“Good Tourism” Insight Interviews

A “GT” Insight Inter­view is presen­ted in a simple Q&A format or is a sum­mary of an inter­view whose full tran­script is avail­able. In the spir­it of The “Good Tour­ism” Blog, the inter­view­er ensures that the inter­viewee’s con­sidered answers are faith­fully rep­res­en­ted. ‘Gotcha’ journ­al­ism is not, and nev­er will be, a strategy employed by “GT”.

The keys to managing growth and sustainable tourism governance

and September 20, 2017

Dr Noel Scott was the lead author of the UNWTO special report on managing growth and sustainable tourism governance in Asia and the Pacific.

A spe­cial report on Man­aging Growth and Sus­tain­able Tour­ism Gov­ernance in Asia and the Pacific was launched by the United Nations World Tour­ism Organ­iz­a­tion (UNWTO) at its 22nd Gen­er­al Assembly in Cheng­du, China last week. For this “GT” Insight, Dav­id Gill­banks of The “Good Tour­ism” Blog cor­res­pon­ded with the lead author of the report Dr Noel […]

Read More The keys to managing growth and sustainable tourism governance