Khiri Travel and Khiri Reach

Khiri Travel and Khiri Reach have been val­ued “Good Tour­ism” Part­ners since Feb­ru­ary 2024. This is an archive page for their “GT” Part­ner messages.

Khiri Travel - khiri.comKhiri Travel is a sus­tain­able, product-driv­en Des­tin­a­tion Man­age­ment Com­pany (DMC) in Asia. Our focus is on deliv­er­ing cre­at­ive and per­son­al­ised itin­er­ar­ies with the highest stand­ard of ser­vice to dis­cern­ing tour oper­at­ors world­wide. Our goal is to ensure that our travel pro­grams, regard­less of travel style and budget, provide unfor­get­table, high-qual­ity exper­i­ences. Addi­tion­ally, we aim to con­trib­ute pos­it­ively to the com­munit­ies and des­tin­a­tions we travel to while ensur­ing the con­ser­va­tion of envir­on­ment­al and cul­tur­al heritages.

Khiri Reach - khirireach.orgKhiri Reach serves as the inde­pend­ent char­ity arm of Khiri Travel. We oper­ate as a social plat­form upon which indi­vidu­als and loc­al grass­roots organ­isa­tions can col­lab­or­ate to cre­ate pos­it­ive change across Thai­l­and, Laos, Viet­nam, Myan­mar, Sri Lanka, Indone­sia, and Cambodia.

Khiri Travel unveils new sensory and colonial heritage tours in Southeast Asia

New Sensory and Colonial Heritage Tours Unveiled in Southeast Asia by Khiri Travel

Khiri Travel has launched two major series of tour products ahead of ITB Ber­lin. The first is Asi­an city day tours that indulge all five senses. The second is a series of multi-day travel exper­i­ences where guests vis­it or stay in charm­ing colo­ni­al man­sions and hotels from the era of 19th cen­tury European explorers in Asia. […]

Read More Khiri Travel unveils new sensory and colonial heritage tours in Southeast Asia

Khiri Travel joins The Long Run

Khiri Travel has joined The Long Run, a global community of purpose-driven tourism businesses which aims to implement positive change around the world through regenerative travel and leading by example

Khiri Travel has joined The Long Run, a glob­al com­munity of pur­­pose-driv­en tour­ism busi­nesses which aims to imple­ment pos­it­ive change around the world. Fast-grow­ing glob­al net­work The Long Run is a fast-grow­ing glob­al net­work that believes in regen­er­at­ive travel, and in lead­ing by example to make tour­ism a force for good around the world With 73 mem­bers — mostly […]

Read More Khiri Travel joins The Long Run

Villagers, tour operators collaborate on new community-based Soum-son Trail in Laos

Villagers, tour operators collaborate on new community-based Soum-son Trail in Laos

The organ­isers of a new com­munity-based trekking route in remote north­ern Laos believe that the inclu­sion and train­ing of vil­la­gers in three moun­tain ham­lets is a pos­it­ive example of respons­ible travel. Their hope is that the com­munity-based tour­ism activ­ity will enhance the qual­ity of life for the vil­la­gers. Women pion­eers On Feb­ru­ary 16, six Australian […]

Read More Villagers, tour operators collaborate on new community-based Soum-son Trail in Laos

Khiri Travel Philippines to offer ‘authentic’, ‘immersive’, ‘responsible’ experiences

Khiri Travel Opens in The Philippines Khiri Travel to offer ‘authentic’, ‘immersive’, ‘responsible’ Philippines experiences

Khiri Travel has added the Phil­ip­pines to its des­tin­a­tions with the acquis­i­tion of Travel Authen­t­ic Phil­ip­pines (TAP). The Phil­ip­pines becomes Khiri Travel’s ninth Asi­an des­tin­a­tion, join­ing Thai­l­and, Indone­sia, Cam­bod­ia, Viet­nam, Laos, Sri Lanka, The Mal­dives, and Myan­mar. TAP Coun­try Man­ager, Paul­ette Viacru­cis, will retain her role with Khiri Travel Phil­ip­pines. She will be sup­por­ted by […]

Read More Khiri Travel Philippines to offer ‘authentic’, ‘immersive’, ‘responsible’ experiences

Khiri Reach commits to One Million Trees reforestation project in Cambodia

Khiri Reach, the 16-year old charitable arm of Khiri Travel, has joined Wildlife Alliance’s ambitious long-term One Million Trees initiative to reforest illegally cleared land in Cambodia’s Cardamom Mountains.

Khiri Reach, the 16-year old char­it­able arm of Khiri Travel, has joined Wild­life Alliance’s ambi­tious long-term One Mil­lion Trees ini­ti­at­ive to refor­est illeg­ally cleared land in Cambodia’s Car­damom Moun­tains. Khiri Reach has donated US$15,000 to the One Mil­lion Trees refor­est­a­tion pro­ject in the Koh Kong and Sihan­ouk­ville provinces of Cam­bod­ia. The char­ity has pledged to […]

Read More Khiri Reach commits to One Million Trees reforestation project in Cambodia

Khiri Travel Sri Lanka reaps rewards for designing sustainable experiences

Khiri Travel Sri Lanka team explore Sri Lanka while creating sustainable travel experiences

With Sri Lanka open­ing its bor­ders for inter­na­tion­al tour­ists much earli­er than many oth­er Asi­an coun­tries, arrival num­bers have slowly star­ted pick­ing up since August 2021. Espe­cially since quar­ant­ine require­ments lif­ted for fully vac­cin­ated tour­ists from Octo­ber, demand has kept increas­ing.  Khiri Travel Sri Lanka anti­cip­ated increas­ing demand for more sus­tain­able and off-the-beaten-track exper­i­ences and […]

Read More Khiri Travel Sri Lanka reaps rewards for designing sustainable experiences