“Good Tourism” Partner messages

Khiri Travel Sri Lanka reaps rewards for designing sustainable experiences

Khiri Travel Sri Lanka team explore Sri Lanka while creating sustainable travel experiences

With Sri Lanka open­ing its bor­ders for inter­na­tion­al tour­ists much earli­er than many oth­er Asi­an coun­tries, arrival num­bers have slowly star­ted pick­ing up since August 2021. Espe­cially since quar­ant­ine require­ments lif­ted for fully vac­cin­ated tour­ists from Octo­ber, demand has kept increas­ing.  Khiri Travel Sri Lanka anti­cip­ated increas­ing demand for more sus­tain­able and off-the-beaten-track exper­i­ences and […]

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All aboard! High-speed train offers compelling new way to travel through Laos

High-speed train offers compelling new way to travel through Laos

The romance of train travel is alive and well in Laos. The recently-com­pleted high-speed rail­way that stretches from Vien­tiane, through Laos, and into south­ern China is oper­at­ing ‘full steam’ ahead.  This excit­ing jour­ney takes you through remote vil­lages and into the heart of rur­al Laos, offer­ing up close and per­son­al views of the Laos of today […]

Read More All aboard! High-speed train offers compelling new way to travel through Laos

Enrich yourself and your people with no-nonsense responsible tourism courses

Enrich-yourself-with-CRTS-short-online-courses Image by Gerd Altmann via Pixabay

Buzzwords abound in travel & tour­ism.  Singapore’s respons­ible tour­ism pion­eer, Kev­in Phun, excels in unbox­ing the premises and prac­tic­al­it­ies bundled with­in buzzwords … and in demon­strat­ing how they are rel­ev­ant. He has to be good at that in Singa­pore, a pros­per­ous city state whose inbound tour­ism stake­hold­ers might be for­giv­en for think­ing they don’t have […]

Read More Enrich yourself and your people with no-nonsense responsible tourism courses

Bali is back, and so is the rest of wild Indonesia

Orangutans, Kalimantan, Indonesia

Since the long-awaited — but then very sud­den — eas­ing of travel restric­tions for travel into Indone­sia last March, Bali has seen a very quick return of trav­el­lers.  Along Bali’s south­w­est coast one will once again find the typ­ic­al beach- and Bintang-attrac­ted vis­it­or.  Beach­front hotels and beach clubs are exper­i­en­cing a book­ings rush from both domest­ic and for­eign travellers […]

Read More Bali is back, and so is the rest of wild Indonesia

Back to the future: A sustainability plan for our kids

Back to the future: A sustainability plan for our kids was led and then inspired by Maurice Strong whose legacy continues through the SUNx Strong Universal Network

On the 50th Anniversary of the Stock­holm Earth Sum­mit, and the 30th Anniversary of the Rio Earth Sum­mit — both of which were led by my friend Maurice Strong, the inspir­a­tion for SUNx Malta (Strong Uni­ver­sal Net­work) — I gave a key­note at a Stock­holm event reflect­ing on the dom­in­ant role Maurice played in cre­at­ing today’s United Nations-led climate […]

Read More Back to the future: A sustainability plan for our kids

A gorilla-sized opportunity to join Rwanda’s Red Rocks Cultural Festival

Red Rocks Cultural Festival Rwanda red sarong man dancing

Cul­min­at­ing in Kwita Izina — the Gor­illa Nam­ing Cere­mony — and a night of music and dan­cing, the Red Rocks Cul­tur­al Fest­iv­al is an annu­al event in Rwanda.  In 2022 the 10th instal­ment of the vibrant Fest­iv­al will take place August 26 to Septem­ber 2 at Nyak­i­n­ama vil­lage in Rwanda’s Musan­ze dis­trict. I invite you to join and/or sponsor […]

Read More A gorilla-sized opportunity to join Rwanda’s Red Rocks Cultural Festival