Sponsored posts

‘Sponsored posts’ on “Good Tour­ism” are ad hoc i.e. they are not pub­lished as part of an act­ive and ongo­ing “GT” Part­ner­ship arrange­ment. (Sponsored posts by act­ive “GT” Part­ners are referred to as ’ ”Good Tour­ism” Part­ner mes­sages’). This is the archive page for all ad hoc sponsored posts.

TPCC engages travel & tourism research community in open discussion on climate change, in preparation for first ‘Stocktake’

TPCC tourism and climate change surrey 2023 feat

The inde­pend­ent, sci­ence-based Tour­ism Pan­el on Cli­mate Change (TPCC) had its first pub­lic open dis­cus­sion with more than 350 travel & tour­ism aca­dem­ic research­ers on July 6, the second day of the Sur­rey 2023 Con­fer­ence, “Back For Good”. Pro­fess­or Daniel Scott, who chaired the ses­sion, described the audi­ence engage­ment at the event as “very encour­aging and […]

Read More TPCC engages travel & tourism research community in open discussion on climate change, in preparation for first ‘Stocktake’

New leaders’ summit on culture & heritage in tourism

New leaders’ summit on culture & heritage in tourism, WTACH Global Leaders Summit which will take place in Valencia, Spain, September 24 – 25, 2023

A dynam­ic new lead­er­ship sum­mit will grapple with the major chal­lenges and oppor­tun­it­ies of cul­ture and her­it­age in tour­ism.  Event organ­iser, the World Tour­ism Asso­ci­ation for Cul­ture and Her­it­age (WTACH), a “Good Tour­ism” Insight Part­ner, invites stake­hold­ers to make their voices heard at the inaug­ur­al WTACH Glob­al Lead­ers Sum­mit which will take place in Valencia, […]

Read More New leaders’ summit on culture & heritage in tourism

Earth Day news: TPCC gathering scientific knowledge on tourism and climate change in time for COP28

Tourism Panel on Climate Change (TPCC)

A stock­take of tour­ism-related cli­mate sci­ence, indic­at­ors of sec­tor cli­mate risk, and pro­gress on cli­mate action is a key first deliv­er­able for the Tour­ism Pan­el on Cli­mate Change (TPCC) in 2023.  The TPCC has announced this ahead of Earth Day this Sat­urday, April 22. The first TPCC Stock­take will be the basis for future sci­ence ana­lys­is. Sixty-six […]

Read More Earth Day news: TPCC gathering scientific knowledge on tourism and climate change in time for COP28

Apply now: Unprecedented ‘gender equality’ award to be bestowed at ITB 2023

Unprecedented ‘gender equality’ award to be bestowed at ITB 2023. Image supplied by Equality in Tourism

Equal­ity in Tour­ism is launch­ing its Award for Com­mit­ment to Gender Equal­ity.  Dr Stroma Cole and Dr Yas­min Begum dis­cuss the ori­gins and object­ives of the Award in this “GT” ‘sponsored post’, which was offered free-of-charge by “GT’s” pub­lish­er. This inter­na­tion­al award will be the first of its kind and seeks to recog­nise tour­ism organisations […]

Read More Apply now: Unprecedented ‘gender equality’ award to be bestowed at ITB 2023

Holidays for the visually impaired: Seable runs crowdfunding campaign

Holidays for the visually impaired: Seable runs crowdfunding campaign

Seable is the only multi-award win­ning tour oper­at­or in the United King­dom to cre­ate assisted, act­ive, and tailored hol­i­days for the visu­ally impaired. [This “GT” ‘spon­sor mes­sage’ was offered free-of-charge to assist Seable in their crowd­fund­ing cam­paign.] We strive to cre­ate access­ible hol­i­days that improve inde­pend­ence, inclu­sion, and well­being, offer­ing indi­vidu­al oppor­tun­it­ies to increase confidence, […]

Read More Holidays for the visually impaired: Seable runs crowdfunding campaign

On aviation emissions & financial risk: Tourism Panel on Climate Change (TPCC) publishes first Horizon Papers

On aviation emissions & financial risk: Tourism Panel on Climate Change (TPCC) publishes first Horizon Papers

The Tour­ism Pan­el on Cli­mate Change (TPCC) has pub­lished its first ‘Hori­zon Papers’; one on the top­ic of redu­cing aviation’s green­house gas emis­sions (mit­ig­a­tion), anoth­er on the fin­an­cial resi­li­ence of tour­ism organ­isa­tions affected by cli­mate change (adapt­a­tion). TPCC’s Hori­zon Papers are lead­ing-edge think pieces to stim­u­late crit­ic­al exchanges at the inter­sec­tion of cli­mate change and […]

Read More On aviation emissions & financial risk: Tourism Panel on Climate Change (TPCC) publishes first Horizon Papers