“Good Tourism” Destinations & Places in Europe

“GT” des­tin­a­tions in Europe and the United King­dom, their spe­cial places, and the travel & tour­ism stake­hold­ers there who are keen to show­case their good, their bet­ter, and their best.

“Good Tourism” Destination Partnership

For “GT” Des­tin­a­tion Part­ner­ship or sponsored con­tent about your spe­cial place, please click here for more inform­a­tion.

Wasn’t me! Defining tourism sub-sector responsibilities for EU ESG reporting

December 20, 2024

Tourism ESG reporting. Prison bars image by Craig Clark (CC0) via Pixabay. https://pixabay.com/vectors/icon-human-rights-2071965/ Jungle path image by Sasin Tipchai (CC0) from Pixabay. https://pixabay.com/photos/jungle-pathway-steps-way-sunlight-1807476/

How can the European Uni­on’s (EU) travel and hos­pit­al­ity sec­tors estab­lish clear respons­ib­il­ity bound­ar­ies while ensur­ing envir­on­ment­al, social, and gov­ernance (ESG) account­ab­il­ity across the entire tour­ism value chain? Robin Boustead shares his first “Good Tour­ism” Insight.  Loom­ing dead­lines, fines, (pris­on?) We are rap­idly approach­ing the end of the first year of data gath­er­ing for companies […]

Read More Wasn’t me! Defining tourism sub-sector responsibilities for EU ESG reporting

For real: Barcelona’s housing crisis caused by anti-hospitality policy, not tourism

November 17, 2024

What caused Barcelona's housing crisis? Tourism? Or anti-tourism policy? El Pórtico de la Lavandera, Park Güell, Barcelona, Spain. Image by LoggaWiggler (CC0) via Pixabay. https://pixabay.com/photos/park-g%C3%BCell-gaud%C3%AD-5238/

Prop­erty man­age­ment pro­fes­sion­al Saverio Francesco Ber­to­lu­cci shares his views on Bar­celon­a’s hous­ing crisis and the anti-tour­ism polit­ics at play in his adop­ted home city.  Pub­lished in col­lab­or­a­tion with Tourism’s Hori­zon: Travel for the Mil­lions, a “Good Tour­ism” Insight Part­ner, it’s Mr Ber­to­lu­c­ci’s sev­enth “GT” Insight. [You too can write a “GT” Insight.] On the anti-tour­ism radar The most […]

Read More For real: Barcelona’s housing crisis caused by anti-hospitality policy, not tourism

The human touch: Why Scotland should keep its visitor information centres open

October 16, 2024

VisitScotland's plan to close its visitor information centres (‘iCentres’) is a catastrophic move, according to Alastair Naughton who pens his fourth “Good Tourism” Insight. Mysterious stone circles by pexels (CC0) via Pixabay. Flag of Scotland by jorono (CC0) via Pixabay. https://pixabay.com/photos/stone-circles-mystery-cult-1853340/ https://pixabay.com/illustrations/international-banner-flag-scotland-2423877/

Vis­itScot­land’s plan to close its vis­it­or inform­a­tion centres (‘iCentres’) misses the mark, accord­ing to Alastair Naughton who pens his fourth “Good Tour­ism” Insight. [You too can write a “GT” Insight.] Vis­itScot­land’s pro­pos­al to close all its iCentres by 2026 is a mis­guided strategy that fails to recog­nise the diverse needs of tour­ists.  While it is true […]

Read More The human touch: Why Scotland should keep its visitor information centres open

The happiness factor: Social tourism is sustainable tourism

August 6, 2024

Social tourism, social good? Image by Guille Pozzi (CC0) via Unsplash. https://unsplash.com/photos/silhouette-photo-of-woman-and-girl-on-shoreline-y1wVavuxZtE

Can ‘social tour­ism’ — char­ity- and/or tax­pay­er-sup­­por­ted hol­i­days — help alle­vi­ate stress in soci­ety and turn the travel & tour­ism industry’s off-sea­son frowns upside down?  Scott McCabe thinks so.  Pro­fess­or McCabe penned this “Good Tour­ism” Insight at the invit­a­tion of Tourism’s Hori­zon: Travel for the Mil­lions, a “GT” Insight Part­ner. Fam­ily hol­i­days: A fine time … Term-time hol­i­day fines were back in […]

Read More The happiness factor: Social tourism is sustainable tourism

Venice ‘bookable’: Italians lose freedom of movement

May 8, 2024
One Comment

Are Venice’s new day-tripper rules and regulations having the desired effect? Or are they unreasonably restricting Italians' freedom of movement? Venice carnival masks image by Leo (CC0) via Pixabay. https://pixabay.com/photos/venice-mask-venice-venice-carnival-4764619/ "GT" added "Halt!"

Are Venice’s new day-trip­per rules hav­ing the desired effect? Or are they unreas­on­ably restrict­ing Itali­ans’ free­dom of move­ment? This is Domin­ic Standish’s second “Good Tour­ism” Insight at the invit­a­tion of Tourism’s Hori­zon, a “GT” Insight Part­ner. [You too can write a “GT” Insight. Your organ­isa­tion can also become a “GT” Part­ner.] Book­ings and fees Since April 25, […]

Read More Venice ‘bookable’: Italians lose freedom of movement

Emil Kukalj on balanced tourism, overtourism, ideology, pragmatism, and possibility

Emil Kukalj on balanced tourism, overtourism, pragmatism, and possibility

Emil Kukalj reck­ons ideo­logy is only use­ful if it is action­able and leads to net pos­it­ive res­ults. Saverio F Ber­to­lu­cci inter­viewed Mr Kukalj for a Tourism’s Hori­zon Inter­view. For this “Good Tour­ism” Insight, Mr Ber­to­lu­cci reflects. [The full tran­script is on Substack.] Who is Emil Kukalj? I was delighted to dis­cuss research and devel­op­ment with an estab­lished figure […]

Read More Emil Kukalj on balanced tourism, overtourism, ideology, pragmatism, and possibility