“Good Tourism” Partner messages

World’s 46 Least Developed Countries to have Strong Climate Friendly Travel Chapters by September: Lipman

Strong Climate Friendly Travel Chapters to help world's least developed coutnries (LDCs). Photo by Miguel Bruna via Unsplash. https://unsplash.com/@mbrunacr

DOHA, QATAR, MARCH 7, 2023: SUNx Malta will set up Strong Cli­mate Friendly Travel Chapters in all 46 least developed coun­tries (LDCs), plus select small island states. Chapters will work loc­ally to advance SUNx’ ambi­tious and action­able Cli­mate Friendly Travel (CFT) agenda, which is focused on a Par­is 1.5°C tar­get. SUNx co-founder and pres­id­ent Geoffrey […]

Read More World’s 46 Least Developed Countries to have Strong Climate Friendly Travel Chapters by September: Lipman

Beyond ‘voluntourism’: Can you help Rwanda with sustainable tourism and community development?

Can you help Red Rocks with sustainable tourism and community development in Rwanda?

Drip­ping with sus­tain­able tour­ism and com­munity devel­op­ment poten­tial, the Vol­ca­noes Nation­al Park in north­west­ern Rwanda, along with the Vir­unga Park in the Demo­crat­ic Repub­lic of Congo (DRC) and the Bwindi Park in Uganda, make up the fam­ous Vir­unga Mas­sif whose eight vol­ca­noes are the only hab­it­at in the world for moun­tain gor­il­las. In Rwanda, Volcanoes […]

Read More Beyond ‘voluntourism’: Can you help Rwanda with sustainable tourism and community development?

Ecotourism experiences refreshed for 2023 at Anurak Community Lodge, Thailand

Anurak Trail - Ecotourism experiences refreshed for 2023 at Anurak Community Lodge in Thailand. Image supplied by Anurak.

Lever­aging its stun­ning loc­a­tion at the edge of the biod­iversity hot­spot of Khao Sok Nation­al Park in Thai­l­and, Anurak Com­munity Lodge is offer­ing its nature-lov­ing guests refreshed eco­tour­ism activ­it­ies.  Gen­er­al Man­ager Trav­is Clark reveals what vis­it­ors can look for­ward to in the new year.  As 2022 slips into 2023, down in the south of Thai­l­and, Anurak […]

Read More Ecotourism experiences refreshed for 2023 at Anurak Community Lodge, Thailand

Cardamom Tented Camp wins HICAP Sustainable Hotel Award for Climate Action

Cardamom Tented Camp wins HICAP Sustainable Hotel Award for Climate Action

Car­damom Ten­ted Camp in Cam­bod­ia has won the 2022 Hotel Invest­ment Con­fer­ence Asia Pacific (HICAP) Sus­tain­able Hotel Award for Cli­mate Action. Apart from cli­mate action, there were awards for build­ing preservation/adaptive reuse, pos­it­ive com­munity impact, and sus­tain­able design. The BHN Group, which runs the HICAP event, announced the win­ners on 12 Octo­ber. Sev­en judges, mostly […]

Read More Cardamom Tented Camp wins HICAP Sustainable Hotel Award for Climate Action

World Tourism Day marks launch of Climate Friendly Travel podcast

SUNx Malta Climate Friendly Travel Podcast

In cel­eb­ra­tion of World Tour­ism Day and its theme of “Rethink­ing Tour­ism”, SUNx Malta launched a new pod­cast series designed to help tour­ism com­pan­ies and com­munit­ies stay on tar­get for the Par­is 1.5°C lim­it. Announ­cing this on World Tour­ism Day, Septem­ber 27, SUNx Malta Pres­id­ent Pro­fess­or Geof­frey Lip­man said: “Our goal is to encour­age tour­ism stakeholders […]

Read More World Tourism Day marks launch of Climate Friendly Travel podcast

10th Rwandan cultural festival opens new community tourism body, promotes gorilla pledge

Red Rocks Cultural Festival 2022 Rwanda

The Red Rocks 10th Anniversary Cul­tur­al Fest­iv­al, August 26-Septem­ber 2, brought organ­isa­tions and com­munit­ies togeth­er to cel­eb­rate and pro­mote Rwandan cul­ture, con­ser­va­tion, and sus­tain­able tour­ism.  As an advoc­ate for cul­ture and com­munity, Red Rocks hos­ted per­formers of all ages from the loc­al area.  Vis­it­ors from near and far enjoyed many tra­di­tion­al dances and music, keep­ing Rwandan […]

Read More 10th Rwandan cultural festival opens new community tourism body, promotes gorilla pledge