“Good Tourism” Insights

Dancers, singers, and drummers from a local women’s cooperative welcome visitors to the Red Rocks Cultural Center in Nyakinama village, Rwanda. Pic by David Gillbanks.

Dan­cers, sing­ers, and drum­mers from a loc­al women’s cooper­at­ive wel­come vis­it­ors to the Red Rocks Cul­tur­al Cen­ter in Nyak­i­n­ama vil­lage, Rwanda. Pic by Dav­id Gillbanks.

“Good Tour­ism” Insights are ori­gin­al posts by aca­dem­ics, experts, and prac­ti­tion­ers who are keen to share their sus­tain­able tour­ism and respons­ible tour­ism insights, expert­ise, and exper­i­ences, in plain Eng­lish, for the bene­fit of all travel & tour­ism stakeholders.

Each “GT” Insight rep­res­ents the opin­ion of its author, NOT neces­sar­ily the opin­ion of The “Good Tour­ism” Blog, its Part­ners, or its pub­lish­er. The “Good Tour­ism” Blog neither pays nor is paid for any “GT” Insight. 

Any­one with an informed and sin­cerely-held opin­ion about travel & tour­ism is wel­come to sub­mit a “GT” Insight for pub­lic­a­tion. The “GT” Insight guidelines are very simple.

Pablo Torres on revenue, volume, value, and the keys to success in tourism

January 11, 2024

Pablo Torres. "Learn. Travel. Dare!"

Can travel & tour­ism des­tin­a­tions learn some­thing from rev­en­ue man­agers about max­im­ising value out of any giv­en volume? Pablo Torres par­ti­cip­ated in a Tourism’s Hori­zon Inter­view. For this “Good Tour­ism” Insight, the inter­view­er Saverio Francesco Ber­to­lu­cci sum­mar­ises the high­lights. [The full tran­scripts of the Tourism’s Hori­zon Inter­views are avail­able on Substack.] Who is Pablo Torres? Pablo Torres is a […]

Read More Pablo Torres on revenue, volume, value, and the keys to success in tourism

Oh, Canada: Reconciliation via Indigenous storytelling, dignity, and ‘dark tourism’

and January 8, 2024
One Comment

Can 'dark tourism' help Canada reconcile its past and present? Photo by Taylor Burke: Cedar Lake Ranch, Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada (ITAC) Manitoba.

Can tour­ism — ‘dark tour­ism’ — and the storytelling that it facil­it­ates help Canada and Cana­dians recon­cile their past and look for­ward to a bright­er, more united future? Kel­ley A McClinchey and Frédéric Dimanche explore these themes in this “Good Tour­ism” Insight. [You too can write a “GT” Insight.] A rev­el­a­tion of truth For more than 150 years, Canada’s Indigenous […]

Read More Oh, Canada: Reconciliation via Indigenous storytelling, dignity, and ‘dark tourism’

What are tourism’s biggest challenges & threats over the next five years to 2028?

December 19, 2023

What are tourism’s biggest challenges & threats over the next five years to 2028? Cobra image by P Schreiner (CC0) via Pixabay. https://pixabay.com/photos/line-cobra-dangerous-reptile-1974382/

Over the next five years, what is the single biggest chal­lenge or threat facing tour­ism where you work, or that you have iden­ti­fied through your research and study?  And what are the key strategies that your organ­isa­tion, des­tin­a­tion, or the industry at large should employ to over­come it? It’s a “Good Tour­ism” Insight Bites ques­tion. Your cor­res­pond­ent put the […]

Read More What are tourism’s biggest challenges & threats over the next five years to 2028?

Prof Richard Butler on tourism’s challenges and academia’s inadequacies

December 12, 2023

Professor Richard Butler on tourism’s challenges and academia’s inadequacies ... "[Don't] let wishful thinking take precedence over logic"

As most travel & tour­ism stake­hold­ers rush towards an uncer­tain future filled with very real chal­lenges, Richard But­ler wor­ries that aca­demia is los­ing itself down ideo­lo­gic­al alley­ways and crit­ic­al cul-de-sacs. The cre­at­or of But­ler­’s Tour­ism Area Life Cycle (TALC) mod­el thinks it is import­ant for tour­ism research­ers and edu­cat­ors to check in with real­ity. Prof […]

Read More Prof Richard Butler on tourism’s challenges and academia’s inadequacies

Cash, time, or freedom: Travel & tourism is expensive

November 28, 2023

Then as now, tourism is expensive. Photo Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham.

If one can put romantic notions of ‘the good old days’ aside, then one must acknow­ledge that travel was then, and is now, an elit­ist pur­suit for those with the lux­ur­ies of cash, time, and/or free­dom. Tour­ism is expens­ive. Our industry has to change, accord­ing to Duncan M Simpson. But how?

Read More Cash, time, or freedom: Travel & tourism is expensive

Michele Sambaldi on technology, overtourism, sustainability, & connectivity

November 21, 2023

Michele Sambaldi on technology, overtourism, sustainability, & connectivity

Michele Sam­baldi stresses the need to keep one’s prom­ises in order to suc­ceed in hos­pit­al­ity and tour­ism. He also notes the con­tra­dic­tions inher­ent in dis­cus­sions around over­tour­ism, sus­tain­ab­il­ity, infra­struc­ture, and devel­op­ment.  Mr Sam­baldi par­ti­cip­ated in a Tourism’s Hori­zon Inter­view. For this “Good Tour­ism” Insight, the inter­view­er Saverio Francesco Ber­to­lu­cci sum­mar­ises the high­lights. [The full tran­scripts of the Tourism’s […]

Read More Michele Sambaldi on technology, overtourism, sustainability, & connectivity