy in Bhutan

May 23, 2021: “GT” TRAVEL | Sierra Leone changed my life | “GT” INSIGHTS | Tour­ism & cli­mate: It’s the met­rics, stu­pid | Regen­er­at­ive tour­ism vs sus­tain­able tourism

May 16, 2021: “GT” TRAVEL | People make Glas­gow | Off-peak Tan­zania | “GT” INSIGHTS | From the ashes: A solid­ar­ity-based recov­ery | Vir­tu­al tour­ism & sustainability

May 9, 2021: FIRST POSTS of the new “GT” Travel Blog: Thomas’ Ant­arc­tic voy­ages; Susan­ne’s Singa­pore stop­over; Bernie’s Lao adven­ture; Vandana’s Him­alay­an homestay

“Good Tourism” newsletter archive 2021

April 30, 2021: Deep­er than buzz: ‘Slow tour­ism’ in the Monti Sibillini | Tour­ism & hosts’ well-being: Mov­ing bey­ond GDP | YOUR com­ments | “GT” & Go!

April 25, 2021: How can tour­ism help repur­pose her­it­age build­ings? | For the sake of the poor, is the risk of over­tour­ism worth it? | Eco­tour­ism work­shop | “GT” & Go!

April 18, 2021: Life­style: Can tour­ism help save a host com­munity from itself? | Travel, stor­ies, edu­ca­tion: The keys to hap­pi­ness? | Time to be ‘Strong’ | “GT” & Go!

April 11, 2021: Is Bhutan’s old nor­mal the world’s new nor­mal for tour­ism? | New Zealand’s Tiaki Prom­ise & regen­er­at­ive tour­ism | WeAre­Lao show­case | “GT” & Go!

March 28, 2021: Tam­ing the beau­ti­ful mon­ster: What ‘crit­ic­al tour­ism stud­ies’ means to me | Plan­ning tour­ism with pur­pose & love in NZ’s Bay of Plenty | “GT” & Go!

March 21, 2021: What do people want? Reima­gin­ing Pacific Island travel & tour­ism | Women’s travel & tour­ism live­li­hoods mat­ter: What I’m doing about it | “GT” & Go!

March 14, 2021: The #OpenThai­l­and­Safely PR chal­lenge | Tour­ism troubles in Tasmania’s World Her­it­age wil­der­ness | “GT” Part­ner posts by WeAre­Lao & SUNx | “GT” & Go!

March 7, 2021: Cli­mate, COVID-19, and the need for glob­al sys­tem­ic change | WWOOF! An altern­at­ive tour­ism in times of tur­moil | “Good news …” is back | “GT” & Go!

Feb­ru­ary 28, 2021: What to keep, change, do in a crisis (and why we should give a sh*t) | Tourism’s demo­crat­ic defi­cit | “GT” back on Face­book | “GT” & Go!

Feb­ru­ary 18, 2021: Book­Face vs CorpNews | Ras Al Khaimah’s tour­ism bal­an­cing act | Tourism’s ‘crit­ic­al’ rethink & its imper­at­ive shift to cir­cu­lar eco­nom­ics | “GT” & Go!

Feb­ru­ary 14, 2021: What do you do when car­bon off­set­ting is off-put­ting? | Vietnam’s ‘little tiger’ meat trade & why travel & tour­ism should help tackle it | “GT” & Go!

Feb­ru­ary 7, 2021: Why Vis­itScot­land declared a ‘cli­mate emer­gency’ | From lin­ear to cir­cu­lar: How to build resi­li­ence in small island tour­ism des­tin­a­tions | “GT” & Go!

Janu­ary 31, 2021: Tour­ism infra­struc­ture, well-being, & how to ‘build back bet­ter’ for all | Host com­munit­ies at the core of tomorrow’s sus­tain­able tour­ism | “GT” & Go!

Janu­ary 24, 2021: How trav­el­lers respond to crises & how to mit­ig­ate losses | In the eye of the behold­er: How to cre­ate valu­able tour­ism exper­i­ences | “GT” & Go!

Janu­ary 17, 2021: The effects of COVID-19 lock­downs on wild­life & wild­life tour­ism | When the odds are against you: How a small tour oper­at­or sur­vived 2020 | “GT” & Go!

Janu­ary 10, 2021: What trav­el­lers want post-COV­ID & how to pre­pare your tour busi­ness | Should it all be eco­tour­ism? Reima­gin­ing travel & tour­ism in 2021 | “GT” & Go!

Go back to the top ^

“Good Tourism” newsletter archive 2020

Decem­ber 22, 2020: Why build well-being into des­tin­a­tion resi­li­ence and tour­ism recov­ery? | Women’s empower­ment | Anim­al wel­fare | New “GT” Partner

Decem­ber 14, 2020: Khiri to go car­bon-neut­ral | Over­tour­ism to no tour­ism and back in Lake Tahoe | Why are travel & tour­ism work­ers grow­ing mush­rooms in Sri Lanka?

Decem­ber 4, 2020: Re: Eco­tour­ism | ‘Not good enough. Move your … !’ Grit, hon­esty, hope, & how to sur­vive a crisis | Regen­er­at­ive eco­tour­ism: So many questions …

Novem­ber 30, 2020: Mahouts mat­ter: The Ele­phant Con­ser­va­tion Center’s essen­tial work­ers | Sus­tain­able avi­ation fuel: Is a new era of green air travel pos­sible by 2025?

Novem­ber 23, 2020: How will rur­al tour­ism in India sur­vive the COVID crisis? AND Wake UP! to the trans­form­at­ive power of part­ner­ship & enter­prise in Uganda

Novem­ber 16, 2020: A com­munity-based tour­ism dilemma in Myan­mar | Ele­phant Health­care Emer­gency Life­line Fund extends its reach | PLUS “Good news” & Go!

Novem­ber 9, 2020: Scot­land’s tour­ism trans­form­a­tion plan; PLUS cli­mate-friendly travel, COVID ops, the great out­doors, cul­tur­al her­it­age, more “Good news …” & Go!

Novem­ber 2, 2020: NO TOURISM: What now for con­ser­va­tion budgets? Would real eco­tour­ism LEADERS please stand up? PLUS “Good news in tour­ism …” & Go!

Octo­ber 26, 2020: What’s the new man­tra in Nepal? Who is the new “GT” Event Part­ner? PLUS What does “Good news in tour­ism …” have in store this week? & Go!

Octo­ber 19, 2020: Tour­ism in CRISIS, tour­ism in NEED, & the HOPE-filled pivots of the pur­pose-driv­en PLUS “Good news …” & Go!

Octo­ber 12, 2020: Two tour­ism demo­crat­isa­tion chal­lenges to con­sider as we plan for recov­ery PLUS Good “GT” Part­ner news … & Go!

Octo­ber 5, 2020: Tour­ism crisis: An ele­phant camp & com­munity pivot to plan B; A “GT” Part­ner wins a PATA Grand Award; PLUS more “Good news …” & Go!

Septem­ber 28, 2020: Tour­ism in crisis: How loc­al staff sup­por­ted com­munit­ies in Myan­mar; SUNx Cli­mate Registry; Rur­al tour­ism; PLUS “Good news in tour­ism” … & Go!

Septem­ber 14, 2020: As we build back bet­ter, is sus­tain­able tour­ism enough to regen­er­ate nature? PLUS “Good news in tour­ism” … & Go!

Septem­ber 7, 2020: What does it mean for travel & tour­ism to be car­bon neut­ral? PLUS “Good news in tour­ism” … & Go!

August 31, 2020: Don’t pan­ic: Oppor­tun­ity & ingenu­ity will give us cli­mate-friendly travel PLUS “Good news in tour­ism” … & Go!

August 17, 2020: How tour­ism averts dis­aster; FIRST “GT” Des­tin­a­tion Part­ner; FIRST Cli­mate Friendly Travel Dip­loma; PLUS lots of good news in tour­ism … “GT” & Go!

August 10, 2020: Regen­er­at­ive vs sus­tain­able tour­ism: What’s the dif­fer­ence? ALSO a NEW ‘Friends indeed’ page PLUS lots of good news in tour­ism … “GT” & Go!

August 3, 2020: Good news of the week includ­ing regen­er­at­ive tour­ism & net-zero jet travel … “GT” & Go!

July 27, 2020: Net-zero travel & get­ting around green, devel­op­ment, invest­ment, recov­ery, com­munity, cul­tur­al her­it­age, wild­life, & more good news … & GO!

July 20, 2020: Degrowth: Why it just won’t do PLUS “Good news”, incl car­bon-neut­ral super­son­ic avi­ation, COVID ops, policy, eco­tour­ism, cul­tur­al her­it­age … & GO!

July 13, 2020: ITA engages, edu­cates trav­el­lers dur­ing lock­down + lots of “Good news”, incl travel decar­bon­isa­tion, bubble talk, eco­tour­ism, cul­tur­al her­it­age, & GO!

July 6, 2020: “Good news” about tour­ism recov­ery plus lots of oth­er items, incl travel decar­bon­isa­tion, wild­life & eco­tour­ism, cul­ture & her­it­age, friends … & GO!

June 29, 2020: Ima­gine a car­bon-neut­ral road trip (& planes & cruise ships!); Help ELEPHANTS sur­vive the crisis too; PLUS lots of “Good news in tour­ism” … & GO!

June 22, 2020: Reac­tion to “Has ‘Future of Tour­ism’ failed host com­munit­ies?” PLUS “Good news in tour­ism”: parks, wild­life, avi­ation, friends, etc … & GO!

June 15, 2020: Gen‑C trav­el­lers; A “jet zero coun­cil” for UK avi­ation; Single-use plastic ban in Kenya’s nation­al parks; Slavo­nia PLUS more “Good news” … & GO!

June 8, 2020: Bend­OurTrend; Short courses in respons­ible tour­ism offered online by CRTS; Are you a Good Part­ner? PLUS “Good news in tour­ism” … & GO!

June 1, 2020: Low-cost all-elec­tric flight; Health & safety; Parks & recre­ation; & oth­er “Good news …” PLUS a new “GT” Insight about the sup­ply chain … And GO!

May 25, 2020: New “GT” Insights: Is it time for host com­munit­ies to take back con­trol? And who dares to hit the reset but­ton? PLUS “Good news in tour­ism” And go!

May 18, 2020: How to safe­guard intan­gible cul­tur­al her­it­age; New “GT” Part­ner­’s CSR ini­ti­at­ives; “Check your priv­ilege”; “Good news in tour­ism …” And GO!

May 11, 2020: How to plan for a sus­tain­able recov­ery; Unem­ployed ele­phants need your help; Just anoth­er week in Amer­ica; PLUS “Good news in tour­ism …” And GO!

May 4, 2020: Seeds of recov­ery, domest­ic tour­ism, & the great out­doors! PLUS “Good news in tour­ism …” And GO!

April 27, 2020: “Good news in tour­ism” PLUS webinars about recov­ery; room stays for health­care front­liners; a new Dip­loma in Cli­mate Friendly Travel; & a rant & GO!

April 20, 2020: Live-stream­ing ele­phants in da house! BUT the ele­phant in the room is that they are in crisis; PLUS “Good news in tour­ism …” & oppor­tun­it­ies & go!

April 13, 2020: “Good news in tour­ism …” And go! PLUS Des­tin­a­tion man­agers: Be like med­ic­al pro­fes­sion­als. Be brave. Look after your host com­munity. Do your jobs!

April 6, 2020: The large & the small; FRESH “Good Tour­ism” Insights from a nation­al tour­ism board & an inde­pend­ent travel agent PLUS “Good news …” And go!

March 30, 2020: Good news in tour­ism … PLUS examples of com­munity-based lead­er­ship dur­ing the COVID-19 crisis that can teach tour­ism lead­ers a les­son … And go!

March 23, 2020: Good news in tour­ism … And go! PLUS plenty of reas­ons why com­munity-based plan­ning & policy mak­ing should lead travel & tour­ism into the future …

March 16, 2020: Crisis time. Time to fight. If you have to punch, punch up! Whack the World Eco­nom­ic For­um. Whack the UNWTO. (Not lit­er­ally!) “Good news …” And go!

March 9, 2020: “Qual­ity”. “Yield”. Desir­able words ban­died about at tour­ism events since the dawn of time. “Over­tour­ism” is new & undesir­able. How about: “Solu­tion”?

March 2, 2020: Escape the emer­gen­cies & urgen­cies of coronavir­us & cli­mate change with a fresh “GT” Insight about how a small back­pack­ers is mak­ing a big difference

Feb­ru­ary 24, 2020: Anoth­er week of good news. And a little cli­mate change con­tro­versy, per­haps … Per­haps not. But it will surely dis­ap­point someone. It’s guaranteed!

Feb­ru­ary 17, 2020: Trump wants the USA to rejoin UNWTO. And oth­er weird and won­der­ful items in this week’s “Good news in tour­ism”, includ­ing a rant or two …

Feb­ru­ary 10, 2020: A fresh “GT” Insight about how homestays empower women & youth & small busi­nesses in Nepal. And more good news.

Feb­ru­ary 3, 2020: “Good news in tour­ism” from the week that was (& an inter­view with “GT”)

Janu­ary 27, 2020: A fresh “GT” Insight about Irrawaddy dol­phins; a car­bon-neut­ral moon-shot call by SUNx; the “cli­mate emer­gency”; & more “Good news in tourism”

Janu­ary 20, 2020: Why “GT” won’t be declar­ing a “cli­mate emer­gency” & Why Aus­tralia is right to be open for tour­ism busi­ness (even the burnt bits)

Janu­ary 13, 2020: It’s not ‘no’. It’s ‘know’. (A “GT” travel tip.) And how bees, trees, & tour­ism reduce human-wild­life con­flict in Uganda

Go back to the top ^

“Good Tourism” newsletter archive 2017 to 2019

Decem­ber 16, 2019: Greet­ings; Good news in tour­ism; & a new “GT” Insight on cli­mate change

Decem­ber 9, 2019: How run­ning water changes lives: Tour­ism takes a second look thanks to new “GT” Insight Partner

Novem­ber 21, 2019: Massive oppor­tun­ity: Cul­ture & her­it­age focus for first “GT” Insight Partnership

August 28, 2019: WHATEVER! + GSTC Glob­al Con­fer­ence + “GT” Insights on access­ib­il­ity & Child­Safe CBT

June 6, 2019: PANIC: The effect of travel advisor­ies after ter­ror­ism; Pil­ing up: hard waste, wet waste, e‑waste, food waste; & Sea turtles

April 9, 2019: Goa; renew­able energy; invis­ible bur­dens; & pro-social tours. And more ele­phant controversy

March 14, 2019: GSTC Asia Pacific event wrap feat. over­tour­ism, ele­phants, com­munit­ies, & more

Feb­ru­ary 26, 2019: Tour­ism loses “stra­tegic thinker & vis­ion­ary” + new “GT” Insight + GSTC event + more

Feb­ru­ary 13, 2019: In the Year of the Pig are we finally over “over­tour­ism”?

Decem­ber 24, 2018: Be inspired: The TOP 20 “Good Tour­ism” posts of all time!

May 26, 2018: Good­bye free­load­ing, hello free think­ing; the Travel Found­a­tion asks “Who pays?”

Janu­ary 24, 2018: “GT” Insight: Ter­ror­ism and tourism’s diabol­ic­al rela­tion­ship; GTB Update

Novem­ber 16, 2017: “GT” Pod: How to be a plastic-free hotel in 15 minutes + “GT” Insight: Going off track to find the right path for Him­alay­an tourism

Octo­ber 27, 2017: The “Good Tour­ism” Pod­cast #1: Geof­frey Lip­man & the exist­en­tial threat

Octo­ber 23, 2017: Why sus­tain­able tour­ism suc­cess has as much to do with mar­ket­ing as the triple bot­tom line; & much more

Septem­ber 28, 2017: Why We Hate Tour­ism Tours & why you should too; Rio 2016 a year on; chil­dren; sharks; & more

Septem­ber 20, 2017: Noel Scott on the keys to sus­tain­able tour­ism gov­ernance; tour­ism eth­ics’ “his­tor­ic­al moment”; Palau’s over over­tour­ism; & more

Septem­ber 6, 2017: Semone on human cap­it­al; Ele­phants; Whale sharks; South Pacific; Bangladesh; & more

August 16, 2017: Rur­al tour­ism oppor­tun­it­ies & chal­lenges; Indi­gen­ous people & devel­op­ment; Accom­mod­a­tion shar­ing & over-tour­ism; & more

August 7, 2017: Two “GT” Insights: Weath­er info-seek­ing & cli­mate change adapt­a­tion; Phil­ip­pines tour­ism devel­op­ment & how to avoid more Bor­a­cays; & more

July 29, 2017: A big meet­ing about little action on child sex tour­ism; Good Tour­ism insights redux; & stand­ard stuff

July 22, 2017: Mod­ern slavery in orphan­ages, hotel rooms; Do glob­als talk to loc­als?; Cli­mate; Cam­bod­ia; Carib­bean; & more

July 12, 2017: Bhu­tanese tour­is­m’s dys­func­tion?; Access­ible & inclus­ive tour­ism; Euras­i­an lynx; Great Bar­ri­er Reef; & more

July 5, 2017: Ant­arc­tic tour­ism; more shades of grey; 4 tips from 3 UN big­wigs; Ker­ala’s RT mis­sion; & more

June 28, 2017: 50 shades of ele­phant tour­ism; meas­ur­ing sus­tain­able tour­ism; uneco­nom­ic eco­tour­ism; Gorkha­land; & more

June 21, 2017: Train­ing trumps traf­fick­ers; APEC’s prom­ise; South Paci­fic’s ocean focus; keys to CBT suc­cess; & more

June 14, 2017: Is tour­ism mak­ing us fat? Plus two “GT” pion­eers; over-tour­ism & the cruise industry; & more

June 7, 2017: How to make a hotel green & respons­ible: Get on with it! Plus Lip­man on Trump; advocacy tour­ism; & more

June 1, 2017: Could a prim­ate be driv­en to extinc­tion by eco­tour­ism in Viet­nam? Plus stor­ies from Canada & the Philippines

May 25, 2017: Does tour­ism really con­trib­ute to sus­tain­able tour­ism? Plus stor­ies from India, Nam­i­bia, Uganda, & more

May 18, 2017: Is sus­tain­able tour­ism work­ing? Plus stor­ies from Cyprus, Guyana, Kenya, & more

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