“Good Tourism” Partner messages

10th annual Rwandan cultural festival to coincide with gorilla naming ceremony

Rwandan mountain gorilla

The 10th Red Rocks Cul­tur­al Fest­iv­al comes to Musan­ze dis­trict, Rwanda, August 26-Septem­ber 2, 2022, coin­cid­ing with the Kwita Izina gor­illa nam­ing cere­mony on the slopes of Vir­unga Moun­tain. Red Rocks Cul­tur­al Cen­ter will host the event at its premises in Nyak­i­n­ama vil­lage, Musan­ze dis­trict, Rwanda with addi­tion­al cel­eb­ra­tions in nearby Mukung­wa town and Kinigi, […]

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Open letter to UNWTO, UNEP, UNFCCC, and Glasgow tourism climate action signatories

Glasgow Declaration: Climate Action in Tourism

First pub­lished on “Good Tour­ism” Part­ner SUNx Malta’s web­site, this is an open let­ter from SUNx to the heads of UNWTO, UNEP, UNFCCC, and the sig­nat­or­ies of the Glas­gow Declar­a­tion: Cli­mate Action in Tour­ism: With sup­port from the Gov­ern­ment of Malta, we have set up a glob­al Cli­mate Friendly Travel (CFT) frame­work to sup­port climate […]

Read More Open letter to UNWTO, UNEP, UNFCCC, and Glasgow tourism climate action signatories

Award-winning Anurak ecotourism experience reopens in southern Thailand

Bamboo rafting is an activity available at Anurak Community Lodge in southern Thailand

Anurak Com­munity Lodge, an award-win­n­ing eco­tour­ism exper­i­ence in south­ern Thai­l­and, has fully reopened fol­low­ing two years of COV­­ID-related uncer­tainty.  The 19-unit nature retreat, which won the PATA Grand Award for Sus­tain­ab­il­ity in 2020, and is Trav­elife Gold cer­ti­fied, offi­cially reopens 1 August with room enhance­ments, a refreshed food and bever­age menu – includ­ing south­ern ‘jungle’ […]

Read More Award-winning Anurak ecotourism experience reopens in southern Thailand

Khiri Travel Sri Lanka reaps rewards for designing sustainable experiences

Khiri Travel Sri Lanka team explore Sri Lanka while creating sustainable travel experiences

With Sri Lanka open­ing its bor­ders for inter­na­tion­al tour­ists much earli­er than many oth­er Asi­an coun­tries, arrival num­bers have slowly star­ted pick­ing up since August 2021. Espe­cially since quar­ant­ine require­ments lif­ted for fully vac­cin­ated tour­ists from Octo­ber, demand has kept increas­ing.  Khiri Travel Sri Lanka anti­cip­ated increas­ing demand for more sus­tain­able and off-the-beaten-track exper­i­ences and […]

Read More Khiri Travel Sri Lanka reaps rewards for designing sustainable experiences

All aboard! High-speed train offers compelling new way to travel through Laos

High-speed train offers compelling new way to travel through Laos

The romance of train travel is alive and well in Laos. The recently-com­pleted high-speed rail­way that stretches from Vien­tiane, through Laos, and into south­ern China is oper­at­ing ‘full steam’ ahead.  This excit­ing jour­ney takes you through remote vil­lages and into the heart of rur­al Laos, offer­ing up close and per­son­al views of the Laos of today […]

Read More All aboard! High-speed train offers compelling new way to travel through Laos

Enrich yourself and your people with no-nonsense responsible tourism courses

Enrich-yourself-with-CRTS-short-online-courses Image by Gerd Altmann via Pixabay

Buzzwords abound in travel & tour­ism.  Singapore’s respons­ible tour­ism pion­eer, Kev­in Phun, excels in unbox­ing the premises and prac­tic­al­it­ies bundled with­in buzzwords … and in demon­strat­ing how they are rel­ev­ant. He has to be good at that in Singa­pore, a pros­per­ous city state whose inbound tour­ism stake­hold­ers might be for­giv­en for think­ing they don’t have […]

Read More Enrich yourself and your people with no-nonsense responsible tourism courses