“Good Tourism” Destinations & Places in Asia

“GT” des­tin­a­tions in Asia, includ­ing the Middle East, their spe­cial places, and the travel & tour­ism stake­hold­ers there who are keen to show­case their good, their bet­ter, and their best.

“Good Tourism” Destination Partnership

For “GT” Des­tin­a­tion Part­ner­ship or sponsored con­tent about your spe­cial place, please click here for more inform­a­tion.

Gender mainstreaming in tourism & hospitality training. What? Why? How?

Gender mainstreaming in tourism training

What is ‘gender main­stream­ing’? Why is it import­ant? And how can it be applied in tour­ism and hos­pit­al­ity train­ing centres? In the wake of the release of their report on gender main­stream­ing, Nguyễn Thị Thu Thảo, Võ Thị Quế Chi, Marlène Ver­meij, and Del­hi Kal­wan of “GT” Part­ner the Asso­ci­ation of South­east Asi­an Social Enterprises […]

Read More Gender mainstreaming in tourism & hospitality training. What? Why? How?

250+ Thai tourism businesses train on minimum sustainability practices, access European markets

250+ Thai tourism businesses agree to minimum sustainability practices, gain Europe market access

More than 250 Thai tour­ism pro­fes­sion­als joined the dynam­ic “Tourlink Thai Tour­ism Sup­pli­ers Train­ing: Tools towards a Suc­cess­ful and Sus­tain­able Future” in Septem­ber. The train­ing brought togeth­er Thai tour­ism sup­pli­ers and com­munity enter­prises, across sec­tors, to raise their social and envir­on­ment­al per­form­ance while devel­op­ing their capa­city to reach more high-value European tour­ists through busi­ness partnerships. […]

Read More 250+ Thai tourism businesses train on minimum sustainability practices, access European markets

Cardamom Tented Camp wins HICAP Sustainable Hotel Award for Climate Action

Cardamom Tented Camp wins HICAP Sustainable Hotel Award for Climate Action

Car­damom Ten­ted Camp in Cam­bod­ia has won the 2022 Hotel Invest­ment Con­fer­ence Asia Pacific (HICAP) Sus­tain­able Hotel Award for Cli­mate Action. Apart from cli­mate action, there were awards for build­ing preservation/adaptive reuse, pos­it­ive com­munity impact, and sus­tain­able design. The BHN Group, which runs the HICAP event, announced the win­ners on 12 Octo­ber. Sev­en judges, mostly […]

Read More Cardamom Tented Camp wins HICAP Sustainable Hotel Award for Climate Action

How to create a tourism trail: Understanding the benefits and the challenges

Extant roads and paths can, in whole or in part, be include in new tourism trails. Gailingen am Hochrhein, Germany. Photo by David Bayliss (CC0) via Unsplash. https://unsplash.com/photos/btgKjWhg3rs

Ever wondered what goes into cre­at­ing a tour­ism trail?  Who are involved in cre­at­ing a tour­ism trail? Why start a tour­ism trail?  What is a tour­ism trail, any­way?  Answers to these ques­tion and more are offered in a new online short course cre­ated by the Centre for Respons­ible Tour­ism Singa­pore (CRTS). Learn about the chal­lenges of cre­at­ing a […]

Read More How to create a tourism trail: Understanding the benefits and the challenges

Buddhist travel & tourism trails offer post-pandemic potential in Mekong

August 2, 2022

Almsgiving in Luang Prabang, Laos. By Daniel Marchal (CC0) via Unsplash. https://unsplash.com/photos/f2d6hc6gVco

Not­ing that themed travel & tour­ism niches have been a grow­ing trend for at least two dec­ades, vet­er­an pub­lish­er Jaf­fee Yee has iden­ti­fied the poten­tial for the Mekong-region nations of South­east Asia to tap their rich Buddhist her­it­age to attract and dis­perse a large region­al and glob­al mar­ket.  Twenty years ago, to explain why he […]

Read More Buddhist travel & tourism trails offer post-pandemic potential in Mekong

Award-winning Anurak ecotourism experience reopens in southern Thailand

Bamboo rafting is an activity available at Anurak Community Lodge in southern Thailand

Anurak Com­munity Lodge, an award-win­n­ing eco­tour­ism exper­i­ence in south­ern Thai­l­and, has fully reopened fol­low­ing two years of COV­­ID-related uncer­tainty.  The 19-unit nature retreat, which won the PATA Grand Award for Sus­tain­ab­il­ity in 2020, and is Trav­elife Gold cer­ti­fied, offi­cially reopens 1 August with room enhance­ments, a refreshed food and bever­age menu – includ­ing south­ern ‘jungle’ […]

Read More Award-winning Anurak ecotourism experience reopens in southern Thailand