“Good Tourism” Destinations & Places in Asia

“GT” des­tin­a­tions in Asia, includ­ing the Middle East, their spe­cial places, and the travel & tour­ism stake­hold­ers there who are keen to show­case their good, their bet­ter, and their best.

“Good Tourism” Destination Partnership

For “GT” Des­tin­a­tion Part­ner­ship or sponsored con­tent about your spe­cial place, please click here for more inform­a­tion.

The PR challenge of opening Thailand safely to inbound travel & tourism

March 11, 2021

Smiling eyes of a Bangkok taxi driver. Image by David Gillbanks

The COV­­ID-induced travel & tour­ism depres­sion has hit Thai­l­and hard. Ranked eighth in terms of inter­na­tion­al vis­it­or arrivals in 2019, Thai­l­and is the poorest of the des­tin­a­tions in the top 10. It is no won­der then that an industry-led pub­lic rela­tions cam­paign advoc­at­ing for a safe reopen­ing has emerged: #OpenThai­l­and­Safely. Head­ing up its mes­saging and […]

Read More The PR challenge of opening Thailand safely to inbound travel & tourism

Sustainable tourism’s endless balancing act: Preserving, promoting Ras Al Khaimah

February 16, 2021

Abseiling in Ras Al Khaimah. Source: Ras Al Khaimah Tourism Development Authority

The new year is an oppor­tun­ity to reflect on the val­ues that mat­ter to the travel & tour­ism industry even after the pan­dem­ic ends, accord­ing to Raki Phil­lips of the Ras Al Khaimah Tour­ism Devel­op­ment Author­ity. In this “Good Tour­ism” Insight, Mr Phil­lips explains how the Emir­ate is embed­ding sus­tain­ab­il­ity into everything it does. Let me […]

Read More Sustainable tourism’s endless balancing act: Preserving, promoting Ras Al Khaimah

Vietnam’s ‘little tiger’ meat trade and why travel & tourism should help tackle it

February 9, 2021

May 21, 2019 in Hanoi, Vietnam: Cat in a cage, ready to be sold, killed, and cooked © FOUR PAWS

From the front line of a fight to end Viet­nam’s trade in cats for their meat, veter­in­ari­an Kath­er­ine Polak of FOUR PAWS Inter­na­tion­al explains why the cat meat trade presents a danger to travel & tour­ism, and how industry stake­hold­ers can pledge their sup­port. It’s a “Good Tour­ism” Insight.  Images in this post may cause […]

Read More Vietnam’s ‘little tiger’ meat trade and why travel & tourism should help tackle it

Engaged in green: Crowne Plaza Vientiane, Laos

Crowne Plaza Vientiane, subject of a Sustainable Tourism Laos Showcase by "Good Tourism" Partner We Are Lao.

The first Sus­tain­able Tour­ism Laos Show­case by “GT” Des­tin­a­tion Part­ner WeAre­Lao asks: “How does IHG imple­ment its strict Green Engage glob­al guidelines in Laos?”  “It’s hard work to get to where we want to go,” said Crowne Plaza Vien­tiane Gen­er­al Man­ager Pat­ria Puyat, “but it can be done.” “Sus­tain­ab­il­ity is the right thing to do,” Ms Puyat said. […]

Read More Engaged in green: Crowne Plaza Vientiane, Laos

Host communities are at the core of tomorrow’s sustainable tourism

January 28, 2021

Baan Talae Nok, Andaman Coast, southern Thailand

The post-pan­­dem­ic future of travel & tour­ism will be more com­munity-based than it has been, accord­ing to sus­tain­able tour­ism expert Eva Moss­berg. In this “Good Tour­ism” Insight, Ms Moss­berg points to the vil­lage of Baan Talae Nok in south­ern Thai­l­and for an example of how and why. “Humans are not per­fect decision makers. Not only are […]

Read More Host communities are at the core of tomorrow’s sustainable tourism

How can vocational education contribute to women’s empowerment in hospitality & tourism?

At EGBOK, the students, both men and women, undergo comprehensive classes on women’s empowerment and gender equality, going into various social and gender issues such as marriage, love, relationships, child rearing and financial matters. Image (c) 2017 Chris RJ Anderson Photography. Supplied by ASSET‑H&C.

Every­one work­ing in travel & tour­ism and the hos­pit­al­ity sec­tor should be appro­pri­ately val­ued, paid, and recog­nised. With fresh research in hand, Soph­ie Hart­man, Nguyễn Thị Thu Thảo, and Võ Thị Quế Chi from the Asso­ci­ation of South­east Asi­an Social Enter­prises for Train­ing in Hos­pit­al­ity & Cater­ing (ASSET‑H&C) explain how voca­tion­al edu­ca­tion and train­ing can […]

Read More How can vocational education contribute to women’s empowerment in hospitality & tourism?