“Good Tourism” Destinations & Places in Europe

“GT” des­tin­a­tions in Europe and the United King­dom, their spe­cial places, and the travel & tour­ism stake­hold­ers there who are keen to show­case their good, their bet­ter, and their best.

“Good Tourism” Destination Partnership

For “GT” Des­tin­a­tion Part­ner­ship or sponsored con­tent about your spe­cial place, please click here for more inform­a­tion.

Language skills in tourism: Why the Anglosphere needs to appreciate them

and April 5, 2023

Language skills in tourism Why the Anglosphere needs to value them higher Image by Towfiqu barbhuiya (CC0) via Unsplash. https://unsplash.com/@towfiqu999999

The import­ance of lan­guages is uni­ver­sal.  How­ever, in nat­ive Eng­l­ish-speak­­ing coun­tries such as the United King­dom, lan­guage edu­ca­tion has been neg­lected.  This has implic­a­tions for the inbound travel, tour­ism, and hos­pit­al­ity indus­tries and their work­ers, accord­ing to Kar­en Thomas and Jim Butcher. Dr Thomas was the lead research­er for a study on the top­ic. Drs Thomas […]

Read More Language skills in tourism: Why the Anglosphere needs to appreciate them

‘Where seagulls don’t land anymore’: Are British seaside resorts trending again?

March 7, 2023

British seaside resorts: St Leonard’s-on-Sea

Many Brit­ish sea­side resorts are mak­ing a comeback after dec­ades of sniffy cri­ti­cism led by the media, and des­pite a per­sist­ent nar­rat­ive of decay and decline. Dav­id Jar­ratt shares this “Good Tour­ism” Insight; the second in a series ini­ti­ated by Tourism’s Hori­zon, a “GT” Insight Part­ner.  [You too can write a “GT” Insight.] Tra­di­tion­al Brit­ish sea­side resorts […]

Read More ‘Where seagulls don’t land anymore’: Are British seaside resorts trending again?

‘No man is an island’: Let’s talk tourism and transportation infrastructure

February 28, 2023

Let's talk transport, specifically tourism and transportation infrastructure. Image from the Faroe Islands by Annie Spratt (CC0) via Unsplash. https://unsplash.com/photos/-1978llE0FE

Travel & tour­ism and trans­port­a­tion infra­struc­ture are inex­tric­ably linked. The former is almost wholly depend­ent on the lat­ter.  As stake­hold­ers in travel, tour­ism, leis­ure, and hos­pit­al­ity, do we take for gran­ted how we move from place to place? Saverio Francesco Ber­to­lu­cci shares his thoughts in the first in a series of “Good Tour­ism” Insights ini­ti­ated by […]

Read More ‘No man is an island’: Let’s talk tourism and transportation infrastructure

Belgian B&B implements sustainable circular solutions: A case study

, and August 16, 2022
One Comment

Lighthouse at Nieuwpoort, Belgium. By Wouter Martens (CC0) via Unsplash. Arrows by GDJ (CC0) via Pixabay.

A bed & break­fast in Nieuw­poort, Bel­gi­um has lever­aged the sup­port of a European Uni­on-fun­­ded pro­ject to imple­ment viable ‘cir­cu­lar’ solu­tions. Accord­ing to authors Angelo Sciacca, Lucien von Schomberg, and Eline Brutyn, the B&B’s own­ers have set a good example for oth­er travel & tour­ism entre­pren­eurs to fol­low.  It’s a “Good Tour­ism” Insight. [You too […]

Read More Belgian B&B implements sustainable circular solutions: A case study

How to do tourism responsibly in the Faroe Islands

Faroe Islands sheep by Rav_ (CC0) via Pixabay. https://pixabay.com/photos/foroyar-faroe-islands-sheep-1402519/

Any­one seek­ing new ter­rit­ory to explore, send guests to, or expand into should heed the com­munity’s atti­tudes to vis­it­ors and its expect­a­tions of inbound travel & tour­ism.  As part of his post­gradu­ate stud­ies, Saverio Francesco Ber­to­lu­cci under­took research in the remote Faroe Islands to find out what loc­als think about tour­ists and our industry.  It’s […]

Read More How to do tourism responsibly in the Faroe Islands

War in Ukraine and the real ‘ethical tourism’

March 12, 2022

What does war in Ukraine mean (if anything) for the concept of ethical tourism?

The travel & tour­ism industry can do plenty to sup­port the people of Ukraine in their fight for free­dom, such as lever­age its com­mu­nic­a­tions and pay­ments chan­nels.  That would rep­res­ent a truly ‘eth­ic­al tour­ism’, accord­ing to Jim Butcher. It’s a “Good Tour­ism” Insight. [You too can write a “GT” Insight.] I’ve nev­er been a fan of […]

Read More War in Ukraine and the real ‘ethical tourism’